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    1. clara_mag 11 yrs ago


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Tak! Right, so at this point it's just people who haven't been offed by the brand new empire, no real flag to unite under. Lemme just edit that little bit
Name: Ivix (rhymes with physics)

Age: An even twenty, and lucky to have made it that far


Faction: Current free agent. Dissatisfied with new empire

Bio: Born of a trader and a waypoint dealer, Ivix could kick around in zero-g, haggle a backwater merchant 60% down asking price, and patch up a pinging hyperdrive all before nap time. She was raised on her mother's cargo vessel, The Winded Wanderlust, and has at least seen all the major trade points this side of the galaxy. Young, idealistic, and seeking a good cause to blow ships up for, she set out in her personal vessel to make her dent in the galaxy

Personality: Chipper enough, but prefers cool bulkheads and engine hum. Ready to bust some baddies


Echo Salvage, acquired in a historic, record setting game of pazaak. Looking to prepare for her solo venture into the wide galaxy, Ivix brought all her credits, possessions, and favours down to a single hand. A local underground league had offered up a worn combat corvette turned freighter up in a single grand round. Young and foolish, Ivix of course enters. By the end of the monumental match Ivix found herself holding the records for 'fastest loss' and 'sorest loser' along the Perlemian trade route.
No wait...that's not how she tells it. Usually there's more standoff and betrayal worked in...
Either way you hear it, Echo Salvage is flown solely by Ivix, with a few tweaks and turns to keep a step ahead of it's previous owners. Armed with a single beam cannon, underbody grappling hook, multi axis maneuvering engines and a sleek and shiny hyperdrive, Echo Salvage is the perfect vessel for a 4 person smuggling operation and a capable one on one fighter.

An older model from a few wars back with a leaking power cell, this relic works best in a sterile environment with no outside interference; temperamental at best, but looks great in a standoff

Worth mentioning is her toolkit filled with mismatched bits, missing fasteners, and a handful of items suspiciously nicer than the rest.

Skills: She's good at not getting shot, and occasionally swiping what's not really her's (see Echo Salvage). If there's one marketable skill she holds, it's the way she can always coax a little bit more power out of busted vessels. She'd be head mechanic material for a star cruiser if it weren't for that nasty habit of gunning or running when bored.

Relationship: She may or may not sleep with her hydrospanner

Other: 'Political intrigue and coups don't hold a light to good ol fashioned pirate smashing'

Does she pass as a C?
Looks like I'll have to brush up on my SW lore. See if I can't have a basic C up in a few hrs
Clara mag, non-binary twenty something who communicates primarily in youtube clips while operating on to few sleeps and posts a bit too much from their work computer (don't tell!)

Likes things that progressively combust thousands of times a minute, big bada booms, food, mix tapes on cassette, spending too much time with XCOM, kitties, something something DANGER ZONE etc etc etc

havent't really RPed in a few years so...I probs suck :( gonna have to lurk for a bit, see if I can find a good superhero RP or like...oooh, any super awesome galaxy spanning sci-fi threads? got a merc sheet lying around somewhere...

*edit* omfg love the placeholder avatar
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