Rain Wells
● N A M E ●Rain Amelia Wells
● A G E ●19
● G E N D E R ●Female
● O C C U P A T I O N ●Second-year student, studying economics.
● L O O K S ●Rain tends to find herself looking up at people - standing at 5 foot 1, it can be difficult to guess her exact age sometimes. She has a slender build, and one of the first words that might come to mind when looking at her, is 'delicate.' More than occasionally, she looks like a deer in the headlights - wide-eyed and mouth rounded - when something unclear comes her way. Her eyes are light blue, bright in a flashlight, and she has a small chin and jaw. Her features overall are pretty neotenous. Her hair is dark brown, reaching to just below her shoulderblades, and slightly wavy. Rain tends to dress pretty casually, preferring shorts to jeans and sneakers to high heels (although they have their place!).
● P E R S O N A L I T Y ●Sensitivity is essential to understanding delicate situations, but it comes with its own set of issues. Rain tends to feel things more strongly than others, and reacts more to emotion and strife. Usually quiet, she tends to bottle away her feelings until they overflow, bursting out with words that she doesn't really mean. However, she also tends to have a lot of empathy. If not shy, she would have made a good mediator, and may still become one yet.
An unexpected character trait might be her jealousy. While unassuming and gentle, she tends to become slightly jealous over those she's romantically involved with. Perhaps it's related to a low sense of self-worth, incurred by a lack of socialisation during her later teenage years - anyone that she gets close to, she doesn't usually want to lose.
Rain is more book-smart than street-smart, and perhaps a tad awkward in general. She doesn't really consider herself to be a very interesting or intriguing person, and is sometimes surprised when people genuinely want to spend time with her. She's not unfriendly, she just doesn't always navigate the social scene very confidently.
● R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S ●Rain is heterosexual, and hasn't had many a boyfriend in the past. She broke off with a long-term boyfriend about 6 months ago, who she'd been going out with for 2 years and known since high school. It was an amicable break-up, with both having lost interest in the other. She prefers gentler souls, who tend to take their time as opposed to rushing. Mutual understanding is very important to her, yet she still manages to get jealous occasionally.
● O R I G I N S T O R Y ●Rain didn't grow up in Verona. She spent her childhood around an hour away, attending a public elementary school and spending quite a bit of time reading books. It was in mid high school that her father obtained a better job over the mountain, and they ended up moving to Verona. It was difficult, moving away at such a late stage in her school career, but it had to be done. She didn't make a particularly large group of friends, but she met a boy - a boy that she took to.
They dated for two years, into college. However, people change, and they drifted apart emotionally. They broke up on mutual agreement, and she has finally found it in her heart to move on. Despite loving books, Rain felt the need to study something more likely to get her a job, as pressured by her father - she chose Economics. It's almost like a story anyway - making predictions, building models. Okay, perhaps not quite, but she's passing well and that's all that matters at the moment... right?
● S U P E R P O W E R ●Water manipulation.
● P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N ●Ascendant
● A B I L I T I E S ●Rain can manipulate small bodies of water around the volume of a glass of water in the air, and can influence movement of larger bodies of water (such as a pool - making waves, a small whirlpool and so on). She can withdraw a small amount of water from her surroundings (the air, soil).
● W E A K N E S S E S ●Rain cannot conjure water, and as such, needs to have an available resource. She can withdraw some water from her surroundings, but it is only a small amount.