Avatar of Carantathraiel


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Current As a mom, just be there. Often that helps more than you know.
3 mos ago
I haven't been active here in so long I have to re-learn the site. Prepare yourselves, trouble is a-brewin'.
3 yrs ago
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
4 yrs ago
Sunshine all the time makes a desert.
4 yrs ago
You fell in love with my flowers and not my roots. So when autumn came, you didn't know what to do.


Ƒαȼ†ƨ αƅǿu† ⋖ Çαrαn†α†ħrαiεℓ ⋗


...am over 30 years old.
...am a wife and mother.
...draw alot. I am okay at it. Chances are, if you role play with me, you'll get free artwork.
...love Pokemon, Harry Potter, English History, and the Elder Scrolls
...suck balls at math.
...am not great with English.
...swear alot.
...enjoy comedy, historical dramas, and mystery shows.
...dislike referring to roleplays as games. I prefer stories ♥
...have a pet peeve about mermaids with knees. They don't have them. Stop giving them knees!


My partners must be 18 or Older

I prefer to ride under the mature content banner. I enjoy violence, intimacy, trauma, etc.

Casual to low advanced role playing is my general give. If you give shorter posts I will likely shrink mine to match. I give what I get. But one liners make my heart hurt.

I prefer medieval fantasy settings. I am horrible at space role plays and modern bores me.

As far as fandoms go, I enjoy Skyrim / Elder Scrolls, Tudor Dynasty, Throne of Glass, and Conan (though I'm not versed in the lore, I do play).

I don't enjoy writing with OP Mary Sues. Be realistic.

I will almost always jump into an Elder Scrolls related rp. It is my bread and butter. I really enjoy the setting.

Link to my Interest Check

Most Recent Posts

In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli wrinkled his nose. "Yeah, I heard. Or... at least that part." He said, stepping into the room. At this point, he'd take to laying naked in the snow if it would help. As Kire moved to sit on the bed, Ruli made for one of the chairs at her table, getting a strange sense of deja vu as he did. He hissed as he sat down in it, leaning against the back. At once, he regretted coming in here, only because he didn't want to stand up again, and was stranded.

"No, its fine. Tomorrow, the day after, I'm not missing much. Úvano won't fall without me to cook." Ruli looked her over, his blue eyes wandering the length of her arm. "I stupidly thought that was from the dolls." He voiced before his gaze went to her face. "I understand the need to protect your men and get them out, Narda, Ed. But ..." He splayed his hand. "Kire, what the fuck?" He asked in a low breath. "I wasn't in any danger. I certainly wasn't necessary. So ... why?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
He managed to make his way back to the hallway full of bedrooms, opened the door to the room he'd last stayed in and barely managed to make it to the bed before he literally fell into it. And slept.

Ruli wasn't sure for how long he lay there asleep on the bed, but when he woke up, he instantly regretted it. The objecting pull in his aching back making him audibly groan. He went limp, wondering if this would be his fate, and he would simply die here. Until he recalled there was a woman in the manor who literally died fighting her enemy, only brought back to life by the son of her enemy. And that same woman had severely burnt her arm rescuing half a damn unit of her men and women.
In no world would he be shown up by her.

Still, he struggled to get up, gritting his teeth as his back screamed at him. First he sat up, sighed, and looked around the room. Whether or not he could move, he was still stuck here until Kire could take him back. He'd spoken honestly earlier, he really had no issue in waiting, but the question of why still nagged at him.
As if on command, he heard the door to Kire's room close, inviting him out of his thoughts. Inhaling, preparing himself, he got to his feet and swallowed another groan before he shuffled across the floor to the door. Then across the hall. Then to Kire's door.
One hand braced on the frame, he knocked gently, sure she wasn't asleep, but one could never know, considering the amount of energy she'd spent.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli only raised his eyebrows as one cousin assaulted the other, suddenly afraid to move. He'd foolishly assumed her burn had been from the exploding dolls, not her own magic backfiring. Suddenly, much more of what Elva had said made sense. He swallowed, looking from Kire, to Elva, to Narda, and back.
She'd transported twenty, when her limit was ten, and then had crossed into his world and back. Holy Gods. Even he was surprised she wasn't dead.

He looked over to Narda, wondering if she felt as awkward about the exchange as he did, but the giantess seemed half ready to smack Kire herself. The hiss she'd made told him something ... either vulgar or cruel was said. Judging by the looks on Elva's face, the answer was the later.
Ruli remained still, only his eyes darting around the room, before he uncomfortably cleared his throat. "I might go lay down." Give you three time to yell at one another. He rose to his feet, wincing again.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli listened, uneasy at the simliarity between the tower and the gems the Gemini used. He cringed, wrinkled his nose again. The scent of Elva's smoke was oddly comforting though, and Ruli leaned his elbow on the table and propped his head on his fist, listening to them talk. "I get the feeling Daryll and I will have a lot to talk about, interest wise." he muttered. "Didn't you say he'd like Envy?" He glanced to the giantess.

The scent of the food, when delivered, was even better than the smoke. Instead of lulling Ruli into a comforted daze, it roused him, his hunger pulling at his stomach. He did not hesitate in helping himself, devouring the bowl of soup he helped himself to before moving onto the meatballs. "I'm alive." He muttered with a full mouth to Elva. "I like the chainmail, I'll have to look into some should I ever need it again. Amrian steel is already the envy of the city back home. Ysaryn has been strutting about with the blade from Myka like a queen, herself." He grinned, grabbing more meatballs and refilling his water. "The fact that she hasn't stolen the blade Kire gave me is a fuc- oh. A miracle." He censored himself.

Another bowl of soup, another plate of meatballs, and he was inhaling his fourth glass of water when Kire stepped inside. Ruli half coughed on the water, feeling it dribble down his chin, before he managed to set the glass down with what little dignity he had left. "I'd say the same to you, but I'll wait, in case Elva chews your ear off." He commented, gesturing to the food spread out. "I ate most of it, no apologies, but help yourself, you look dead on your feet."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ruli wrinkled his nose at the offer. "You mean you don't just toss people into the snow here?" He asked sarcastically. "Maybe. Does sound like it'll help." He had to admit. Ice had never been a thing they had a large abundance of in Ziad, and now, in Úvano, they had access to it but had thrived so long without they rarely bothered. Envy had always resorted to a poultice of his creation that created a cool feeling on the flesh for such injuries. "We're not used to having ice back home, we used a, uh. Lignocane and comfrey? In a poultice." Now that he wasn't in the thick of the battle, his adrenaline waning, Ruli was beginning to realize he was drained. So much energy spent in such little time. How Ed and his soldiers, Narda included, had been out there for so much longer, and still expected to keep going, was beyond Ruli at the moment.

He rubbed at his face, listening to them answer his question about the monstrous dolls, and spiral into talk about this Red Tower. It seemed likely to him that the Gemini were targeting this tower, if indeed it had ties to Paladins and Kire's power. While he had no idea, the name itself, 'Red Tower', screamed bloodshed, and it would draw all sorts of focus in the blood magic arts that drew the Gemini.

"Mm. Yeah, I could eat, if you're offering." Ruli admitted. "No wine, though, thank you." No need to add a slight inebriated state to his current fatigued one. "Why the name? Red Tower?" He wondered. "Blood magic? Colour of the stone? Bloody history?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Six months since he'd been in actual combat. Six months he sat on his arse cooking meals for petty coin and teaching Gavin the difference between tonics and elixirs. Even the random occasion where he agreed to spar with the ever restless Ysaryn hadn't kept his body prepared for this. Ruli swore as he kicked his leg out and sent a Gemini wretch flying backward that, if he made it back to Úvano, he would spar daily, against Zeke, Ysaryn, even Bolym or the other elves.

He felt a heavy strike against his back, the chainmail protecting him from what would have surely sliced him in two. He fell forward and rolled, splaying on his back to strike upward before he scrambled again to his feet at the first chance he got. His back already ached, but would surely be nothing more than a bruise. As he spotted another doll, Ruli barreled toward it. The Amrians around him noticed the way to bring down the enemy, and followed, charging after other dolls, striking them down with agility.
Agility. Gods, that was all Ruli had here, with the exception of his magic. Though he mentally demanded a few Gemini to 'hold still', to be cut down by an Amrian shortly after, and only used his shadows to reposition himself when he found himself cornered, there wasn't much use here. Plus, he noticed that each time he tried, the Gemini seemed to rush him, like they could scent him in much the same way Kire did.

He never heard Ed's call over the din of battle, the shriek of men, the explosions that made his ears ring. Everything was so loud. He couldn't imagine how Ysaryn and the other elves managed battle, when they could hear a mouse creep across muddy terrain with ease. He just kept himself moving, made himself hard to hit, hard to follow. He wasn't sure if he was following the general direction of the Wyvern military, or if he was just some rogue causing damage. But none of the Amrian's grabbed him to correct him.

Until someone gripped his shoulder and pointed behind Ruli. The made was lucky Ruli was certain there were no enemies behind him, or the Wyvern soldier would have lost his head. Turning, he spotted Ed waving him over, and Ruli retreated, making his way back. "I was hardly expecting this when I woke up the morning." Ruli answered Narda, grinning beneath his helmet.
As Ed explained he'd handle things, and that Elva and Kire would like a report, Ruli only nodded, understanding the order. His last comment made Ruli snort. "She would." He agreed, sighing. With a quick glance over Narda, he jerked his chin. "You're coming with me. I hardly understand military jargon, I think both would hit me if my report consisted of 'I stabbed a bunch'."

Moments later, they emerged into the infirmary, Ruli gestured to the nearest bed. None of them held Kire, and Ruli's stomach twisted, wondering if she'd already portaled back onto the field. "Where are they?" He asked one of the healers that came forward to assist Narda. They informed him that the Mistress was in the Empress's room, where the latter was sleeping, he nodded. "Ah. Would you mind if I went to fetch Elva? Er, your mistress?"

Allowing Narda the privacy he knew most soldiers prefered when being cared for, Ruli found himself back in the hallway where he and Ysaryn had been allowed to sleep. He glanced at the door of what had been his room, remembering the horribly awkward morning last spent there.
He knocked gently, then cracked open the to peer inside.
Kire was asleep in her bed, looking oddly peaceful. Ruli met Elva's gaze and, suddenly remembering he still wore his helmet, removed it. "We're back." he said, tilting his head to request she follow him. Once they were both in the hallway, walked beside her. "Narda returned with me. She didn't look too good. Ed's still alive. I'll let Narda explain what happened, though."

Back inside the infirmary, Ruli set the helmet, his armour, and his weapons down on a vacant chair before sitting himself in one nearby. He leaned back and winced, feeling what would indeed be a nasty bruise already forming. "How long have they been using those things here?" He wondered. "The dolls with the gems?"
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"I've heard your lot are damn hard to kill." He voiced, shouting over his shoulder as he faced the enemy. He studied the explosions, not allowing himself to think of all the ways to ward off fire and explosives. There wasn't enough time to get through every single Wyvern soldier and ward them for protection. Wards and enchantments wouldn't work here.
Frowning, Ruli's eyes traced the movement of the dolls.

"Well." Ruli turned and shouted at Ed again. "Let's rejoin them. What are you doing, just sitting here talking to a foreigner?" He demanded before he dove into the fray.

He knew he wasn't trained like Ed and Kire's men and women. He knew he would likely be targeted, especially if these things could smell the magic in his blood, far more pronounced than the rest of the Wyverns and Armians. Let that be the case, then. Ruli pressed his thumb to the point of the axe he wielded, enough to puncture the skin and draw blood before he began to wave through the monsters.
He went for the gems, swinging the blade of the axe into their chests. The first one turned its ugly eyes to Ruli, and the gem -just missed by the blade of the axe- began to glow. "Mother f-" Ruli said, before he grabbed the thing and vanished.

Back to when he'd unintentionally crossed their lines, surrounding himself and the rearing thing with its own allies. With a hard shove, Ruli released his grip and vanished again, reappearing to where he'd been, bumping into an Amrian soldier as he did. They both stumbled as the thing exploded. Move quicker. Aim better. Ruli demanded of himself, and he went after the next one, decapitating first, then, a half second later, swinging his axe into the gem.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
He held her gaze. Stop it. Ruli's expression said. He didn't mind having the disruption in his increasingly quiet life. It wasn't as if he'd go broke by missing a few meals to cook. The only thing he had to worry about was the wrath of Ysaryn when she realized he'd been returned without her.
That scared him more than the idea of jumping into battle, here.

"Please, yes." He shifted his attention to Elva when she mentioned what he needed to borrow. He hopped off the bed on silent feet, gathering the boots and coat before he followed the mistress of the manner, moving deep within the basement. It was impressive. As he tugged on the boots and laced them tightly, he peered around at the different styles of armour and weapons, each immaculately cleaned and honed. It didn't take Ruli long to pick out what he wanted, a chainmail tunic, steel vambraces and guards, and a helmet. For weapons, he teetered between a shortsword and an axe before he decided to grab both.

In the infirmary, he tucked both weapons in his right hand, and tucked the helmet beneath his right arm. When Kire warned him about returning to where she'd brought him, he frowned, instantly wondering how far from where he'd first arrived the battle would be, but before he could delve too far into the plan to backtrack his way there, Kire offered the solution. He stepped forward and took her hand, bending low. "I made you calm down earlier." He whispered low into her ear. "I'm sorry. Normally I would have waited for permission, but under the circumstances..."

He took the location she offered and straightned. "You'd better rest, because Ysaryn is going to kick your ass when she finds out you only brought me." He warned, and he was gone the moment his helmet was pulled over his head.

The chaos that met his ears was deafening. Ruli could smell blood, smoke, and that awful, tainted scent the Gemini monstrosities were bathed in. He turned in place, trying his best to understand what was happening; in which direction the military moved, the range of the explosions, the mood of the wyvern army. The moment he could guage enough to feel safe to move, he shouted. "Ed? Where is the Wyvern? Ed?" He hollered. A few men pointed. This way. That way. Ruli wove through the units, making his way toward where they pointed, ducking now and then as more explosions sounded. It made him uneasy. Not the explosions themselves, but the shift in the men and women around him. The fear. The anxiety. He debated shouting some encouragement, some rallying cry, but battles had never been his thing. Zeke was the one who had always thrived in war.

"Ed!" Ruli started shouting in elvish. "Ed! She's alive. Ed! Speak up your blond fuck!" He repeated the shouts, pausing only long enough to duck when another explosion erupted nearby, the red gleam of the Gemini gems catching his eye. Bastards. He moved on, cutting through the line and meeting a line of dolls head on. Unintentionally, but he took a few swings at them, decapitating two, maiming three more before he retreated back. "Where is your captain? Where is Ed? Ed! Wyvern cousin, answer me!"

At last, he spotted the man on horse back, the way he snapped his head around when Ruli shouted confirming his identity. Ruli fought his way closer, body turned to keep an eye on the enemy, and keep aware of the arrows flying overhead. "She's alive!" Ruli repeated when he drew near enough. "Long story. But she's at Elva's. What do you need?" He demanded, glancing sideways again to stare down the approaching enemy line.
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Yes." He answered her, touching his brow to hers for a moment. "Keep breathing." He instructed, withdrawing his intrusion into her mind, though he kept still, his hand on her cheek. When she opened her eyes, Ruli straightened, retreating and withdrawing his hand. As Elva explained the how, Ruli nodded, leaning against the best to the right of Kire's. He observed the exchange, the language Elva used to make Kire heel. Kire observed her arm, wincing at it. He said nothing about her addition to her scar collection, despite itching to comment about how burns at least make interesting looking ones.

As Kire recalled pieces of the battle, Ruli reached behind him and hauled himself onto the edge of the bed, his bare feet dangling. His long hair hung loose past the collar of his shirt as he clasped his hands between his knees. When she turned his way to insist she hadn't meant to, he only held up his hand. Then again, when Elva apologized for his eminent stay here. "It's alright." He voiced, offering Kire a small grin, hoping he looked reassuring.
"I had offered to Elva to go back to the field. You took us there, first. Saw the whites of a few Gemini eyes before I brought you to her." Ruli informed Kire. "If it would get you to sit still and reassure you, I will go look for the others. I just," He glanced down at himself. "may need to borrow more than boots, if you accept."
In Wanderers 4 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
New power? He frowned, wondering if she meant being able to yank things through a portal. Six months, and she was still working on that? Ruli swallowed, listening. Elva admitted to being torn about wanting him to go back, and Ruli was tempted to argue to allow him to go. Aside from worrying about Kire, he had nothing to do here, and out there, he could at least try to bring others back.
But, thinking about it, if he yanked Zeke off a battlefield, his foster brother would scalp him. Perhaps it was better to allow the soldiers to keep fighting.

Before he could continue thinking about it, Kire jumped, making the healers shriek. Ruli jumped, himself, dropping the boots and coat as he flinched. Elva flew to her cousin, while Ruli remained where he was, still out of the way, unwilling to make things more difficult. The way Kire was shouting, it sounded as though she wasn't aware of where she was, believed herself to still be in the middle of battle.
"Me?" Ruli asked, mildly alarmed when he was asked to help. Tentatively, he stepped forward, reaching out for Kire, mindful of her burn. "Wait, wait?" He asked, looking up again. "Sedate her? B-" He inhaled, just the mention of bindings making his skin crawl. "Wait, please, just... let me try something." He put his hand on Elva's shoulder, giving her a pleading look as he gently pushed her from over Kire. He took her place, his fingers brushing her cheek as he bent low. Anything but binding her.
"Kire." He whispered, both aloud and through the connection he wormed into her mind. "Kire, breathe. You're safe. You're at Elva's. Breathe. In." Ruli breathed in, coaxing. "And out. See. See where you are. Please, calm down."
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