Avatar of Chewbaxter
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  • Posts: 8 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Chewbaxter 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current started new Rp if anyones interested. Sci-fi Political, based off of Asimov and GOT. Check it out if interested in General Interest Check forum.


Hello there. I'm Chewbaxter, a British guy who mainly does Sci-fi and Fantasy Roleplays. This is my first Roleplaying Forum, cause I usually go on Shamchat , but since that sites kinda dying of cancer, I'm here now.

I may create my own stuff late on, but i'll focus on other people's Roleplaying ideas until I'm on my feet.

Most Recent Posts

@Double Capybara Will clear up tomorrow with another post. Hope it will help.
@RomanAria Just PMed @WilsonTurner with some details about what you have in mind. In short term, I'm happy for constructive critique, and will be working on making future stuff realistic enough, but bare in mind that I'm still creating the worlds. Will update you with more detail when possible. :)
Origins of the Spider-Web Galactic Federation

The Year is 1228 Leaving Earth (LE for short). The former people of Earth, now known as Tarrens by most, are spread out among the galaxy. Recently, a new solar system has been discovered by Intergalactic Explorers, and have named it the Spider-Web System. The planets around the two starts of the system are all inhabited, excepting Theon II, where the Explorers built a small city for the Tarren race. The other six planets in the system are:

    • Pladus- 3 moons, War like species, territorial and constantly at war with other members of the planet.
    • Druna- 1 moon- Diplomatic, building towards space technology, minor civil war on the south side of the planet.
    • Stade- 5 moons, biggest planet in the system. Seen as capital planet of the system for species with space technology, which incidentally, they have had for some time.
    • Thippe- 2 moons, have space tech, but only because of aid from Stade. At war with Pladus, dislike Druna and have an unstable relationship with Stade because they stay neutral within the war.
    • Corus- Also building towards space technology, but want nothing to do with Stade and are in a stalemate with the Steel Empire. They are in a rough alliance with Thippe, who are assisting them for aid in return from them when needed. Tensions are high, and will not be closed easily due to complicated political reasons.
    • Drone5- The fifth planet colonised by the Hive mind Robotic Empire known as The Steel Empire, obeying the every command of the Emperor, Steel34. They are the biggest threat to the whole system, and have only shown hostility towards the other species. They have attempted to take Stade multiple times, and will not hesitate to do so again when their armies are at a powerful amount.

The Tarrens wish for peace and an alliance between the worlds, but it seems that there is inner fighting on and with the planets, civil and intergalactic alike, even for those that do not have space technology. Therefore, the only way to create peace is for alliances to be created and wars to be stopped before they are started. How that will be done, is unknown…

Hello! I am Chewbaxter and this is my first idea for a sci-fi roleplay. Think a kind of Asimov-Game of Thrones kind of story where all the characters have different ideas on what they want and how the Terrans are going to give them all of that without wars (which there going to be, because trust me, this will not be easy to do.)
For now this will be a small group but I may change it to a bigger group if need be. This is just a interest check for now, but I will establish some basic rules here as well:
1. Only three of each species from each of the planets. To clarify, these three people of each species have to be involved in their planet’s government in some way, be them an advisor, one of the rulers (which my characters will be fyi), or a military leader of some kind.
2. No Mary Sue’s/ Gary Stu’s. I think this part is obvious, but again clarifying, if your character is a ruler or military based, they cannot be able to go against everything each side throws at them without being injured, or even closer to death. Speaking of which…
3. Dead is dead. If you are killed or die because of someone else, that character is dead. Steel Empire members are strong, but can be destroyed with certain weapons.
4. You can bring elements of other sci-fi stories like Star Wars, Star Trek, Battle Star Galactica etc, but only elements. Don’t give your characters The Force or ships like the Starship Enterprise, because that’s just gonna get super boring and annoying. You can use pictures of ships from those franchises, as long as they have original names and are written to look like they are part of the faction your character is in.
5. Other basic rules, such as no fighting in OOC chat, make sure to tell me in OOC if you can continue to RP or if you’re dropping out.
Final few things, remember this is my first time doing something like this, so if anyone would like to help me out with organising the page without it going wrong that would be great! Also, please bear in mind that I am still working in school, so I will not be on the page every day. I do have a life outside of the internet, as does everyone. Take your time with this RP, and let everyone have fun at their own speed. We’re a community after all and so we should all stick out for each other in this kind of world.
Anyway, that’s the RP. If interested show below, and I’ll start a CS template when I have the time.

Interest +1
Standing by for OOC and CSs so we can get things moving. Already starting to create a Character
Also interested. Will work on character tonight
@Apollosarcher Huh, okay then. I'll try and find a different kind of ship that works. Ibh I tried going through the wiki to find ships and that one just stuck out. I'll look around a bit more and edit it.
Captain Gunra Lucem
Captain Name: Gunra Lucem
Race: Cyborg Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Appearance: White skin, Cybernetics on eyes and right hand. Long shaggy brown hair, skinny but built build. 6 foot 3 inches.
Training: Former lower ranking officer of the Empire before defection.
Notable battles: Battle of Hoth (arrived at the end of ground assault) Battle above the Moon of Endor, Jakku
Bio: Gunra was an Imperial Star Destroyer gunner on the ISD Claymore. He was a loyal member of the Empire due to his family's secret
liking of the Separatists during the Clone Wars, and was sent to the academy when he showed interest in serving his Emperor during a school event. There he trained in combat (Hand to hand and weaponry), but took a liking to the cannons on the Star Destroyers, as his father was a ship designer, and studied to become a gunner. It was there he met the female Mirailan Sia, who he became a close friends with and later a love interest. They graduated together and were assigned to The Claymore together in the same section, shortly after the events of the Battle of Yavin. They would spend most of their time together, but as the war went on, Sia started to doubt the Empire, feeling as if she had chosen the wrong side. Gunra would not see her side of this until they saw the carnage of the Battle of Hoth, where he saw among the dead bodies of rebel soldiers his sister, who was reported missing just weeks beforehand. The two began to think about defection, but only acted on it as they saw the Battle of Endor turn to the Alliance's side. They escaped the The Claymore via escape pods shortly before the destruction of The Death Star II, and landed on Endor's moon, surrendering and announcing their defection to the rebellion. The very same night Gunra would admit his love for Sia, and they began a new chapter of their relationship.

Gunra and Sia would fight in many battles together, including the battle of Jakku, where Gunra lost his hand to a Vibro-blade wielding Stormtrooper. Gunra's eyes were replaced with cybernetic ones as well under his request, to help him with his accuracy as a gunner in space and sniper on the ground. After the New Republic was established, Gunra proposed to Sia, who gracefully accepted and they retired back to Corellia. When the Resistance was created by General Organa to go against the First Order, Gunra and his son Tak returned to aid, but Sia stayed on Corellia. Gunra was already a captain at the time of his leave, but regained his ship after putting it in a shipyard and paying for it's stay there until it was needed again.


Ship name: Sia's Rhapsody
Class: Acclamator-class Assault ship (Legends version on the wiki for reference)
History: Mainly used as a ship in the Galactic Republic, The Dominant was a slaver's ship with minimal crew on it during the days of the Empire. Gunra's squadron and many others took it after freeing the Twi'lek slaves being shipped from Ryloth in the waning days of the war. Gunra was given the ship as a wedding present from the squadrons, and he named it after Sia, and the poem she sang at their wedding.
Crew: 700 workers on ship

12 quad turbolaser cannons[1]
24 point-defense laser cannons[1]
4 proton torpedo launch tubes[1]

Squadrons: Mammoth Squadron (Y-wing Squadron, 16 fighters)
Viper Squadron (B-wing Squadron, 10 fighters)
Honor Squadron (6 T-70 X-wing Fighters, 6 T-65 X-wing fighters)
Feral Squadron (10 (captured) TIE/LN starfighters)

Main Crew

Name: Tak Lucem
Race: Half Mirailan half Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Appearance: Human appearance, Diamond Mirialan face tattoos across his forehead, neat light brown hair.
Rank: Lieutenant of Sia's Rhapsody.
Role: Second in command of The Rhapsody, Advisor to his father, Pilot and leader of Honor Squadron

History: Tak was raised on Corellia with his mother and father happily, growing up hearing about the civil war and learning how to pilot starfighters like X-wings. When word got around about the Resistance against the First Order, Tak had just turned 17, and left with his father to join them. Although he has been trained with blasters, he's still learning had to hand combat, and is a better pilot and tactician then fighter.
Hey there, just joined and was looking for Star Wars stuff, and this looks cool! Mind if I join in? I'm new to this kind RPing though, so I'll be taking my time with it if thats okay?
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