Avatar of Celsius
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  • Posts: 192 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Celsius 9 yrs ago
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Current Googled how to improve internet connection and it won't load. FML.
4 yrs ago
We visit you because we would like to know you better :3
4 yrs ago
Did you know that snipe is a type of bird? BECAUSE I DIDN'T AND IT BLEW MY MIND olivermarshall.net/wp-conte…
4 yrs ago
Gay could mean very happy too, so in a way the water *do* make the frogs gay
4 yrs ago
Advanced is not labeled advanced for nothing XD


Internet connection is kinda wonky atm, so I mostly browse and reply on Mobile, or during slow hours
Sorry if my posting speed plummet to almost nil >.<

Experimental RP with no Backstory nor CS

Most Recent Posts

@TheMushroomLord@Celsius I think I just got a realization.

The sloth only thought of you as prey because yall got paralyzed. If you find another one, you could possibly tame it I think.

Cuz resistance now.

That is a possibility, yes
Given that we don't roll too poorly and get paralyzed despite our new passives XD
<Snipped quote by This Girlie>


Look under actions :P

Wait, I am confused. So the ones with an entry in that action is the ones inactive, or the other way around?

Also, a follow up question If I may. Where do you draw the line between anime and no anime?
Are these kind of art acceptable?

(mostly because I am usually building my CS from a face claim. Weird, I know)
Found the (almost) perfect face claim for Aya btw, probably on hobgoblin evolution level

Artist is KomunHorangi

Still can't find one that fits Ragi though. Is this a sign?
@Dark Light Only Krishna has the option to catch up.

@TheMushroomLord@Celsius Really hungry.

Anyway, Ragi and Aya learned... Paralytic Spores, Paralysis Resistance, and Climbing.

Paralytic Spores: Users are able to release orange spores from their bodies (mainly their trunk) that induce paralysis once inhaled. When users are clothed, spores will not spread into the air that well. Range and potency of this skill will improve with rank.(Active) E-Rank
Paralysis Resistance: Users have an increased chance of resisting effects of paralytic agents; when paralyzed, the duration of its effect will be decreased. (Passive) E-Rank
Tree Climbing: Users are able to scale trees without difficulty and will only be limited by their own strength and stamina. (Passive) E-Rank

I'll edit in the progress report for both Aya and Ragi within an hour.

Are.. Are you telling Ragi and Aya to wear skimpy clothing?
Okay my best and only guess for how Ravi and Aya could potentially escape paralysis early is to eat the sloth and absorb its its abilities. The bestiary lists all three of the abilities as utility, two passives and an active, so a paralysis resistance is probably out of the picture, but there's a good chance the sloths spore cloud was its active ability in which case maybe absorbing that would confer immunity the attacks effect.

That said Aya's way to cautious to just eat a potentially poisonous creature under normal circumstances so unless she sees Ragi do it first or she's really hungry it looks like the sisters are in for bonding and hoping that nothing worse than a sloth comes by.

Speaking of which how hungry are Aya and Ragi after that fight and all they did beforehand? @RC3

In any case, Ragi will absorb all 3 skills once (or if) she get to eat the sloth
A memento to remember it by :3
Well, Aya and Ragi is moving at a slow pace in-universe wise, so I guess spending time bonding with each other while being paralyzed till Saturday is good for me XD
How far are you in the story again? I remember seeing your IC thread being pretty active, and thought the ship has sailed
Hello everybody, how are you doing?
So I want to confirm, are we deciding not to continue this RP?

Last update was that we're meeting back at the inn, and ready to head out
Do we need to do something before GM can move us to the actual dungeon?

@fetzen, I noticed you haven't replied to any of us. Are you still in this? :)
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
Ruby, I am currently running a RP here, and from a couple weeks ago, I find some of my players getting banned. Core players, at that. They were the mood setter for my juvenile RP, and the ban fest on 20 Apr was a huge blow to me.

When I asked the involved players about why they are banned, they said they were just talking about stuff in the status bar.
At first I thought, OK maybe they are problem boys, or maybe they troll the mods too hard. 24 hr of no post should be OK.
But no, 1 of the player got perma-banned, and I need to drop 1 subplot from my RP and scramble to course-correct.

And then today I saw what my player posted in status bar first-hand, and how seemingly arbitrary the banhammer falls.
So I don't know if the admins has some beef with certain players or something, but I don't see why asking about legitimate concerns such as sudden thread deletion (on purpose or otherwise) considered an offense worthy of ban?

I like RPG. They have by far the best layout, and segregation for different writing level is a definitive win for RPG.
But the way this site is run, as some other people has stated before me, I don't feel safe continuing to write here.
featuring Aya @TheMushroomLord || Harvest Sloth

Time passed by pretty slowly when there's nothing going on, you cannot move your body from neck down, and your nose and mouth literally squashed by the weight of your own head. That's what Ragi was feeling when she waited for the paralysis to wear off.. Which didn't really happen, like, at all. What was she thinking, laying there near the yellow fart substance that she knew was causing her inability to move. This, my friend, is a real life example of how pride would eventually kill someone.

Such is the case, that made Ragi really happy when the sloth was finally done snacking on the bugs and sauntered to her side. It was still pretty friendly then, and even helped flipped Ragi so that her face was no longer half-buried in the damp forest floors. A friendly lick to the cheeks was a pretty nice gesture too. A ticklish one, but it was nice. Like if a puppy licked your face kind of nice.

The next thing that happened, however, was the exact opposite of nice. Instead of, like, stopped farting paralytic substance into the air, the sloth actually bit Ragi on her shoulder. It was not bone-crushingly painful per se, but still, quite the dick move to assault a helpless lady! Really, sloth? This is how you treat your friend? Ragi promised to herself to teach the small runt some manners once she regain control of her body.

However, to her surprise, her Goblin instinct had overridden her camaraderie with the sloth. As if it was the most natural thing to do, Ragi moved her neck and positioned her head right over the sloth's neck before biting down as hard as she could. She was surprised, bewildered even. Was this how every single living being in this world act? Abandon friendship for a taste of food?

In any case, now that the bridge was unexpectedly burned, Ragi decided not to relax her bite - unless the sloth let go first.
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