Time: Afternoon -> Evening
Location: Estate Zone and The Bazaar
Interactions: None
Mentions: None
A meal had been just the thing to ruminate about these events. While the one part of her brain that demanded food was let to occupy itself with eating and tasting, the rest of her mind could focus. According to the bazaar merchants, they hadn't seen anyone like what the knight was describing.
The knight had also returned to the alley (with food), to pour over the scene once again. There were a number of things that could have happened, but it didn't seem to her like any of them were the answer. It seemed like the suspect had simply… disappeared. It was an interesting situation, one which had only a few answers.
She should interview the target of the attempted assassination. She had a fairly clear picture of the chase, but the events before were foggy. She should at least get a look at the scene, but they'd probably cleaned up already. Well, she was a little late on that one. Oh well. Shall she ask the cleaning staff? Such an unusual incident must have stuck out in their minds, maybe they'd remember what the aftermath looked like. If she could clean up her image of what lead up to the chase, the moment in question would become clearer, too. Where did the perpetrator go? How did they escape? She had to be certain.
She broke her used wooden skewer into smaller pieces before scattering it into a flower bed she was passing. She had more interviews to conduct, but before that, she'd go talk to the royal guard she saw leaving the estates. They may have just done some asking, and it wouldn't do to go asking right behind them.
This time, she got some different information. They hadn't bothered the staff, so she went and asked some of the help some questions. Rather than try to explain all of it, they walked and talked their way to the scene, which had yet to be fully cleaned and repaired. "
"It all happened so fast, ma'am."
It wa' quick, was i'?"
A guard spoke from the hallway, "it was, I saw. One moment, nothing. Then, the windows break in and arrows start flying like a swarm of bats came in." He was a little jittery, and it seemed like he'd coped an arrow in the arm.
Wha' o'you mean by 'at?" Arrows everywhere?
"It was like we were surrounded by murder holes, ma'am."
What?! "
So they wehr…" Stratya trailed off as she turned to the room and made a motion through her finger, tracing random trajectories through the air. "
Hmm." There were holes all over the walls, even the outer wall, where you might expect them to be coming from. This whole thing was reeking, more and more.
That was enough information for now. She might interview the attacked, but later. This whole incident must have been very stressful.
She went over the grounds once more, then it was time for dinner at a local tavern, and… there was something neat going on tonight, wasn't there? Aah, right, fireworks. Something she hadn't had the chance to see, yet. She'd better not miss it, either.
With her dinner scarfed down, she decided she'd inspect the fireworks launch before finding a good spot to watch from.