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2 yrs ago
Need two more people for our Fantasy + Sci-fi roleplay - we have angry burning trees!
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2 yrs ago
New interest check is live, check it outttt
2 yrs ago
If i could go back now, i wouldn't change a thing
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2 yrs ago
You've got red on you
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3 yrs ago
Its just me, you, a pile of Chinese food and a couple of f**k off spreadsheets.


New roleplay: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/189457-the-eye-of-the-needle-where-fantasy-and-sci-fi-collide/ooc

Hey, I'm Catharyn! I joined the Roleplayer Guild on 2nd Feb 2011, then rejoined on the 17th Jan 2014 after Guildfall.

I was active every day until late 2015, accruing (i think) around 7k posts across dozens of roleplays. Then, I started working and had to gradually slow down my RP schedule. In 2017, I officially went on hiatus when other commitments got fully in the way of roleplaying.

This continued until the COVID-19 pandemic hit, when I suddenly realised I had a lot more free time in lockdown! So in mid-2020, I returned to the Guild with a vengeance. I also managed to get The Cradle 1x1 off the ground - a story i've had percolating for almost a decade.

My posting schedule has slowed down a bit now that the world has opened up again. I still love science fiction, fantasy and espionage themes, and generally aim for around 300 words per post.

Most Recent Posts

In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The channel was flooded with bloodthirsty cheering from the Tindrel camp as blinding explosions erupted from the two disabled battleships. They had waged war like this on their planet and in space ever since they reached it, so it must be nice to validate its continued effectiveness.

The planetoid ship came under fire from several directions. Its large shield generators absorbed most of the hits, though one torpedo found a gap in the front as energy was directed towards the more vulnerable spindle off the back. It burst through and crashed into the side of the rocky face, tearing a small slab off into space.

Barely slowing down, the Tindrel capital ship narrowly missed a cluster of hefty asteroids and sheared off and away from the engagement. It would turn in a wide circle for another ramming run if possible. Point defence lasers on its stern fended off numerous munitions as it left.
In Hello 2 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Guild!
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“You could run and get me some more coffee?” Freyr smiled sweetly, before continuing.

“Joking aside, if we can find something concrete here, we’ll be in a much stronger position to scan other populated worlds. Dr Hou was working on a theory that Human DNA contained clues about another location, because he…well.”

“Ma’am, topography is ready.”

One relic of Earth’s dominion over the Diaspora was Outremer’s planet classification framework. All of their software still compared the new planet being scanned with the cradle of Humanity, rather than the world all of the Human scientists present were more familiar with.

Psi Helios was 12% smaller than Earth, and had a broadly similar evolutionary journey too. Larger planets like the gas giant stopped it from growing too fast and being pulled towards the red giant star, rendering it uninhabitable. It had a circular orbit and a stable axis, with a tilt of 17.9 degrees. There was a higher degree of tectonic activity, and about 20% less water, but still enough to make this planet an attractive place for organics to develop.

This was evidenced by the tangled mangrove-esque root system covering 75% of the planet’s surface and rising miles towards the sky.

“They sure pick good places to hide.” Freyr breathed, putting her AR glasses on as data began flooding the lab.

“Ramming speed! All units, close for battle! Tindrel elements, prepare to disengage!” The Tindrel commander of their planetoid ship shrieked over battle group comms.

The group’s capital craft was now moving frighteningly fast towards the middle of the three battleships and a cluster of smaller craft coalescing to face the threat. It became obvious a few seconds beforehand that it wasn’t going to stop, and planned to smash straight into the fray. If it looked like they might miss, they had the option to enact a small warp jump to adjust course at the last moment.

At the same time, Tindrel cruisers and destroyers were unlatching from the double helix structure protruding from the back of the planetoid and fanning out to begin fighting. The biggest hitters would time their disconnection until they were right among the enemy, so they could attempt a devastating broadside. Outreman vessels had to make emergency adjustments to their attack run to avoid a catastrophic pile up, meaning they lost speed and their tight helical formation.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
With the gauntlet well and truly laid down, the newly formed battle groups set off in different directions.

The Tindrel planetoid capital ship quickly began charging toward the asteroid belt where their objective was located. Instead of using FTL to jump straight into the battle, it used powerful sub-light drives to gradually build up unstoppable momentum. A helical formation of Human, Rothian and QV ships orbited around it.

The enemy fleet currently besieging the densely packed asteroid belt and factory complex quickly picked up on the incoming hostiles. There were many more individual enemy ships than the joint battle group, but they were spread out across a large area. Closest to their approach were three battleships and a carrier. The battleships launched dozens of plasma torpedoes with bright blue trails. The carrier turned to face the aggressors and fired its primary energy projector, sending a long stream of plasma through space to burn through any ship it touched.

The QV supercarrier adopted an entirely different approach. Its target was surrounding an enormous ring-like installation, the surroundings of which were relatively open. The QV battle group jumped to maximum firing range as a stationary mass of weaponry, then unleashed a barrage of energy projections and plasma torpedoes before the enemy fleet had a chance to bring their own guns to bear.

The gas giant was obviously of strategic value to the invaders. In addition to glassing settlements on its largest moon, they were deploying dozens of orbital rail cannons around the other three moons. They all opened fire the minute the Rothian battle group appeared in range.

The central grouping of enemy forces was staggering. A dozen troop landers were supported by two dozen cruisers and even more smaller ships. The centrepiece was a vast circular command ship, which began launching drone bombers by the dozen.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Upon getting their orders, the Tindrel and Qalian-Vosh immediately started complaining.

"This objective is not worthy of the might our fleet brings to bear."

“You’ll never be able to hold off two fleets at once!”

“That large object could be their central command node. Destroying that might fold their entire force!”

“We are spread rather thin, Admiral Matir. Not much margin for error.” Admiral Stentz added, as the Outreman cruisers assumed a helical formation around each of the core ships and support elements.

Aboard the Magnificent Horizon, the science team waited eagerly by their equipment. Freyr stood on a raised platform where she could see almost everything. “Give me topography on Psi-Helios as soon as you can.” She ordered.

“Yes ma’am.”

Dr Lang looked over at Vreta, who usually seemed to be nearby.

“How are you feeling?”
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“Anyone have room for batteries?” Carthage asked, holding up two of the standard size weapon chargers in one hand and looking around.

“I can take some more.” Athena called out. She had been making last minute adjustments to the new chain-feed system for her railgun, to ensure it didn’t interfere when she transitioned between long range and scattershot modes.

Carthage threw the batteries underarm across the room to her partner.

“An army from the depths of Tartarus can’t stop this.” Kjartan growled gleefully, cycling his new heavy rotary plasma repeater. The barrel whirred and fizzed, too fast for the eye to see. He still wore a physical shield in its smallest form on his left arm, so he could easily switch between LMG and his close range weaponry.

“Sacred Band, let's move out.” Thebes eventually barked, magnetically attaching his carbine to the back of his suit.

They clanked out of the equipment room and towards a key junction within the ship, where they could rapidly respond to any boarding action.

The massive Outreman fleet jumped into space on the outskirts of the Psi-Helios system as one coordinated unit. Little bastards up front, big ones in back. They immediately began scanning the area while moving to the rallypoint.

The whole area was scattered with large asteroids which muddied the picture. However, a first sweep suggested that enemy fleets were arranged around one half of the system’s curved perimeter, and their joint exercise fleet had jumped in behind them. The fleet closest to the middle appeared to contain something larger than anything the good guys had brought. A weapons platform or an FOB perhaps?

Forward elements from these enemy fleets were already overpowering a hopelessly outnumbered but incredibly brave peacekeeper contingent. The Barbarossa picked up mayday beacons from a huge floating factory complex which sprawled across another nearby asteroid field. It also detected an evacuation in need of urgent assistance taking place on a ring shaped space station orbiting the last of five planets around the system’s red giant star.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Captain Andersen stood at ease on the bridge of the Barbarossa, both hands clasped behind her back. She surveyed the map table hologram’s limited tactical information about the Psi-Helios system. Their long-range scanners could only pick up so much - they would have to perform an emergency sweep once they pulled out of light speed to assess the true nature of the situation. What they did have were five rough shapes to denote potential enemy fleet positions around the circumference of the solar system.

Also appearing to scan the same map table (although they were really looking at their own) was the hologram of Admiral Stentz of the supercarrier OSC Cataphract. He had overall command of the Outreman fleet, as well as the largest Outreman ship they had brought. It wasn't as new or deadly-per-tonne as the Barbarossa, but it was still a fearsome warship. Also present were captains for the three other capital ships in the Human fleet. They were spread between all five battle groups between them, and would be responsible for controlling all Outreman elements within that composite team.

The last two people that Andersen could see were the Barbarossa’s AI, Nelson, and Lord High Admiral Hale. He was being beamed in with a significant time delay from Outremer as he’d personally expressed an interest in being included. He was one of their civilisation’s most experienced Naval officers, after all.

“Can we jump in all together, then split up once we have more situational awareness?” Andersen asked.

“The exercise brief states that a rapid response is needed to counter all five elements at once, before they can complete their objectives in the system.” Nelson’s small blue avatar offered from his position on the map table.

“Then we assume a helical formation to start, to cover more vectors.” Stentz boomed.

The science vessel was a hive of activity, with people making last minute preparations for the expedition. In one equipment room, the Sacred Band and Void Company were putting on their suits and tooling up with a cacophony of satisfying metal clicks and bangs. The exercise parameters were clear that ship boarding and combat was not off the table, so the teams were getting ready for all eventualities.

Of course, it was unlikely that the exercise planners had anything too disruptive in mind for their vessel. They would know that the ship had an ulterior mission which required most of their attention. The Sacred Band were in actuality preparing for the possibility of being deployed on solid ground.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The QV fleet was initially composed of one enormous, amorphous, slightly translucent floating blob in space. Their ships were essentially heavily armed and armoured versions of their individual mobility suits, with large engines and shields. The component parts could split off and rejoin the mothership at will. Each ship was girded with an elegant superstructure of blackened alloy, in which some of the most critical elements could be protected. When the whole thing was put together, the insides looked like a bafflingly complex and ancient coral reef.

It was always difficult to get a full count of their fleet, but previous intelligence indicated that a mothership contained three large battleships that shared the superstructure's devastating main gun, along with dozens of destroyers and potentially hundreds of fighters.

The Tindrel fleet’s capital ship was built into an actual asteroid. As a species they were keen space-excavators, and used the hollowed out husks of the best specimens as a tour de force of their navy. The remnants of this particular planetoid presented as a giant semi-sphere of craggy rock about 10 miles wide. It was pockmarked with sensory stations and armaments and the Tindrel had painted a scary Tindrel face across it.

Protruding out from the hollow insides was a bright double helix structure which housed the engines, shield generators, hangar bays and almost an entire city of support staff. Docked on this double helix were dozens of frigates and hundreds of fighters.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
“You are not mistaken. Science is what these ones are here for. Right, friend?” Gazes soothed, jumping out of its chair and blobbing over to Vreta where it clung to his back like a large rucksack. Its mobility suit elongated and ran down the length of the Rothian’s tail.

Chitnarit glared at Gazes Fondly over Vreta’s shoulder, pressing up against him on her large and powerful legs. Her salivation must have presented a strong odour, and from so close the glands which secreted powerful pheromones may not have been completely filtered out by the apparatus in the room before reaching Vreta’s nervous system.

“Let's just get this over with.”

The Tindrel and QV science teams joined the combined Human-Rothian Expeditionary Fleet in a neutral corporate system. It was far from Psi-Helios, run by huge multi-species conglomerates that didn’t pay much mind to the crew of their vessels.

The naval executives for each civilisation had agreed to participate in a joint exercise as a pretext for arriving near the Psi-Helios system. The scenario at hand was a fragmented jump from lightspeed from multiple vectors to meet aggression from an unknown adversary. The main Human, Rothian, Tindrel and QV elements would appear outside the system and attempt to link up and form an effective formation as quickly and orderly as possible. Then, they would split into teams and simulate a variety of naval battles on the fringes of the system.

While this was happening, a variety of civilian craft would complete tasks among the various non-native structures in the system, to simulate evacuation and data destruction etc. It was at this point that the science vessel would scan the Psi-Helios system. The Earther peacekeeping force had been notified, but what they may or may not do upon commencement of these exercises was yet to be seen.

After a day or so of confirming that all parties were ready to begin, the Rothian in charge of the overall exercise would give the green light to begin.
In The Cradle 2 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
For a moment, it looked like Chitnarit may have put her expansive mouth totally around Vreta’s head when he turned away. But she contented herself with loudly gnashing her fangs while he was speaking instead. She then chimed in immediately after he’d finished, talking over several scientists who studied the holo closely and had questions.

“Perhaps we should scan the filthy space casino these ones have towed into orbit. Everyone knows it is a front for some scanning equipment of their own. Maybe a command centre?” She pointed a crudely formed hand at Gazes, who violently ejected Freyr’s reconstructed coffee mug out of its mobility suit. It flew fast towards Chitnarit, through Vreta.

“What about the Tindrel slave mills hidden among the asteroid belt? They have already found something, hidden away, haven’t you?” Gazes Fondly sloshed about in its swivel chair like a bucket of chum.
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