The inspection took an age, even if the Human did appear to be hurrying. Light waited with bated breath for them to turn a scanner on Senjen and ask to see a memory drive audit. But no such request came. Eventually the woman gave a thumbs up to the Tekeri, who motioned for the Tindrel and the automated loader arms they controlled to start grabbing the cargo. They raced forward enthusiastically, as if wagering who could move the most boxes.
The Tekeri motioned for both Light and Senjen to join them outside the cargo bay, then handed them both a small rectangular card.
“These are your physical access keys. It lets you back into this bay, and other Level 2 unlocked areas. Many people visiting Korit also choose to use it as their currency card. We use the Veruhn here - the exchange rate against the Galactic Credit is currently very good, owing to the current…climate.”
The Tekeri stole a glance to the left now, up the side of the bay towards the front of Light’s ship and then round to the right where the exit was. A few people in mismatching environment suits were waiting and watching from a safe distance.
They looked back again. “I’ve registered all your goods on the Exchange. For a further fee, I can broker for you, get the best price? I know Mokhtar would be very interested in these enzyme tanks.” A flicker of greed registered in the Tekeri’s beady eyes.
“Hey, move back! Wait until we finish unloading! Don’t make me check your access level!” The Human commanded on open comms, taking a few paces towards the ragged group of different species who had wandered a little closer. They skittered back somewhat.
“I can also help you get whatever you need to buy. Perhaps some more gel for you, sir?” He directed his gaze at Light, who shook his body by way of polite disagreement then looked back at the Tindrel loading boxes onto a cargo conveyor. The Tekeri turned his attention to Senjen, ignoring the commotion off to their left entirely. “The Utaysi are customisable, right? How about some upgrades? I’m sure I can find you the best pieces. What do you say?”
The Tekeri motioned for both Light and Senjen to join them outside the cargo bay, then handed them both a small rectangular card.
“These are your physical access keys. It lets you back into this bay, and other Level 2 unlocked areas. Many people visiting Korit also choose to use it as their currency card. We use the Veruhn here - the exchange rate against the Galactic Credit is currently very good, owing to the current…climate.”
The Tekeri stole a glance to the left now, up the side of the bay towards the front of Light’s ship and then round to the right where the exit was. A few people in mismatching environment suits were waiting and watching from a safe distance.
They looked back again. “I’ve registered all your goods on the Exchange. For a further fee, I can broker for you, get the best price? I know Mokhtar would be very interested in these enzyme tanks.” A flicker of greed registered in the Tekeri’s beady eyes.
“Hey, move back! Wait until we finish unloading! Don’t make me check your access level!” The Human commanded on open comms, taking a few paces towards the ragged group of different species who had wandered a little closer. They skittered back somewhat.
“I can also help you get whatever you need to buy. Perhaps some more gel for you, sir?” He directed his gaze at Light, who shook his body by way of polite disagreement then looked back at the Tindrel loading boxes onto a cargo conveyor. The Tekeri turned his attention to Senjen, ignoring the commotion off to their left entirely. “The Utaysi are customisable, right? How about some upgrades? I’m sure I can find you the best pieces. What do you say?”