Light examined the statue and his suit provided a helpful summary from the station’s internet.
“They…saved a bunch of people in this segment during an explosive decompression a century back. Apparently some fault with a power grid opened a hole in the hull and that Tekeri flew their ship into the gap. Its shield stopped the decompression long enough for them to patch the hole up…sounds foolish to me. They could’ve done a lot more harm than good. Take this left!”
They turned off the wide avenue into a smaller but well appointed thoroughfare with little foot traffic at this time. On it was a Myrmidon showroom, several corporate recruitment offices (mining, biosciences etc) and a couple of fancy restaurants. The sight and smell of them made Light’s stomach cramp. That tube of crustacean paste had barely hit the sides.
“I must eat again, properly, after the drop. Perhaps this…Cantonese restaurant we are going to cooks edible food.” He remarked casually, before wondering why they were dropping this data in such a random location.
“We mustn’t dally too long afterwards; is there anything you need to buy before we set out on the next job?”
Behind them, the black clad droid followed along the high speed line, listening in.
They are not discussing anything of note, unless there is a cipher here I have not detected. It reported back.
You cannot let them pass on whatever the Utaysi is holding without knowing what it is. Get alone with the QV if necessary; they seem to be leading this merry goose chase, perhaps you can throttle the information out of them.
“They…saved a bunch of people in this segment during an explosive decompression a century back. Apparently some fault with a power grid opened a hole in the hull and that Tekeri flew their ship into the gap. Its shield stopped the decompression long enough for them to patch the hole up…sounds foolish to me. They could’ve done a lot more harm than good. Take this left!”
They turned off the wide avenue into a smaller but well appointed thoroughfare with little foot traffic at this time. On it was a Myrmidon showroom, several corporate recruitment offices (mining, biosciences etc) and a couple of fancy restaurants. The sight and smell of them made Light’s stomach cramp. That tube of crustacean paste had barely hit the sides.
“I must eat again, properly, after the drop. Perhaps this…Cantonese restaurant we are going to cooks edible food.” He remarked casually, before wondering why they were dropping this data in such a random location.
“We mustn’t dally too long afterwards; is there anything you need to buy before we set out on the next job?”
Behind them, the black clad droid followed along the high speed line, listening in.
They are not discussing anything of note, unless there is a cipher here I have not detected. It reported back.
You cannot let them pass on whatever the Utaysi is holding without knowing what it is. Get alone with the QV if necessary; they seem to be leading this merry goose chase, perhaps you can throttle the information out of them.