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2 yrs ago
Need two more people for our Fantasy + Sci-fi roleplay - we have angry burning trees!
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2 yrs ago
New interest check is live, check it outttt
2 yrs ago
If i could go back now, i wouldn't change a thing
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2 yrs ago
You've got red on you
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3 yrs ago
Its just me, you, a pile of Chinese food and a couple of f**k off spreadsheets.


New roleplay: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the-eye-of-the-needle-where-fantasy-and-sci-fi-collide/ooc

Hey, I'm Catharyn! I joined the Roleplayer Guild on 2nd Feb 2011, then rejoined on the 17th Jan 2014 after Guildfall.

I was active every day until late 2015, accruing (i think) around 7k posts across dozens of roleplays. Then, I started working and had to gradually slow down my RP schedule. In 2017, I officially went on hiatus when other commitments got fully in the way of roleplaying.

This continued until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, when I suddenly realised I had a lot more free time in lockdown! So in mid-2020, I returned to the Guild with a vengeance. I also managed to get The Cradle 1x1 off the ground - a story i've had percolating for almost a decade.

My posting schedule has slowed down a bit now that the world has opened up again. I still love science fiction, fantasy and espionage themes, and generally aim for around 300 words per post.

Most Recent Posts

Welcome to the Guild! I'm always glad when more GMT roleplayers join!
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The Ambassador gurgled within his chest cavity.

“I am a Tindrel representative to Outremer, not Rothian space… João what say you?” Tindrel language was an eclectic mix of gurgles, subvocals and clicks - but this translation sounded to
the senior diplomat like how he imagined an eloquent house parrot might speak.

Most of the Committee had left for other engagements by now, including Lord Hale. He and Souza could approach this however he wanted.

“This is a courtesy call. So far we don’t have any evidence to suggest these ghost ships are more than some isolated incident.”

João barely had time to finish before the Ambassador interrupted.

“Hmmmm. Ok. Thanks for letting us know. I will inform my superiors.”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
They decided to contact the Tindrel representatives first.

The Tindrel embassy on Babylon was among the biggest. But it was also located relatively close to the Tower of Babel. So, they had been among the first to evacuate when the Navigator was reunited with the Cradle beneath the city. The Ambassador and most staff had been relocated under police escort to a row of townhouses on one side of a prestigious planned square called Félicien Place:

The houses were purposefully nostalgic, and the Tindrel were too large for the Human-sized rooms, so they had fallen back on the old ways. Junior staff clung to the ceiling with four of their legs as they worked. The higher up the hierarchy you were, the lower you were to the ground. Specialised equipment was stacked up in corners.

The Ambassador had been writing his report for his superiors on Tind when the request came through. Patching through on a secure line, he saw a row of faces looking at him. Some of the faces were very recognisable, and not all Human. Very curious. His mandibles tapped together instinctively, and he shifted from one set of legs to the other.

“Firm greetings of this day to you all. What is the meaning of this ambush?”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“What of these combine ships - can we link them to Psi-Helios?” Outremer’s interim leader broke his silence and appeared prominently on a large window. Lord High Admiral Hale was a military man with nearly one hundred years of experience, his voice crackled like old parchment, but his grey-blue eyes were still bright.

Group Admiral Zihdren puffed out - this was his moment.

“Their attacks grow in frequency and strength, my lord. The Navy has repelled their advances and tried to board and disable them. Unfortunately they have some sort of self-destruct mechanism. No significant wreckage remains.”

“And we have no other avenues of inquiry?”

Benoit Souza answered. “We have begun to dispatch teams to known inhabited worlds, but the process-”.

“Then there is no time to waste. Summon the Tindrel and Qalian-Vosh ambassadors today - inform them of the threat in broad terms and explain that Outremer and Rothia will be conducting joint exercises around the Psi-Helios system as a precaution. They can either fall in line or be destroyed.

Hale’s eyes focused on Datius Jharn, towering over her in the conference room. “I think it's time to put our new alliance to good use.”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Some of the delegates talked privately among themselves for a few moments. Eventually it was decided to manage the facts themselves rather than let the Rothians find out some other way.

There was a pause, then Benoit Souza spoke quietly again.

“We know Psi-Helios is dangerous already. In fact, it's a powder-keg that's ready to blow. Our assets think the Tindrel and QV have discovered some unique properties of the plant-like organism that now covers most of the planet’s surface. They both want to control the synthesis of whatever it is, or at least stop the other. It is a delicately balanced situation which we feel will be best left to…recalibrate naturally.”

João took over. “We need you to promise not to interfere. Outremer cannot be seen to take sides in this conflict. Since this is a joint venture, any intervention made by Rothia which then later involves Outremer will not reflect well on anyone.
Tar wrenched off her breastplate and perched on a large crate to receive medical attention. A diminutive male in physician's garb leaned in to inspect the cauterised puncture marks on her chest.

"Internal bleeding is common with sword wounds, but fortunately yours are only shallow. Do you feel any weakness, numbness or tingling?"

"I feel well." Tar growled. The adrenaline of their fight for the cannon had worn off in the hours afterwards, and a dull ache had settled in. Her head was full of images of the Hunter Killer's snarling jaw and the sword searing through her armour.

"Any changes to your hearing or vision? Any pain in your head?" The physician asked, carefully anointing the cauterised divots with bio foam.

"Only from your incessant talking - bandage me up now. I need to prepare for the assault." Tar was looking past the doctor, searching for someone.

"Armourer!" She called out, raising one hand. A white-clad giant turned off to one side, looked at Tar then mentioned for his apprentice to run over.

Tar noticed the youth when he stopped reverently before her. "Take my breastplate - see if you can patch the holes." She pointed towards her discarded armour on the floor.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“We should wait until we can substantiate this lead before committing any military resources to such a distant location.” Benoit Souza spoke up. He’d been promoted from domestic intelligence to Naval Intelligence director by the new administration. You named Plenipotentiary Wallace as the source but, where is she?”

A few more faces had joined the meeting since they’d started, but none of them were the silver haired senior diplomat.

“Hear, hear!.” João Sequeira boomed. Previously Under-Secretary of the Diplomatic Corps on Outremer, he had also been kept around after his failed bid to succeed President.

“The position itself is obsolete, yet we still have them. Why? We cannot get rid of them, and believe me I tried. They are too powerful! Whatever Wallace has claimed must be properly scrutinised; she could be tricking us into advancing her interests.”

“Quite right.” Souza purred. The agency director was much softer-spoken than the former diplomat, but carried a certain calculating gravitas.

“Even if this lead turns out to be worth pursuing, we can’t just show up with a battle group. For those of you that weren’t in the original briefing, let me explain why.”

Souza shared a 3D hologram of a planetary system with the group. Three planets orbiting around two suns. Souza zoomed in on the smallest of the three planets - it was lush and green, with very little visible water and small spots of desert.

“This is Psi-Helios. 27 years ago the system was surveyed and a previously uncontacted civilisation found. The Tindrel and Qalian-Vosh both claimed the system as part of their ecumene. To avoid all-out war, elements from Earth petitioned the galactic community to declare this new civilisation part of the Control program. This means the system was given demilitarised status and peacekeepers deployed.”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The atmosphere was…tense, to say the least, as the teams once again moved their whole lives to a new base. Drones did all the hard work, so Freyr spent most of her time rallying support from her senior colleagues.

They all knew now that she had broken their curfew to go to a party. Their loyalty to their boss had prevented them from voicing concerns publicly, but they made it clear that it hadn’t reflected well on her or them.

Even though Freyr protested in the strongest possible terms that it was a data-gathering exercise with a senior diplomat, without evidence they couldn’t comment on it either way.

A group of military transports took them the short distance between the Faultless Spear and the Barbarossa. When they arrived, the ship was a hive of activity - Captain Andersen was busy with another matter, so they were shown back to their lab. While they were setting up and recalibrating their specialist equipment, two doctors came and introduced themselves to Freyr.

“Dr Lang, would you like to follow us for your psychological assessment?” One of them asked politely. After some hesitation, Freyr nodded and followed them out of the lab again.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“It will be done.” The grey-suited representative nodded. He then turned to Freyr, speaking out loud.

“I have marked the location of your transportation on the network. We are wheels up in thirty.”

“But why such a rush?” Freyr asked quietly, but to no avail - the hologram blinked out of existence. She turned back to the mass of people.

News of a miniature vault had struck the science teams like a lightning rod. What had begun as an insistent murmuring had grown in volume until colleagues had to shout to be heard. Some had given up entirely and were just messaging each other via implant, sharing looks with each other.

Once again, Freyr knew a meeting she had called to restore peace was now well and truly out of her control. For a moment, a white hot anger bubbled to the surface; her mouth and fists clenched. Then she sighed, and raised her voice to be heard.

“Everyone pack up your gear - lets go and find out what is happening together!”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“My apologies. It is not your responsibility to inform the Outreman elements - we assumed you were busy.” The hologram responded sniffily.

“Rareth’Jharn.” Another disembodied voice prompted the Datius. Her physical body was present in another virtual meeting with some of Outremer’s naval high command. One of the faces on the screen was Group Admiral Zihdren, a shrewd hawk of a man and close associate of Group Admiral Hale, current leader of the interim administration.

“Next item - our scanners in the Gulgar system on the Levantine Rim are picking up similar signatures to the machines which attacked you last week. We’re sending a carrier strike group to meet them and would give you the opportunity to present a united front. That system supports approach vectors for both Rothian & Human worlds.”

Both Rothian & Outreman officials had been preoccupied over the last couple of weeks with a matter of dire importance and utmost secrecy to most of society. Huge automated ‘combine’ ships had been showing up from the dark void between galaxies and making their way quickly towards various Rothian worlds and Outremer. Powerful yet unco-ordinated, these craft looked cobbled together and totally unfit for biological life forms of any description.
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