Sunshine... Laughter... Peace... Then, there was darkness followed quickly by a feeling of dampness. There were voices, frantic and afraid, a woman was screaming. What was she screaming? What was happening?
...The feeling of arms and then...Whyspe sat up in her bed with a shriek. Her arms flailing out in front of her to push away an unseen force. It took her a few moments to realize where she was. The apartment she shared with her sister Esyla. In her own bed. She was safe. At that realization the small, fragile girl was able to calm herself with a few deep breaths, a cold sweat having settled itself over her body in her sleep caused her soft white hair to stick to her head and face.
"Christ." She finally spoke to the empty air, a pale hand slipping through her hair in an attempt to pry it away from her face.
"Why does it always have to be that dream that wakes me up in the morning?" The girl wondered aloud to herself before slipping from bed to head into the bathroom.
The wooden paneled flooring on which her feet rested creaked slightly as she moved across the boards to the open bathroom door.
What time is it anyway? Whyspe wondered to herself just as she glanced at the clock on the wall. There was an audible huff when she read the time: 6:15. Esyla would have been gone already, which, while it gave her the bathroom to herself, meant that she would have to rush to school. Being that Whyspe was on the Welcoming Committee, she had to be there before the Opening Ceremony started. With that, she found herself calling out to the automated closet in her room, ordering it to prep her school uniform as she jogged across the room to the bathroom. She almost slipped on the tiles as she skidded into the rather large king-sized bath that she shared with her sister.
Without much thought, the girl threw on the shower, changed out of her pajamas and jumped in. She squealed. The water hadn't heated up yet, but she didn't have time to worry about that, she had to get showered and change. She had to go!
It took her about 20 minutes to get a shower and get dressed. Luckily for her Elysa had made sure she packed her bag with supplies the night before, making it easy for her to simply grab it as she was running out of the door. However, before she was even halfway out of the door, she realized she'd forgotten something. Her credentials bracelet! She needed that to get into the building! With an irritated growl she practically lunged back through the apartment door and into her room where she dug through her nightstand. After a moment or two of search she cried out triumphantly, she'd found it.
And, with that, Whyspe was out the door and starting down the sidewalk towards Avisdale University. It was only a five minute walk, and the Opening Ceremony didn't start till 7:00 a.m. She was safe. She hoped. As she neared the school, she caught sight of Elysa, and with a cheerful smiled called out to her.
"Esyla! Es!" She jogged up the stairs, bumping into a girl who she'd seen before, but wasn't sure of the name of and smiled down at Elysa.
"I'm not late am I? I need to show a group of Freshmen around today." The girl spoke excitedly, shifting from foot to foot as if she was about to start running laps around the school.
In reality though, she was terrified. But, terrified of what exactly, she wasn't sure.