"The Honorable Mercenary."G E N E R A L D A T A
N A M E[/color
Kovan Valkis
A G E 26
G E N D E RMale
S P E C I E SMandalorian
A P P E A R A N C EKovan has quite a few scars on his face from many, many conflicts that he has either been drawn into or ones that he has started. His eyes are an Icy blue and he has two large scars on each side of his face, each beginning beneath one of his eyes and ending at the bottom of his face. T E C H N I C A L D A T A
P E R S O N A L I T YMoral
Has a strong sense of Justice
Odd sense of humor
S K I L L SExcellent with his blaster rifle and pistols and close quarters combat.
Competent with arming and disarming explosives
Somewhat quick on his feet. But he prefers to fight his foes rather than run from them.
E Q U I P M E N TTwo Mandalorian combat blasters
Mandalorian Assault Rifle
two Thermal Detonators
Two retractable Vibro-knives that are hidden in his armor's wrist
Heavily modified Mandalorian combat armor
H I S T O R Y[color=D5D8DC][indent]Kovan was born in the years before the Mandalorian Wars and as such was old enough to fight when the Wars began although he was rather young. As the years went on and more and more of his clan was killed while fighting against Republic forces, the more eager he was to face a Jedi in combat the older he grew. Finally it seemed his wish was to be granted once the Republic and Jedi serving under Revan brought the battle to the Mandalorians on Dxun.
The Battle of Dxun began.
Although Kovan was still somewhat younger than many of the other Mandalorians he still was able to hold a blaster and thus was considered old enough to fight. It was during the final days of the battle that he was assigned to head out with a patrol to find a weapons cache. Unfortunately for them, a small republic patrol had found the weapons first and opened fire on Kovan and the Mandalorians before they knew what hit them. Despite being ambushed, the Mandalorians managed to kill their attackers before the last one succumbed to his injuries, leaving Kovan alone in the Dxun wilderness. As Kovan attempted to make his way back to Base, he found himself under nearly constant attack by both the wildlife of Dxun and Republic troops. Eventually he was badly wounded by a Zakkeg and barely managed to escape.
It was then that the Jedi found him.
As Kovan looked up at the hooded figure, he prepared himself for death but instead of killing him, the Jedi did his best to heal him using what kolto packs he had and instructed him on where another Mandalorian outpost a day's walk away could be found. When Kovan demanded an answer as to why his enemy had not only spared him but also had assisted him, the Jedi spoke words that would stick with Kovan for life
“I am not a killer of children. I sense the same in you. You have a destiny ahead of you, what that destiny will turn out to be is up to you.”
With those words, Kovan's life was changed forever. After a day of watching over the Mandalorian, the Jedi left and Kovan was able to find his way to the outpost where he spoke of his experience. Unfortunately for Kovan, the remaining members of his clan exiled him for not killing the Jedi. They believed he had become weaker due to his experience with the Jedi. And so Kovan was forced to leave his clan. As the Republic continued gaining ground, Mandalore allowed only a few volunteers to stay behind and fight. Kovan was forced to hide aboard a ship leaving Dxun. As the years went by, he continued to question what he had learned about the Jedi and his own people as he continued to grow. Eventually, the Mandalorian youth grew into a man and became a bounty hunter. It was three years after the Republic fought the Sith Empire at the Star Forge that Kovan ended up on Nar Shaddaa with only his blasters in his holsters and the armor on his back after a battle with a rival bounty hunter left him without a ship and most of his worldly possessions.