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    1. CasLink 4 yrs ago


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Location The Forest ⋗ The Patch
Interactions Zhalia @Benzaiten, Simon @Prosaic, Manon @PatientBean, Scott @Blizz
School of Magic Transmutation & Conjuration
Pronous they/them
Items pouch with sand, pouch with various treats for rats


No one came. The buildung Phalko rested against didn't answer their cry and the neighborhood was silent. The sound and beat of music could faintly be heard drifting through the streets of Shipden Peak. Phalko had troubling tuning into that noise, their blood rushing in their head, their lungs burning and their body numb. The others would arrive in a few minutes and the lead Phalko hoped to give them would be absent. They had to carry on. Center yourself, they reminded themselves from all their practice and closed their eyes. They felt like this before and pushed trough, barely standing, shaking all over and at the end of their strength. Phalko turned their mind to the fresh grass under their hands, felt the cold of night on it with their fingertips and thought of the new life emerging this time of year. They tought of the equinox and the rise of light upon them, of the festivities, of their people and of their family. The picture of the big fire replayed before their inner eye and they knew where to head next.

Phalko stood up gingerly and took a few measured breaths before looking at the wall again. Then they ran. Knowing that every second was precious they slid around the corner of the Covenstead and focused on the dimly lit path infront of them. They were wheezing when they reached the edge of the building after two jumps and tears started to form obstructing Phalkos view. They wiped them away frustrated and tired but determined. Taking another two shorter trips to get to Shipden center the alarm bells going off in their body quietened down a notch. Phalko caught a glipmse of the pavillion of the park through the trees as the music and the chatter of their community became louder. They teleported to the wooden structure and broke into a run not feeling the ground yet subconciously avoiding sticks and moving trough bushes. Almost there, just a little further. Their cardian caught in some branches and they slipped out of it and payed it no mind. They could smell the fire now and they used it as their center again, picturing it more clearly. They spotted the back of the tents and bits of orange and red, unfocused, always moving and being blocked out by the people around it. When it all came more into focus and Phalko could make out the rough shape of Lina Calvo on the side of the fire pit, they pulled from that magical force within them to make it to her, reshaping the world and their place within it to that intent. Standing next to the covenhead they got out the words: "Help, monster in the forest." Their vision was going dark as they finally felt their feet again when warmth crept back into them. Phalko felt impossibly weak but safer, they made it. The warmth turned into sharp pain and like swatting away an annoying fly, they stepped away from the edge of the fire and slumped to the ground.

Location The Forest
Interactions Zhalia @Benzaiten, Simon @Prosaic, Manon @PatientBean, Scott @Blizz
School of Magic Transmutation & Conjuration
Pronous they/them
Items pouch with sand, pouch with various treats for rats

Phalko flinched when the hound threw itself against Stormy's barricade but tried to not react the second time when the shield chipped. Better to not let the monster know it made some damage and that they were outmatched. Running was the only option. But what could they do, and how could Phalko help the others and increase their little group's chance of survival. Time was of the essennce. It clicked in their mind. As Manon and Stormy pointed out, their community needed to be warned. They in turn required shelter and protection. Phaklo mulled it over in their head, trying to guess how far they walked into the forest, to factor in the terrain and their slow pace. They went less than a mile, that they knew, possibly just more than half with the brush, their conversation and Simon's crutches. Only one of those things stood in Phalkos way now. Though straining themselves as extremly as they planned to would bite them in the ass later, they prefered that to the the fangs of the undead monster or worse. "I will run ahead, teleport as far as I can and alert others to us", they let the others know before taking off.

They navigated their way through the trees at high speed, almost on autopilot, aware that Zhalia was right behind. Whenever Phalko tripped over a bramble they caught themselves just fast enough to keep their momentum up. After what felt like ten minutes they noticed some other sounds beside their own breath and running feet. The opressive silence of the forest was broken again by some songbird, they couldn't be far from the wall now. Let's see what I've got in me, they challenged themselves and took their first jump through space. Phalko's body tingled afterwards but they tried to stay oriented. Concentrating on a clear spot roughly 30 feet ahead from them they bend the ground they were standing on closer to it. Goosebumps begun rising on their skin as the earth under them changed again. They ignored the dryness of their mouth, filling their mind with only one goal: Forward. They repeated this many more times, disregarding they body's pleas to slow down, to give it a break, teleporting more and faster than they had before today. As they saw the hole in the wall they smiled through the exhaustion and strained their eyes to make out their destination. Standing at the back of the covenstead they screamed into the night with what felt like their last breath: "Help! Anyone, help us, we're at the hole in the wall, it's coming from the forest!". They believed and hoped that their voice was heard and they slumped to the ground against the wall of the building. Their body felt numb and the air in their lungs painful while they watched the forest and waited for the others to make it out.

Location The Forest
Interactions Zhalia @Benzaiten, Simon @Prosaic, Manon @PatientBean, Scott @Blizz, Hanna [mentioned], McDaniel [mentioned],
School of Magic Transmutation & Conjuration
Pronous they/them
Items pouch with sand, pouch with various treats for rats

They collected most of the celandine at the edge of the forest beneath some bushes. Handing them to Zhalia, Phalko was curious to see how the soup would compare to the one they grew up with. While they tried to put on an adventurous facade, unease crept more and more over Phalko, similar to the fog creeping over the forest floor. Phalko was left with that feeling since the conversations died down the deeper the group walked and the trees swallowed them up. The feeling of late night paranoia and doing something forbidden. "And what did I tell you three", they remember appa berating them and their cousins every Samhain, tell someone where you go, look out for each other, and don't go into the forest, unless you want something to eat you. They remembered all the warnings and the threats to cheeky children, the forest being the boogeyman for all the young witches of Bennington. No one knows we're here now though.

The creature that crawled out from the shadows in front of them looked like it ate people. The black shuck was something they learned about in school. And whereas teens tried to make fun scaring eachother with it, their teachers kept a stern face. Telling them what to do, should they ever have the misfortune to cross paths with it. In the first moment Phalko freezed, caught staring into those cold white eyes. They struggled to drag their eyes further downward on the shuck's body. "I'm with Manon on this. Try to avoid eye contact with it. Cloaking seems wise.", they told the group. Instinctivly their hand moved to the sand pouch on their hip as they stepped behind Stormy and closer to Simon. "I'd offer a sword to fight it, but I doubt that'll help against this specter." They cast a look a Zhalia, who was furthest away from the group and had not spoken since the shuck appeared, her eyes unmoving. "Do you have any better idea than retreat, Zhalia? You know about things like this, about necromancy, right?"

Location The Patch ⋗ The Forest
Interactions Zhalia @Benzaiten, Simon @Prosaic, Manon @PatientBean, Scott @Blizz, Hanna [mentioned], McDaniel [mentioned],
School of Magic Transmutation & Conjuration
Pronous they/them
Items pouch with sand, pouch with various treats for rats

Zhalias invitation was a happy suprise and they accepted it, leaving their plate on a bench by the fire, better to go into the forest in a group. "I haven't been in there in a long time, as kids we used to make a dare out of it", they explained, remembering shrieks of excitment and fright, "I'm Phalko by the way, I don't think I know all of your names." They exchanged introductions along the way what brought them to Shipden Peak. Phalko was glad to talk to Simon and Manon since they've seen them around but never took the chance before. Simon came across charming though a bit of a loner and Manon as confident and Zahlia seemed to be trying to let her guard down. Phalko themselves tried the same, in the last three months they didn't exactly make any new friends, focussing on their work, connecting with family and usually not having a lot of patience for small talk. With this little group it felt like they could fit in. While Zahlia and Manon bonded about their european roots Phalko turned to Simon. "How have you enjoyed the festivities so far, anything I should definetly check out?", they started to strike up a conversation.

When they got to the hole in the wall another person joined them, who Phalko has seen that night once already. " Phalko. You're a teacher, right?", they asked him, "I saw you in the food tent with Hanna and McDaniel. That apple pie was amazing, and the brownie warmed me up quiet well." The chatter of the group died down as they one after the other climbed throught the pathy hole in the wall. Standing in front of the tall dark trees Phalko felt a chill creeping from their neck over their arms. This place didn't change, this is probably a stupid idea they started to doubt. This place kept making an occasional apperance in their dreams and whenever it did they felt guilty when they awoke breathing heavily. "Dangerous indeed. I can still hear my parents scolding me about going in, even though we never went far", they joked, "Gotta admit it is very spooky. I'll collect the celandine, that will hopefully be a bit easier to spot."

Location The Patch
Interactions Scott @Blizz, Hanna @Prisk, McDaniel @Bartimaeus, Zhalia [mentioned], Simon [mentioned], Manon [mentioned]
School of Magic Transmutation & Conjuration
Items pouch with sand, pouch with various treats for rats

"See you later and have a pleasant evening!" Phalko called after their cousin. Their eyes lingered on her they couldn't help worring. No one could help worrying at the moment. Yet Phalko was aware, that the choice they made three months ago, to live on the Coven grounds meant shelter during the growing unease. They tried to shake the feeling off. Just for tonight, please, let tonight feel normal. It was the first Ostara back home and they hoped that Lina's words would like a self-fufilling prophecy, come true. That growing light would join the shadow which was brewing up above them all.

As they walked among the groups of witches they tuned in to their laughter, their conversation, their gossip. Zhalia Ramshorn was still the talk of the evening, and though Phalko was curious about their newest member, they weren't all that interested in stories about a necromancy cult coven. The topic was boring to them with so far no chance of getting better sources than hear-say. They tried to refocus on the festivities, an effort encouraged by the lovely smell of sweet home baked goods. They dipped into the nearest tent and gathered quickly that food was being tasted. Phalko offered the three witches a smile and a nod and greeted them with their names before stepping between Scott and Hanna to load up their plate. First a brownie and then after Hanna raised their eyebrows at them and pointed sweetly with her eyes at the apple pie next to her. Phalko blushed and could of course not say no to her. Then they turned and excused themselves with an "Have a pleasant evening!"

Glad that they made it out of there without being roped into conversation and having to attempt awkward small talk, they made their way over to the fire. Looking at it made them think of the speech again, of their lost job and of returning home, of feeling like a jagged puzzle piece yet being warmly welcomed. The sweetness of the brownie and the tartness of Hanna's apple pie only contributed to that overall feeling. They stood by the fire, their thoughts lost for a moment in the dance of light and dark. They noticed quite late who was sitting nearby. By the time they pondered wether now was a good time to socialise with Zhalia if only to satisfy my curiousity, oh but she's already with someone so I don't want to intrude and be- another person joined the two.
Cas, let me know if the name-font is wrong. I tried to find one that matches the one you use in the character sheet.

Click the 'raw' button in the upper right corner of this post to see the code properly.

edit. Hold on, fixing a mistake.
edit2. Mistake fixed.

Aaaaaa it looks so smooth thank you so much!!

Hi, I'm late to the party but I'm here anyway. Request for the GM and the Co-GMs to espescially check if the abbilities fit the skill-level of the character? I'm a bit unsure about that aspect.

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