Name: Slazkith
Age: 25
Species: Gorn
Academy Major: Science

Bio: Slazkith was born on the Gorn colony world of Gila IV and due to the fact that he was sickly and half-dead at after hatching from his egg was left to die. However, Orion smugglers came across the near dead infant and after a few moments of thinking of how useful he might be when he was full grown, grabbed Slazkith and beamed up to their ship and attempted to treat the majority of his health problems. After a few months of living aboard the Orion vessel, Slazkith managed to overcome some of his health problems but it quickly became apparent that he most likely wouldn't be as large and strong as a normal, healthy Gorn. It was decided the child was to die.
Slazkith was in the medical bay when the order came but as a child he didn't know what was happening. He did however know that something was wrong when the ship suddenly began shaking and red lights began to flash. The smugglers had come across a Klingon battle cruiser named the
IKS Tra'vitv. After a fierce battle, the Orions surrendered and Klingon warriors began to board the vessel. A
Bekk found the infant and looking into the infant's eyes and apparently liking what he saw, took the child and requested permission to send him to his family who resided on Pheben III. After getting approval from both his commanding officer and alerting his family, the
Bekk was able to find transport to Pheben III and dropped the infant off with his family.
What followed were some of the best years of Slazkith's life. After residing on Pheben III, Slazkith became stronger and bigger then some of his Klingon family and was of great help to his adopted family especially when the harvest season came around. he found himself enjoying his freedom to hunt his own food. But at night, he would look up at the sky and wonder: What would it be like to travel the stars once again? What did the future hold for him?
At the age of twenty, Slazkith spoke with his adopted family and requested permission to attend Starfleet academy rather then the KDF due to the fact that he was far more interested in the Sciences rather then Security and Tactical.
He arrived at the Academy and despite drawing attention to himself with his mere presence and his eating habits in the mess hall, he seemed to absorb the information from his Science instructors like a sponge.