Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Incoming message, from the Home One.

Admiral Garm Bel Iblis, to all Republic Captains.

Starkiller base has gone activate and war with the New Order has begun, an Emergency Chancellor has been selected. Mon Mothma once again heads the Republic, the destruction Hosnian system and the main fleet must be answered, being one of the few Rebellion era Generals still serving in the Republic I have been ordered to re-organize and prepare fleets to strike back against the New Order.

As such, all Republic vessel's are being brought back to activate status. All current New Republic Captains are being assigned to vessels readied for war. Finally all senior students at the New Republic Fleet Academy have been named lieutenants and brought into the service. Fighter squads are being moved to serve on board these ships, you are cleared to respond to New Order attacks as you see fit. We are at war and if you want to see us all stay free, you'll show these remnants who runs the galaxy now.

Your assignment is simple, I'm forming the captains receiving this message into the Phoenix fleet. Your goal is just as simple, to assault targets New Republic Intelligence will supply and cause as much damage as you can to the New Orders supply lines. They have few planets under the control, a strong but small fleet your job is to hit their older ships and supply vessels. Destroy key operations and kill high value targets, you will be hammer of the Republic. The Resistance forces will be working with you, while you fight out in Unknown region the main fleets will be protecting the Inner rim and Core. While the Senate puts itself back together and the Mon Calamari build us new ships for this war, you've got to hold them as long as you can.

For the New Republic, for peace!

Message Ends


Emergency transmission on all holonet channels

Mon Mothma, the newly named Chancellor and former mother of the Rebellion, her face showed the years of hardship and war. She spoke her voice filled with confidence and strength, she was woman who saw the Republic rebuilt and would see it stand the test of time. Though she had aged, she was still loved by all who knew the kindness and compassion she carried with her. "The Hosnian system has been destroyed... Along with our main fleet, the New Order has begun the once again." She stated, speaking into her Holo recorder. "However, the Resistance headed by Leia Organa has destroyed the base responsible. Yet we know the truth, this New Order demands we submit to them be shackled to their way of life."

She spoke now as a woman of action and leader ready to arm her people with hope. "Yet we know the truth, they are not the Empire nor are a Rebellion. We are the New Republic, we stand as one our hearts burn as one people who refuse to slaves to Empire built on indoctrination and destruction. That is why, as of today I formal name General Leia Organa as head general of the Grand Army of the Republic. I also formal declare Admiral Ackbar as the leader of New Republic Defense Fleet, Admiral Garm Bel Iblis head of Fleet Command."

Mon Mothma moved slowly, the General Leia Organa now stood in the Holo ready to speak. "The remaining Senate members and Mon Mothma have decided that the New Republics army will be deploying soldiers to all worlds and beginning construction on weapons to defend our homes from all assaults by the New Order." Leia stood tall and proud, a little smug, in truth she had seen this coming for years and no one listened to her. "We are at warm, but we've destroyed two Death Stars and Starkiller base. We no longer depend on Jedi to defend the Republic, we shall do it ourselves! We will defeat this New Order and protect our people. Long live the New Republic!" Suddenly the Holo zoomed out, thousands, millions perhaps cheered for her as they stood on the streets of Coruscant. Overhead dozens of Mon Calamari Vicount cruisers flew over the planet.

Hello! If your here then your interested in serving as a Captain of the New Republic! The goal here is to have sort of rag-tag fleet of vessels that the Republic could have either quickly purchased or brought back in to the military. From Consular ships to old Mon Calamari cruisers, all vessels are needed right now, every ship has it's place. While some ships from the clones I could see letting join not many of them remain up to date with modern tech. All squadrons are going to be modern E-wings, X-Wings, and B-wings are the mainstays of the Republic fleet and they maintain many more fighters then ships.

The idea is to have a sort rogue fleet hiding out, targeting New Order bases and such. As though not really shown well in the movies, they have a smaller fleet than the Empire did, their new ships outmatch nearly all vessels but still act like Imperial Star Destroyer, as such are not invincible. The New Order has been using old Imperial ships for some time, new ships are coming they have only one Super Star Destroyer. Thus their attacks will be more focused rather than the Imperials who were constantly chasing the rebel ships. The goal here is to tell the story of the war as it begins and is fought from the side of the people who have everything to lose in this conflict.

@Shiny Keldeo @Inkwell @Crimson Lion @caliban22 @Sarge
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo So a couple of recommendations, first I like the old ship and such. However it is going to be outclassed by most modern ships so it will probably fall into more of a carrier or frigate role rather than Destroyer. If you want a more up to date model of ship, the Republic did build the Endurance type Star Destroyer which is heavily based off the Venator.

Wiki link

Secondly all Republic fighters have been brought up to standard and even the Resistance doesn't use T-65's. Look more towards K-wings, E-wing's, and the X-wing T-85's. B-wings are still used as well but they are aging, Z-95's would be suicide with the even faster TIE's, T-70's generally were sold to pay for new T-85's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 12 days ago

I see what you're saying, and I want to say this as well: You said all available ships were being put back into service, and Millon is just a small Captain in charge of a Patrol fleet. He isn't going to have much that's really up to date.

Another thing that I'm going to put about his character later (Would have put it before but there's no real personality section) is that he is very techy, he was determined to repair and upgrade a Venator Class Star Cruiser for use in the New Republic Army, I'm pretty sure he'd still have a few starfighters and such lying around.

I still wanna keep the Z-95 Starfighters, but I can work around the X-Wing upgrades and such. He'd probably keep them as pet projects. I'll update it when I can.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

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@caliban22 Woah, 72 Starfighter Squadrons!? That thing must be the damn size of Starkiller Base XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

it can carry 60 fighter/bomber and 12 transports. thats roughly what? two wings and some change?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 12 days ago

@caliban22 There's approx. 12 Fighters in a Squadron, so you'd have about 5 Fighter Squadrons and 12 Troop Transports, that's a far cry from 72 Squadrons my friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

yet again. its the total number of craft. 60 craft split into two wings of 30 with two squadrons of 15 for each wing. plus two k wing squadrons
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo Z-95's could hang around I guess, I'll approve the sheet for now.

@caliban22 Also approved, glad to have you both.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

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Hey guys, just thought I'd say "hi!".

I've been crafting my app in secret with Apollo's help. It's a Trade Federation battleship, equipped with its full droid compliment, and a couple of X-wing squadrons. The crew are untested "rookies" but are fully trained by a mash of ex-Imperial and rebel officers. The idea behind Honour Bound (the ship's name), is to employ its numerous yet inferior droid compliment in suicidal waves to overwhelm enemy positions, whilst you guys with your shinier toys do the real damage.

I look forward to working with you all :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

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@Apollosarcher Damn if I'd known you'd be bringing a bad boy like that out, I would have made it a Republic Battleship (SW EAW CW Mod) instead of a Venator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chewbaxter
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Chewbaxter A Defective Turret

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Captain Gunra Lucem
Captain Name: Gunra Lucem
Race: Cyborg Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Appearance: White skin, Cybernetics on eyes and right hand. Long shaggy brown hair, skinny but built build. 6 foot 3 inches.
Training: Former lower ranking officer of the Empire before defection.
Notable battles: Battle of Hoth (arrived at the end of ground assault) Battle above the Moon of Endor, Jakku
Bio: Gunra was an Imperial Star Destroyer gunner on the ISD Claymore. He was a loyal member of the Empire due to his family's secret
liking of the Separatists during the Clone Wars, and was sent to the academy when he showed interest in serving his Emperor during a school event. There he trained in combat (Hand to hand and weaponry), but took a liking to the cannons on the Star Destroyers, as his father was a ship designer, and studied to become a gunner. It was there he met the female Mirailan Sia, who he became a close friends with and later a love interest. They graduated together and were assigned to The Claymore together in the same section, shortly after the events of the Battle of Yavin. They would spend most of their time together, but as the war went on, Sia started to doubt the Empire, feeling as if she had chosen the wrong side. Gunra would not see her side of this until they saw the carnage of the Battle of Hoth, where he saw among the dead bodies of rebel soldiers his sister, who was reported missing just weeks beforehand. The two began to think about defection, but only acted on it as they saw the Battle of Endor turn to the Alliance's side. They escaped the The Claymore via escape pods shortly before the destruction of The Death Star II, and landed on Endor's moon, surrendering and announcing their defection to the rebellion. The very same night Gunra would admit his love for Sia, and they began a new chapter of their relationship.

Gunra and Sia would fight in many battles together, including the battle of Jakku, where Gunra lost his hand to a Vibro-blade wielding Stormtrooper. Gunra's eyes were replaced with cybernetic ones as well under his request, to help him with his accuracy as a gunner in space and sniper on the ground. After the New Republic was established, Gunra proposed to Sia, who gracefully accepted and they retired back to Corellia. When the Resistance was created by General Organa to go against the First Order, Gunra and his son Tak returned to aid, but Sia stayed on Corellia. Gunra was already a captain at the time of his leave, but regained his ship after putting it in a shipyard and paying for it's stay there until it was needed again.


Ship name: Sia's Rhapsody
Class: Acclamator-class Assault ship (Legends version on the wiki for reference)
History: Mainly used as a ship in the Galactic Republic, The Dominant was a slaver's ship with minimal crew on it during the days of the Empire. Gunra's squadron and many others took it after freeing the Twi'lek slaves being shipped from Ryloth in the waning days of the war. Gunra was given the ship as a wedding present from the squadrons, and he named it after Sia, and the poem she sang at their wedding.
Crew: 700 workers on ship

12 quad turbolaser cannons[1]
24 point-defense laser cannons[1]
4 proton torpedo launch tubes[1]

Squadrons: Mammoth Squadron (Y-wing Squadron, 16 fighters)
Viper Squadron (B-wing Squadron, 10 fighters)
Honor Squadron (6 T-70 X-wing Fighters, 6 T-65 X-wing fighters)
Feral Squadron (10 (captured) TIE/LN starfighters)

Main Crew

Name: Tak Lucem
Race: Half Mirailan half Human
Homeworld: Corellia
Appearance: Human appearance, Diamond Mirialan face tattoos across his forehead, neat light brown hair.
Rank: Lieutenant of Sia's Rhapsody.
Role: Second in command of The Rhapsody, Advisor to his father, Pilot and leader of Honor Squadron

History: Tak was raised on Corellia with his mother and father happily, growing up hearing about the civil war and learning how to pilot starfighters like X-wings. When word got around about the Resistance against the First Order, Tak had just turned 17, and left with his father to join them. Although he has been trained with blasters, he's still learning had to hand combat, and is a better pilot and tactician then fighter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

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I must have missed the post in the Interest Check saying the OOC was up. I'll start working on a CS now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

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Captain Name: Vohrel Dann
Race: Mon Calamari
Home world: Dac a.k.a. Mon Cala
Appearance: Slightly shorter than average for a Mon Calamari, Vohrel has a slightly unusual dark grey and turquoise colouring to his skin which (perhaps surprisingly, to those not familiar with Mon Cala mating traditions) makes him absolutely repulsive to females of his species. This has always suited him quite fine though, as he has always considered the pursuit of women to be 'That great distraction which plagues the minds of the otherwise sensible'.

Training: Vohrel holds 1st Class Awards in 'Astrophysics', 'Starship Maintenance' and 'Power Distribution Systems Analysis' from the Mon Cala Institute of Engineering. He worked as an engineer on several of the smaller capital ships of the Rebellion fleet during the civil war.

Notable battles: Vohrel was serving as Chief Engineer on the Liberty-class Star Cruiser Daccian Sunrise during a pitch battle with the Imperial Remnant over Dubrillion when the ship took a direct hit to the bridge, killing the Captain and most of the other ranking officers in one swoop. As the highest ranking member of the crew, he took command of the ship and was later decorated for his actions in minimising the loss of life from the incident which could quite easily have resulted in the ship being lost under a less able officer. As soon as the Daccian Sunrise had finished repairs he was placed in permanent command. He went on to captain the ship through several notable battles, securing a reputation as a commander the New Republic leaders could trust.

Bio: Vohrel Dann was born as the runt of the litter. Shunned and teased by his brothers and sisters because of his unusual colouring, Vohrel spent much of his childhood alone reading books on everything from history to literature to engineering. As a juvenile, he was top of all of his classes and spent most of his free time in the libraries of Dac just reading and writing. He was an exceptionally young applicant to the Mon Cala Institute of Engineering, completing his 1st Class Award in Astrophysics in less than two years. Still far too young to do anything with his qualification, he decided to take on two more courses centered around a fascination with starships he had cultivated during his studies of Astrophysics. Upon completion of these, he was snapped up as an apprentice at one of the leading Mon Cala shipbuilding yards.

When the Galactic Civil War broke out, Vohrel found that less and less of his work was being done building new ships, while more and more of it was spent fixing ships that had been damaged during the fight against the Empire. He took the decision to enrol in a program which took established civil engineers and fast-tracked them through as engineering officers, which were in high demand on the capital ships of the Rebel fleet.


Ship name: Daccian Sunrise
Class: MC80 Liberty-type Star Cruiser
History: Originally built as a luxury starliner, the Daccian Sunrise was retrofitted for combat at the beginning of the Galactic Civil War. It spent much of the beginning of it's military career patrolling home sectors as part of a small defensive flotilla, but following heavy Rebel losses it was pressed into service one the frontlines under the command of veteran Mon Cala Captain Balur Fuhg. She took part in several key battles over Alderaan, Utapau and Bespin before the Battle over Dubrillion saw the deaths of most of the senior staff, leading to Vohrel Dann taking commmand.
- 5400 crew, mostly Mon Calamari
- 668 Officers
- 4,734 Enlisted
- 1200 troops

- 48 heavy dual turbolaser batteries
- 20 dual ion cannon batteries
- 6 tractor beam projectors

- 36 Starfighters (Mixture of X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, B-wings)
- 5 Shuttles
- 2 Light freighters
- Light mixture of ground vehicles
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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@Shiny Keldeo Well the the Imperial Class Destroyers are huge and much more than the old ones, combine that with the fact they have larger ship under construction as well as the. They have at least one Executor class Star Destroyer remaining, possible more.

@Chewbaxter I'm sorry but I can't really see how an Imperial vessel like that one got into Rebel hands to start with. Rebels have tried to steal Imperial ships in the past and all Imperial officers are told to scuttle if boarded, it's why they could never capture Star Destroyers.

@Sarge Approved you can move it over.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sarge
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Sarge The Magnificently Whiskered

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@Apollosarcher Thanks, looking forward to getting started!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chewbaxter
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Chewbaxter A Defective Turret

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Apollosarcher Huh, okay then. I'll try and find a different kind of ship that works. Ibh I tried going through the wiki to find ships and that one just stuck out. I'll look around a bit more and edit it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

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@Apollosarcher Thanks, looking forward to getting started!

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