Some things are just certain. Like death, taxes, and lying in the Mystery Dungeon personality tests.
No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.
I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring.
I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.
My best friends, @Lyly and @Tiger, also use this website.
There isn't any plan to do crossover events with other sites at the moment. What did you have in mind?
Oh, I didn't have anything specific in mind, I just figured it would be worth throwing it out there as a suggestion since it seems like you folks are looking for them. I'll admit that I'm pretty naïve when it comes to these things though and I have no idea how it would work, if it could work, at all. I'm not sure how to go about it either for that matter.
Funny you mention Twitter. We just started logging back into the Guild's social media profiles this week and expect to begin expanding our online fingerprint.
Interesting. I look forward to seeing if that brings any new traction to the site. Is there any chance that the Guild could become affiliated with other Roleplaying sites too (ie: Iwaku, RPNation, Black Dahlia, Inner Sanctum, etc)? I'm sure that there's plenty of crossover already and I'm not sure how exactly alive those alternatives are, but just food for thought.
Speaking of advertising, maybe RPG's twitter could be rebooted by the staff, too. It hasn't been touched in like a decade or something.
I actually didn't know that we had a Twitter. Could be a good idea if the Staff was interested in advertising though. I think that I saw someone mention that they found the Guild through Reddit, so I imagine that could be a possible outlet too though.
No worries about double posting and you can have one deleted over here if you'd like. Based on your interests, I think this section, this section, this section, or this section may be good starting places for you. I hope you find what you're looking for and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions in the meantime! Most of us are pretty friendly and usually happy to help.
@Hyde Thank you! I love modern and darker themes, along with some fandoms! (DC, game of thrones, the Tudor’s).
I've not heard of the Tudors, but the other two are relatively common around here and there's definitely more than a few modern Roleplays as well. Either way, I hope you're able to find what you're looking for. If you have any questions in the meantime, however, then please don't hesitate to ask. Most of us are pretty friendly and usually happy to help. Best of luck to you!
@Hyde I am fond of writing fantasy and slice of life stories but i also like to dip my toes into certain fandoms too when I’m roleplaying. I’m not looking for anything niche haha. Just want to work on character and world building I think :)
Sounds like a plan. I hope you're able to find what you're looking for. If you have any questions in the meantime, however, then please don't hesitate to ask. Most of us are pretty friendly and usually happy to help. Best of luck to you!
Welcome (back) to the Guild, @StaleSushi. It looks like you're already figuring how the website works, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Most of us are pretty friendly and usually happy to help. With that said, I hope you enjoy the time that you spend on here.
[sub]No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.[/sub][/center]
I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring.
I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.
My best friends, [@Lyly] and [@Tiger], also use this website.
[*]The Collision Games
[*]Starfall Hollow
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><sub>No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.</sub></div></div><br>I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring. <br><br>I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.<br><br>My best friends, <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/lyly">@Lyly</a> and <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/tiger">@Tiger</a>, also use this website.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src=",h_142,strp/long_divider___f2u_by_beapanda_dbc3b8h-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNDIiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9lM2M2MjMzMy01YjcxLTRhOTItYTc5OS1hZTA3MTFiMzlhOGNcL2RiYzNiOGgtMzFjMjU1OTktOGJmZC00YzE1LTkyNDQtYzdkMTI1ZjY3ZWM3LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD01MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.Hz-xWvNq97sqZNlUf86Ry85BRCME3lwnYugZIiPCxVQ" /></div><br><br><img src="" /><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>The Collision Games</li><li>Starfall Hollow</li></ul><br><br><img src="" /><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Characters</a></li><li><a href="">Notebook</a></li></ul><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><br></div>