Zirex turned to look at the person who had spoken and was somewhat surprised. He had been so focused on drinking whatever he could get his hands on that he hadn't noticed that the sentient next to him was of a species he didn't recognize. At all. He grinned widely. "The name is Zirex, pleased to meet you." He answered cheerfully. He turned to the bartender as he finally arrived and held up his hand to get his attention. "A Walk in the Phelopean Forest if you don't mind." He said to the bartender who stared at him for a moment before speaking. "You are aware that particular drink is meant for four people? You are also aware of the price?" Zirex nodded and grinned at the bartender. "Yes. Yes I am. The bartender shook his head slightly and took Zirex's credit chip once the Weequay handed it to him. "A Walk in the Phelopean Forest, Forty nine credits." The bartender turned and began mixing the complicated drink. Zirex turned to the member of the unknown species before turning back to the drink that was being mixed. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the size of the container. He turned back to look at Sirka and motioned at the drink. "Based on how big that container seems to be, I don't think I'll be able to finish this alone, any chance you want some?" Zirex hoped she would accept for two big reasons: The first being that if Strakisssh and ZD-6R found out he had blown nearly fifty credits on a drink for himself, he was most likely going to be docked pay the next time they had a job, the second reason being he was always looking to make new friends.
ZD-6R was still monitoring the holonet channels when an display caught his attention. "Strakisssh." He said quietly. "A bounty has caught my attention. I believe you may be interested." The lizard man turned to look at the droid. "Dead or alive?"
ZD-6R began to save the information to his memory banks as he lowered the volume of his voice. "Alive. The bounty has been posted by the New Republic. The target appears to be an Imperial War Criminal."
"Name and last know location?"
Imperial General Hadrex Nevrol. Wanted for the murder of two high ranking Rebel generals during the Galactic Civil War. Additional charges include, kidnapping, assault and nine other counts of murder. Last known location is Nar Shaddaa. Target is considered to be armed and extremely dangerous."
"How much is he worth?"
"Thirty thousand alive, Five hundred dead."
Strakisssh simply smiled. With thirty thousand credits they would be able to take care of a great deal of their problems. They could finally repair nearly all of their gear, repair some of the damage that ZD-6R had sustained during the massacre at their HQ and possibly even get their own ship.