Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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As far as Imperial NPC assets for Apaolo and I, I tend to treat that stuff as back ground noise and focus on the PC to PC interaction. Nameless NPCs in my experience tend to turn the RP into a dick measuring contest. So if we ever get to the point there we need to have some stormtrooper action it will be as nothing but white noise behind our interaction with the other characters.

As for the Rebellion, this RP takes place two months after Order 66, which was in 19 BBY. The actual Rebel Alliance didn't get established until 2 BBY. So we are still years away from the Rebellion we know and love. However it is still an early period of unrest with many little rebellions cropping up. An idea you might want to bring in as a major group of contention towards the Empire in this RP is Rham Kota's Militia. They were active in this time frame.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The NPC's will be there... but they won't really be any threats or big factors of the RP. The empire can bring a small group of storm troopers, and the rebels and stuff will easily take them out haha. But yeah, all will have soldiers, but the main focus are the actual characters. Kota would be a cool person to add as well! just to reference him, or sometimes see his actions and stuff like that (Until someone wants to be him hahaha)

There will be many starts of rebellion too, and so Jedis will try to recruit them, and just try to make the empire get out of their comfort zone... and for the Jedi's, its going to be we are trying to make a difference, but we are also extremely wanted by the empire... and i think its safe to say that Obi-Wan is the most wanted man in the galaxy thanks to Vader hahaha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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If this is still open I'd like to submit a Cs

Name: Valor Graze
Age: 29
Appearance: Valor
Faction: Jedi
Bio:Valor and his Master grew very close. Valor's master's name was Grand, he was the only male father fiqure he had after growing up on the streets of tatooine. Grand loved Valor like a son and when he forsaw the end of the Jedi he took Valor and hid him on a far away planet on the edges of the councils and siths control when Grand was a teenager. Grand and Valor trained and lived in peace until Grand got sick and Died. Valor had no way of contacting the outside world. Until he was exploring the planet and he found an old, broken ship. (where my first post would begin)

Personality: Valor, being isolated on a planet reletivly alone for so long dosen't have any up to date social skills. He is often quiet and prefurs more one on one conversations to big crowds, he does have his morals in the right place though, he knows the difference between right and wrong but he is gullible, he could be easily swayed to think that the dark side is the light side and light side is the dark side. He can be very arrogant and iqnorant at times. And is not up to date with many of the Jedi rules and requlations.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice:Two blue lightsabers that can connect (double bladed) and one blaster pistol

Relationship?: No romantic ones or friends.

Other:May the force be with you,always
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 13 days ago

Too late to join?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Nope! Feel free to make a CS hahaha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So when are we startingÉ
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm sticking with the one character limit right now. But I have a few other old characters of mine that I wanted to post here as NPCs. And if there was ever like a need for characters of these skills.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Accepted! And i'll make the IC soon, i've been caught up with some things, and waiting for others to make CS's if they wanted haha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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We can probably use all the approved characters listed together. Jones add this to the first post if he wants to.

- Played by: Jones Sparrow

- Played by: jman221

- Played by: StephenRouse

- Played by: Automaton

- Played by: Fat Boy Kyle

- Played by: Skyrte

Galactic Empire
- Played by: eyesonlyhacker

- Played by: Apoalo

- Played by: HellHoundWoof
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by clara_mag


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Ivix (rhymes with physics)

Age: An even twenty, and lucky to have made it that far


Faction: Current free agent. Dissatisfied with new empire

Bio: Born of a trader and a waypoint dealer, Ivix could kick around in zero-g, haggle a backwater merchant 60% down asking price, and patch up a pinging hyperdrive all before nap time. She was raised on her mother's cargo vessel, The Winded Wanderlust, and has at least seen all the major trade points this side of the galaxy. Young, idealistic, and seeking a good cause to blow ships up for, she set out in her personal vessel to make her dent in the galaxy

Personality: Chipper enough, but prefers cool bulkheads and engine hum. Ready to bust some baddies


Echo Salvage, acquired in a historic, record setting game of pazaak. Looking to prepare for her solo venture into the wide galaxy, Ivix brought all her credits, possessions, and favours down to a single hand. A local underground league had offered up a worn combat corvette turned freighter up in a single grand round. Young and foolish, Ivix of course enters. By the end of the monumental match Ivix found herself holding the records for 'fastest loss' and 'sorest loser' along the Perlemian trade route.
No wait...that's not how she tells it. Usually there's more standoff and betrayal worked in...
Either way you hear it, Echo Salvage is flown solely by Ivix, with a few tweaks and turns to keep a step ahead of it's previous owners. Armed with a single beam cannon, underbody grappling hook, multi axis maneuvering engines and a sleek and shiny hyperdrive, Echo Salvage is the perfect vessel for a 4 person smuggling operation and a capable one on one fighter.

An older model from a few wars back with a leaking power cell, this relic works best in a sterile environment with no outside interference; temperamental at best, but looks great in a standoff

Worth mentioning is her toolkit filled with mismatched bits, missing fasteners, and a handful of items suspiciously nicer than the rest.

Skills: She's good at not getting shot, and occasionally swiping what's not really her's (see Echo Salvage). If there's one marketable skill she holds, it's the way she can always coax a little bit more power out of busted vessels. She'd be head mechanic material for a star cruiser if it weren't for that nasty habit of gunning or running when bored.

Relationship: She may or may not sleep with her hydrospanner

Other: 'Political intrigue and coups don't hold a light to good ol fashioned pirate smashing'

Does she pass as a C?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I like it. Just as a reminder, not just to you, in the time frame of this RP , two mos. post-order 66(19 BBY), there is no Rebel Alliance. Just a bunch of groups opposing the newly formed Empire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by clara_mag


Member Offline since relaunch

Tak! Right, so at this point it's just people who haven't been offed by the brand new empire, no real flag to unite under. Lemme just edit that little bit
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

yeah. Some notable groups that would have been active in some form of rebellion at the time, and this is for anyone to pull inspiration from. Most of these groups and governments would later be the force behind the formation of the Rebel Alliance.

- Surviving Jedi
- Rahm Kota's Militia
- Rebelling Republic Officers
- The Camaasi
- The Wookies
- Alderaan
- Chandrila
- Corellia
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So sorry guys! Something came up last night and I had to work on that instead... The IC will be posted today!

And accepted Clara!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

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eyesonlyhacker said
We can probably use all the approved characters listed together. Jones add this to the first post if he wants to.- Played by: Jones Sparrow- Played by: jman221- Played by: StephenRouse- Played by: Automaton- Played by: Fat Boy Kyle- Played by: Skyrte- Played by: eyesonlyhacker- Played by: Apoalo- Played by: HellHoundWoof

Could you put Valor in an outcast catagory?. Or if it's possible a rebel?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Valor is a jedi. I organized them off of faction, not their personal leanings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 6 mos ago

posted the IC! people can still join!

I left it up to you guys on how you want to join! My guy is clearly going to try and find some people here first, then travel to places where some of you guys are located
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

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eyesonlyhacker said
We can probably use all the approved characters listed together. Jones add this to the first post if he wants to.- Played by: Jones Sparrow- Played by: jman221- Played by: StephenRouse- Played by: Automaton- Played by: Fat Boy Kyle- Played by: Skyrte- Played by: eyesonlyhacker- Played by: Apoalo- Played by: HellHoundWoof

Might be worth copying and pasting that into a CS thread for easier and quicker access. Nice posts by the way guys! :)
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