Some things are just certain. Like death, taxes, and lying in the Mystery Dungeon personality tests.
No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.
I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring.
I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.
My best friends, @Lyly and @Tiger, also use this website.
The settlement of Lemmas Peak was founded at some point in the early 1400s. It originally acted as a safe haven for those that were persecuted in nearby regions for their magical prowess and supernatural abilities. As such, this lovely fairy tale-estque village is home to a variety of entities ranging from witches, wizards, werewolves, vampires to even fairies and elves. For the most part, it's safely hidden away from curious human eyes thanks to an invisible barrier. Every year, however, this barrier falls apart on the "holiest" month of the year: December. At least the village is still comfortably hidden somewhere atop Switzerland deep within the European Alps. This year, however, it seems that a batch of humans have been mysteriously teleported to this picturesque location! At least denizens of The Peak seem to be open to their company and sharing their holiday season with these wayward souls.
The settlement of Lemmas Peak was founded at some point in the early 1400s. It originally acted as a safe haven for those that were persecuted in nearby regions for their magical prowess and supernatural abilities. As such, this lovely fairy tale-estque village is home to a variety of entities ranging from witches, wizards, werewolves, vampires to even fairies and elves. For the most part, it's safely hidden away from curious human eyes thanks to an invisible barrier. Every year, however, this barrier falls apart on the "holiest" month of the year: December. At least the village is still comfortably hidden somewhere atop Switzerland deep within the European Alps. This year, however, it seems that a batch of humans have been mysteriously teleported to this picturesque location! At least denizens of The Peak seem to be open to their company and sharing their holiday season with these wayward souls.
Pls have fun.
Regular forum rules apply.
Take smutty business to DMs.
I reserve the right to add or remove rules as necessary.
I reserve the right to add or remove players as necessary.
More than three sentences, A- grammar, past tense per post.
There will be no posting order, but kindly refrain from speed-posting.
Players are allowed to apply for as many characters as they can handle.
Disagreements are fine, but please be kind and considerate to your fellow Roleplayers.
Metagaming, powerplaying, godmodding, autohitting, OOC drama, and forced romance are all strictly forbidden.
[center][color=???][h2]Character name, nickname, or title goes here.[/h2][/color] [img]Character image goes here. Anime or drawn is preferred, but realistic and written are also accepted.[/img] [b]"[/b]Character quote or relevant song lyric goes here.[b]"[/b][/center]
[b][color=???]Full Name:[/color][/b] (What is your character's full name?) [b][color=???]Nickname(s):[/color][/b] (Does your character have any nickname(s)? If so, what are they?)
[b][color=???]Age:[/color][/b] (How old is your character?) [b][color=???]Birthday:[/color][/b] (Optional. When is your character's birthday?)
[b][color=???]Orientation:[/color][/b] (Optional. What is your character's romantic and sexual orientations?) [b][color=???]Gender:[/color][/b] (Male, female, non-binary, other. Feel free to include pronouns too.)
[b][color=???]Species:[/color][/b] (Human, witch, werewolf, vampire, etc. Whatever you'd like. There's no rules on this one.) [b][color=???]Species Description:[/color][/b] (Optional. This is for any custom or unique species.)
[b][color=???]Hometown:[/color][/b] (Supernatural folks are likely to be from Lemmas, but humans can be from anywhere.)
[b][color=???]Description:[/color][/b] [quote]A little non-traditional summary. Put two to five sentences here about your character. This can be their personality, their history, or both. No need to make this long as it'll be just a summary. If you wanna write more than five sentences, however, then you're more than welcome to.[/quote]
[b][color=???]Likes:[/color][/b][list] [*]One. [*]Two. [*]Three. [*]You can add more if you'd like. [/list]
[b][color=???]Dislikes[/color][/b][list] [*]One. [*]Two. [*]Three. [*]You can add more if you'd like. [/list]
[b][color=???]Other:[/color][/b] (Anything additional that you'd like to add can go here.)
[center][color=???][h2]Character name, nickname, or title goes here.[/h2][/color] [img]Character image goes here. Anime or drawn is preferred, but realistic and written are also accepted.[/img] [b]Full Name [color=???][b]❄[/b][/color] Gender/Pronouns [color=???][b]❄[/b][/color] Age [color=???][b]❄[/b][/color] Species
[quote]A little non-traditional summary. Put two to five sentences here about your character. This can be their personality, their history, or both. No need to make this long as it'll be just a summary. If you wanna write more than five sentences, however, then you're more than welcome to.[/quote][/center]
Characters can only be moved to the Character tab after they've been accepted.
The character sheet may be reformatted or altered in any way.
Edgelords, Mary Sues, and Gary Stus will all be rejected.
[center][color=???][h2]Character name, nickname, or title goes here.[/h2][/color] [img]Character image goes here. It can be anime, drawn, or realistic.[/img] [b]"[/b]Character quote or song lyric goes here.[b]"[/b] [/center]
[b][color=???]Full Name:[/color][/b] (What is your character's full name?) [b][color=???]Nickname(s):[/color][/b] (Does your character have any nickname(s)? If so, what?)
[b][color=???]Gender:[/color][/b] (Male, female, non-binary. Feel free to include pronouns too.) [b][color=???]Age:[/color][/b] (How old is your character?)
[b][color=???]Species:[/color][/b] (Human, witch, werewolf, vampire, etc. Whatever you'd like. There's no rules on this.) [b][color=???]Species Description:[/color][/b] (Optional. This is for any custom or "unfamiliar" species.)
[b][color=???]Hometown:[/color][/b] (Supernatural folks are likely to be from Lemmas, but humans can be from anywhere.)
[b][color=???]Description:[/color][/b] [quote]A little non-traditional summary. Put two to five sentences here about your character. This can be their personality, their history, or both. No need to make this long as it'll be just a summary.[/quote]
[b][color=???]Likes:[/color][/b][list] [*]One. [*]Two. [*]Three. [*]You can add more if you'd like. [/list]
[b][color=???]Dislikes[/color][/b][list] [*]One. [*]Two. [*]Three. [*]You can add more if you'd like. [/list]
[b][color=???]Other:[/color][/b] (Anything additional that you'd like to add can go here.)
The settlement of Lemmas Peak was founded at some point in the early 1400s. It originally acted as a safe haven for those that were persecuted in nearby regions for their magical prowess and supernatural abilities. As such, this lovely fairy tale-estque village is home to a variety of entities ranging from witches, wizards, werewolves, vampires to even fairies and elves. For the most part, it's safely hidden away from curious human eyes thanks to an invisible barrier. Every year, however, this barrier falls apart on the "holiest" month of the year: December. At least the village is still comfortably hidden somewhere atop Switzerland deep within the European Alps. This year, however, it seems that a batch of humans have been mysteriously teleported to this picturesque location! At least denizens of The Peak seem to be open to their company and sharing their holiday season with these wayward souls.
Pls have fun.
Regular forum rules apply.
Take smutty business to DMs.
More than three sentences, A- grammar, past tense.
I reserve the right to add or remove rules as necessary.
I reserve the right to add or remove players as necessary.
There will be no posting order, but kindly refrain from speed-posting.
Players are allowed to apply for as many characters as they can handle.
Disagreements are fine, but please be kind and considerate to your fellow Roleplayers.
Metagaming, powerplaying, godmodding, autohitting, and forced romance are all strictly forbidden.
I'm probably gonna switch up to Casual, but make it laid-back. I'm going to start drafting the OOC. I woke up with a killer headache though, so. . We'll see.
[sub]No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.[/sub][/center]
I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring.
I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.
My best friends, [@Lyly] and [@Tiger], also use this website.
[*]The Collision Games
[*]Starfall Hollow
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><sub>No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.</sub></div></div><br>I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring. <br><br>I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.<br><br>My best friends, <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/lyly">@Lyly</a> and <a class="bb-mention" href="/users/tiger">@Tiger</a>, also use this website.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src=",h_142,strp/long_divider___f2u_by_beapanda_dbc3b8h-fullview.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xNDIiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9lM2M2MjMzMy01YjcxLTRhOTItYTc5OS1hZTA3MTFiMzlhOGNcL2RiYzNiOGgtMzFjMjU1OTktOGJmZC00YzE1LTkyNDQtYzdkMTI1ZjY3ZWM3LnBuZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD01MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.Hz-xWvNq97sqZNlUf86Ry85BRCME3lwnYugZIiPCxVQ" /></div><br><br><img src="" /><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li>The Collision Games</li><li>Starfall Hollow</li></ul><br><br><img src="" /><ul class="bb-list" style="white-space: normal;"><li><a href="">Characters</a></li><li><a href="">Notebook</a></li></ul><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><br></div>