Ysaryn arched her eyebrow, noting Kire's avoidance, the elf chasing her up the stairs. She was in her combat leathers, the fabric wrapped around her again. Despite Kire's words, Ysaryn could tell she was bothered by the exchange, and likely disappointed in the conclusion they had arrived to. She rolled her eyes when Kire wasn't looking at her, wondering how long until the two of the realized they were wrong. "If you insist." She replied indifferently, strutting into the caves with the empress.
"Come in." Envy invited. Already awakened by Ruli nearly a half hour before, Envy was sitting on his large bed, which had finally been upgraded from the pile of straw and blankets. Envy turned his head when Gavin approached, his hair unbound. Ruli, sitting in one of the strange cushions in the corner, nodded in greeting.
"We're going over the finer details." Ruli informed the lad. His eyes fell on the dagger at his hip, and his expression hardened.
"Your charm?" Envy asked pointedly.
"Come in." Envy invited. Already awakened by Ruli nearly a half hour before, Envy was sitting on his large bed, which had finally been upgraded from the pile of straw and blankets. Envy turned his head when Gavin approached, his hair unbound. Ruli, sitting in one of the strange cushions in the corner, nodded in greeting.
"We're going over the finer details." Ruli informed the lad. His eyes fell on the dagger at his hip, and his expression hardened.
"Your charm?" Envy asked pointedly.