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    1. Cardamonelaw 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Apparently the rules of these forums mean nothing. People act like a-holes. Disengagment isn't respected. Privacy is maintained. Harassment is considered fair play. Congrats, cyberbullies. You win..


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Jansen Reynolds

Location: Festival
Mentions @Vongola_Hasayo - Kyuuten, @Rune_Alchemist - Ceri

Suddenly, there was a loud poomf noise . . . followed by a thick blanket of almost fog like white, odorless smoke filling the area in a surprisingly short amount of time. . . . The smoke only lasted seconds and likely could be seen from quite a way away[.]

Still a bit confused over his momentary run-in with the various members of Golem's Hand and as yet unable to figure out where Kyuuten had gotten off to since he'd caught sight of him earlier, Jansen is completely taken by surprise by the loud noise and surge of cloudy expanse further off down the street. Glaring in the direction of the sudden bit of commotion, the young wizard observes yet another diminutive, robed girl at the heart of it, this one apparently fleeing something with both alarming swiftness and a haphazard disregard for what direction she aimed said flight. For a few moments, Jansen considers possibly intervening and seeing what exactly it was this girl was running from and why, but given how well that turned out so far today, he thinks better of it, and simply sidesteps out of the way as the small and oddly somewhat familiar looking hooded figure passes by him.

After another few minutes of fruitlessly wading through the streets and crowds of people in search of his fellow guild-mates, Jansen decides to just abandon the pursuit entirely. In earnest, he didn't really have anything in particular to discuss with Kyuuten anyway. Noticing a booth selling cups of noodle soup and onion rolls across the street from the game with the cardboard cut-outs, Jansen finds himself a seat and commences engaging in some casual people-watching whilst leisurely enjoying a simple meal.
Jansen Reynolds

Location: Festival
Mentions @Vongola_Hasayo - Kyuuten
Interactions: @TheHangedMan - Phoebe, @Shadeflare123 - Kitala, @pkken - Xerath, @King Kindred - Taran, @Rune_Alchemist - Sihu

As both Xerath and the Golem girl seemed to rebuff his assessment of the situation, despite the consensus of the sudden and rather unsettling gathering of other Golem members, Jansen is once again a bit confused, "Okay, my mistake then." Nonetheless, for whatever reason, Xerath did not seem to be giving him murder eyes anymore and whatever unfortunate-ness was brewing between Phoebe and the Golem girl seemed to also have passed.

Simply happy to remove himself from what would now forever be cataloged away in his mind as the day of the dirty donuts and denied dating debacle, Jansen gives the assembled wizards a series of quick courteous nodding gestures, "In any event, congratulations on the anniversary. The festival really seems to be a great success.", before casually stepping away and back out towards the crowds of people, finally letting out a anxious exhale of breath once he was well clear of the group.

Jansen then heads off in the general direction he was fairly sure he had seen Kyuuten playfully launching himself into the air not long ago, but once again finds making actual progress through the crowds of jovial citizens and occasional surges of rambunctious children rather daunting.
@TheHangedMan Still not clear on if Phoebe is recognizable. Some of her background stuff implies no, but in her post you mention many other guild mates seeing her spear people. So... yes, no, maybe?
<Snipped quote by Cardamonelaw>

Jansen is too innocent. He just made everything so much worse

Just so very, very confused. Thought admittedly, it is somewhat my own fault Jansen isn't fluent in silent glare. Knew I should have given him that instead of cooking.

Them powerful reasoning skills: He must want to kill me because he thinks I was trying to hit on his date!
I personally imagine Jansen would probably be on a team with at least one person who tends to do collateral damage with their magic. For obvious reasons.

Jansen Reynolds

Location: Festival Interactions: @TheHangedMan - Phoebe, @Shadeflare123 - Kitala, @pkken - Xerath

"...Thank you."

Jansen's mental high over discovering his cross-dressed effigy had been somewhat dampened by the fact that his decision to pay forward some of his good karma had somehow brought him into inadverant contact with Golem's Hand. But the Golem girl's polite response seemed to alleviate his sudden wariness. At least it did for the moment before the young wizard looked in Xareth's direction.

Xareth gave the, Your life could be in danger look.

Immediately locked in a terrifying state of tunnel vision, Jansen practically blanches, as for reasons beyond his comprehension, he finds himself on the receiving end what he perceives as some sort of death glare?!... from Golem's fire wielding S-Class! Holy crap, why?!

As a somber funeral march began accompanying his thoughts, Jansen's mind raced through a playback of what might be the very last moments of his life, trying to find his misstep. Had the fire wizard heard him scoff at the game earlier? He didn't think so. No, it couldn't be that. He did have a cut-out in the game however, so maybe it was just because he was in Harpy's Wing? No, Golem's Hand wouldn't seriously start a murderous war on their own anniversary. That would just be stupid. It couldn't be a personal vendetta, could it? No, he doubted Xareth even knew his name. So what was it then? All he'd really done, as far as he could recollect, was help the Golem girl with her donuts and she'd seemed somewhat gracious about that. So why the look then? And then suddenly it hit him.

Relatively oblivious to exchange of the women nearby, due to his own apparent pending demise, Jansen swallows the frog in his throat as he tries to recompose himself to a more dignified, if still terribly nervous state, "My apologies. I wasn't trying to... I mean... I didn't intend... I... I shall hinder your rendevous no further...," adding with a gracious smile, "... and if I might say, you do make quite the cute couple."

Turning back towards Kitala, intending to give a polite farewell nod, Jansen finally becomes cognizant of the stand off between the two women.

"Sorry....that you need to act like such a petulant child"

And Jansen is once again completely miffed as to what the heck is going on.
Would Jansen know who Phoebe was once the hood is off or is this a full-on early Mystogan type of thing?
Everybody can start beating each other up now as Jansen bravely runs away.

But for the record, those donuts are probably in better condition then when they were first acquired.

Just saying.
Okay, think I fixed it well enough.
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