FC: Arseniy Shachin. Color: 6D3030"Godddd- If you could remember half the shit you’ve pulled...."
Basic Information
Name: Aiden Heseltine
Gender Male
Age: 24
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Demisexual
University Degree: Masters in Geography
Magical Abilities
Witch or Warlock: Witch
Schools of Magic: - Abjuration (3):
- Multitude of Wards - From spells to protect against weather, enforcing deals, halting lies should they reach lips, prevent threads the wear time and the cut of knives to enchantments that protect against harm.
- Dulled Ears, Closed Eyes - See under enchantment*
- Necromancy (1):
- Trinket Reading - See under enchantment*
- Enchantment (5):
- Trinket Reading - Throughout its history, an object may be imprinted by a soul and the instance of time leeches in between its atoms, its molecules. Being so little as an emotion to a whole packot of memory, Aiden can bring forth these imprints at his own discretion.
- Mind Manipulation - Aiden knows several spells that can mess with thoughts and memories; destroying, shaping or even imprinting his own onto others. The extent of what he can do depends on how long he has, if there are countermeasures in place, and if the target resists.
- Dulled Ears, Closed Eyes - A spell acting as a perception filter for the mundanes and masking the supernatural in a small area- Unless face to face with something truly undeniable, what a mundane sees or hears about is more likely to be forgotten, brushed off as nonsense or explained away with 'common sense'... or outright unseen. Helpful in an emergency scrap... but unreliable.
Personality:Aiden Heseltine is a pretty solitary guy, not totally by choice but not really against it either. He's always struggled to fit in with those around him even after all these years. His years at uni have helped him with this and he now masks rather convincingly, being able to quip and snap back or act friendly when he needs to, but it's still just a mask, and it's tiring.
Aiden just wants to take life slow, he doesn't get why everyone has to care so much about god-damn near everything- not that he'll say it. But even if he did, he'd probably try and erase your mind, and slip away. He's like that, a slippery kind of dick even if it comes from just wanting to get away from confrontation.
Even with this, he's always curious, about people, about fitting in, but to those that know him- really know him. It's up to them if they think he's a problem, or just plain old pathetic.
History/Bio:"Without memories, we move without the weight of the past ''
A silly old saying and if it were from another family it would probably mean forgiveness. But not to the Heseltines. One family of the coven steeped in tradition, its family tree weathering storms of generations of infighting and in so building a foundation of rules that each new twig in the family would be raised on, to then one day raise their own to the same set of rules. Until now, and we come to Aiden Heseltine.
Being the son of no one of any real significance, It could be said the same lacklustre quality was passed on to Aiden. Having no real aptitude to magic save for some degree of skill in spells pertaining to the mind- That would do little to sway his interest in the mystical arts. No, if it wasn't for his parents dragging him off for training every other day like it was some kind of school then Aiden would have been spending his days in the woods, his eyes in the sky or his hands searching the floor for cool stones or some sick-ass looking sticks.
No, he never really changed much from that small kid in the forest. His days were lost in thought and how he took life as slow as he did, those habits of the wood bled through his skin and made themselves home in his heart to where even in town, even with other people he would act the same; always taking things slow, like he wasn't ever really there in any moment. You could tell at a glance Aiden struggled to fit it, wherever he was.
It wasn't until he turned 18 and left for university that he began to feel like he'd learned to fit in. Far from his family and the town, he could reinvent himself, and act like someone new as if he was trying on new clothes. He could see how it went and reinvent himself further. Friends could be found or made in drones at uni what with his new personality- but it never was meant to be. Aiden could only keep them for a short time. Something would always happen, a bad vibe, a fight or maybe he'd push them away. In the end, they'd leave. Or Aiden would make them. When things were going south, Aiden would strip the minds of everyone he'd been calling a friend- not of their memories of him, just the reason for their drifting apart, and dull their memories of him. They'd still leave, but there would be no animosity. To those so-called friends, Aiden would be a fair-weather friend that they'd stopped talking to for no reason or another.
It was like this for years, meeting new people, spending a few months together until once again, tearing through their psyche before they moved on- but it was enough for Aiden. That's how we come to now, back to Tanner, and whatever it might bring.