Name: Zaskon
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Rattataki
Affiliation: Bounty Hunters Guild
Background: Zaskon has been a Bounty Hunter since the age of 18 and was originally born on Nal Hutta to a pair of Rattataki pit combatants that often fought as a team against wild beasts that their cruel master, Ochuba the Hutt would set on them for the amusement of himself and his guests. The two Rattataki always won up until the day Zaskon was born. Ochuba was curious to see how the two would fight now that they were distracted with the thoughts of their child and decided to throw a small group of Nexu in the pit with them. Zaskon's mother was already weak from childbirth and as such was not at her top physical condition and Zaskon's father was doing his best to protect himself and his wife and did an admirable job of it. Of the five Nexu that were thrown in the pit only one was left when the two Rattataki finally succumbed to their wounds and the Nexu had to be killed due to it's injuries.
Unknown to Ochuba, before their final battle, Zaskon's parents had guessed what Ochuba's plan was and begged one of his enforcers to watch over their son and to tell him of his parents and his culture and help guide on the path of being a warrior when he was old enough to understand. The enforcer, a female Chiss bounty hunter named Valris was sympathetic to them and agreed to do so. Over the years, Zaskon was taught many valuable skills such as ranged and melee weapon proficiency, proper weapon maintenance, basic and advanced hand-to-hand combat techniques. Valris taught him the Code of the Bounty hunters and taught him to live his life by the code, after Zaskon memorized the code, she told him what Ochuba had done to his parents. Under Valris's guidance, Zaskon became a very skilled pit fighter by the age of 15 and was able to fight and win nearly all of his battles with Valris being forced to intervene only once. Unfortunately, Ochuba learned of Valris's intervention in the pit match and later learned that she had been the one who trained Zaskon. In retaliation, Ochuba threw her in the pit with a small Gundark pack and had her killed in a hail of blaster-fire when the weakened Chiss enforcer managed to defeat the Gundark. As Zaskon watched the woman he had come to think of as a mother die in a hail of blaster fire, something inside of him died. A week later, Zaskon was placed in the pit with a Kaleesh warrior and managed to defeat him in short order. Ochuba ordered his guards to take Zaskon to his cell so he could prepare for the next challenge. Ochuba assumed that after killing Valris, Zaskon would be easier to control.
The Hutt was wrong
As he was led away, Zaskon managed to suddenly break the neck of the first guard and grabbed the second guard's blaster pistol and shot the guard at point blank range before aiming up at Ochuba who was watching him from his favorite spot above the pit and shot him a number of times in the head. Despite Ochuba's thick skin, the blaster bolts killed him and the audience looked down at him in shock as he bolted deeper in Ochuba's fortress. After killing a number of guards, Zaskon raided the armory and grabbed whatever credits he could steal along with Valris's badly damaged armor before escaping the fortress. He was forced to hide in the swamps of Nal Hutta for a number of days before a Weequay Bounty Hunter finally found him. The hunter had a sudden realization as he pointed his blaster rifle as Zaskon: Why not bring him into the Bounty Hunter's guild instead of turning him in for only 5000 credits?
And so the next chapter of Zaskon's life began. After detonating a thermal detonator in the swamp to fake Zaskon's death, the Weequay who went by the name of Nikros took him on as a student and began teaching him more about the guild and that he didn't always have to kill the bounties that he would be sent after. After a number of years of learning from Nikros and eventually becoming a bounty hunter in everything but name, Zaskon was officially recognized as a full fledged bounty hunter and an official member of the guild. As a gift, Nikros helped him "acquire" ((Steal)) a star-ship of his own and he began traveling the stars as a bounty hunter. Zaskon still keeps in close contact with Nikros and on occasion works with him when the situation is more than one hunter can handle. Despite his upbringing, Zaskon believes in the bounty hunter code and does his best to follow it to the letter.
Password and Bio-linked database link
Valris's armor which had been repaired and upgraded. He still wears it to show his respect for her and as a way of remembering all that she did for him. There's still a little carbon scoring on it. It is heavy armor that is red and silver
Renegade Blaster Pistol
DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle that is often strapped to his back
Two Vibro-blades that are strapped to his side next to the pistol holster.
Three concussion grenades
Pair of Stun-cuffs
Net-thrower ((Currently under repair after an incident involving a Kaleesh and a Gand that Zaskon doesn't like to talk about. It's not usable at the moment))
Abilities: Very experienced combatant. Able to understand and speak basic, Chiss and Weequay languages. Able to understand a small amount of Huttese due to his life in the pits and his time on Nal Hutta
Credits: 700 credits at the moment. He just had work done on his armor and had to do maintenance on a number of weapons.