Tar turned her head sharply to look at the Human in grey armour and growled softly. They nearly had this rebel leader surrounded; there was no reason to give away prisoners now! She wondered if the earlier fall had taken its toll on their leader’s soft, squishy interior. The rest of this group of fighters still seemed resolute in their support though. It was almost amusing to think how differently this might have gone if it were a Sangheili-only team in this position.
After a moment of reluctance, Tar lowered her pistol from the hostage’s head. She pushed the Human forward, sending her sprawling forward onto the deck. “Run fast.” Tar warned them, looking down as they struggled dizzily back onto their knees and then to their feet. Gaining her bearings quickly, the rebel soldier staggered off towards the last dropships.
Tar quickly surveyed the environment again, then returned her gaze to the rebel Commander. Her arm and legs hurt from where bullets had hit them, but she resisted the urge to examine them with her fingers just yet. Things could still go either way here. Instead, she engulfed her captured pistol in both hands and held it ready.
After a moment of reluctance, Tar lowered her pistol from the hostage’s head. She pushed the Human forward, sending her sprawling forward onto the deck. “Run fast.” Tar warned them, looking down as they struggled dizzily back onto their knees and then to their feet. Gaining her bearings quickly, the rebel soldier staggered off towards the last dropships.
Tar quickly surveyed the environment again, then returned her gaze to the rebel Commander. Her arm and legs hurt from where bullets had hit them, but she resisted the urge to examine them with her fingers just yet. Things could still go either way here. Instead, she engulfed her captured pistol in both hands and held it ready.