Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"I sense... so much unbalance... So much hate. and anger."

"It was inevitable... He would have fallen under the dark side..."

The two suns shined brightly on to the hot, scorching desert. The small transport sand speeder slowed down as it entered the large city of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. It was the run down, crime infested scum hole it always was... but now there was a disturbing, new look to it. enemy soldiers in white armor marched through the sand, blasters at the ready, scanning the horizon and the people that passed by. A man in a brown cloak stepped out of the speeder, paying the driver the small amount of credits. He walked with his hood up, trying to make it to the cantina.

"The darkest of voids can be lit up by the faintest of lights... Do not fear. trust the Force... and find those lights."

The man walked in to the cantina, music playing, people getting drunk, laughing and flirting with the waitresses walking around... The man avoided eye contact with the soldiers, and the poster showing some of the most wanted people in the galaxy. As the man sat down, he closed his eyes, his ears hearing everything going on, the hitting of the glass on the table, the laugh of someone across the room, and as that happened visions appeared in his mind of the real world. "wow... This Obi-Wan character has a huge bounty on his head..." A man said.

"pshyeah! wor is is that this is the guy who humiliated Vader." The man in the hood tensed a bit at the name. "He's the guy he wants the most... but he's disappeared. No sightings of any jedi of that skill for a very long time...."

"Well if he were to hide somewhere, Tatooine would be the perfect place..."

The hooded man opened his eyes to see another man taking a seat across from him. "Ben Kenobi?" the new face asked. The hooded man slightly moved his hand, in the background all the wanted posters taped up fell to the ground. "Captain Veloso. A pleasure." The man known now as Ben Kenobi said with a smile, taking off his hood. "I heard you're trying to cook something up here..." The captain said, leaning back and staring at him.

Obi-Wan Kenobi nodded. He spent the last two months in hiding under the name Ben Kenobi, after safely giving Padme's son to his aunt and uncle. They made it very clear that they don't want someone like him around the boy, so he respectfully kept his distance, but never too far away from him. He spent most of his time meditating, training in the force, specifically talking to the spirit of his old mentor, Qui-gon Jinn. They both talked about the future... and how no progress will be made if there isnt a spark for the light... "I'm trying to group together some men and women who have the same interests... and skills. Do you know where to look?" Obi-Wan, asked, looking at the man with his tense yet very calm, eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Diamond studded space surrounded the Epsis, the nearby blue-yellow of nearby Nothoiin providing a stark contrast to the humbling darkness surrounding it. In orbit was its crystal moon, Ur, the occasional freighter seen docking and departing one of its several starports. The Epsis' three wings were each unfolded, the shuttle drifting near the other side of the planet. Its thrusters set to stabilize, lights turned to low, it was clear the shuttle was hiding from someone.
"Master Tarumana, we can't stay here forever. There's nothing we can do to save Master Orim'nasha. Please, Master." Jedi Knight Kaga Tarumana turned to look at his apprentice, her emerald eyes pleading. Feeling her unconsciously pull on the Force, Kaga sent a soothing wave to try calming the girl down, wondering himself at what to do in this situation. His first instincts were to land on the drought-ridden world and attempt to save the Jedi himself, and in any other situation, he would have. Here and now though, with his Padawan depending on him- No. Better to leave now.

Rounding his seat to face his apprentice more appropriately, Kaga apologized, "I'm sorry, Diana. I remember Master Orim'nasha from when I was a youngling. She was a healer, she doesn't deserve this fate, but you are correct. We must move on." It was Diana's turn to send a comforting wave through the Force now, enough to turn the edge of Kaga's frown. Turning back to the ship's controls, the young Knight considered the options present for them. Nothoiin, just off the Corellian Trade Spine and an important stop on the relatively defunct Nothoiin Corridor. To the Galactic East was the planet Eriadu, the important trade and industrial hub no doubt under "Imperial" boots. The only other direction, West, held some options.

Lutrillia, the planet with a migrating city, was not part on the Republic and would likely not yet be watched. Further down the Koda Trade Spur were Ryoone and a number of backwater farming planets; Not exactly a paradise, but someplace to do good. Bespin and Javin were not options, but further along the Trade Spine were numerous backwater or loosely controlled worlds to hide on. While not the most ideal planet, Lorta eventually led to Cerea, perhaps the most ideal planet to lay low in for awhile. No matter which way Kaga looked, however, one thing was for certain. They would need to travel through Gerrenthum, a bustling spaceport and capital of the Anoat sector. Hopefully busy enough for the two of them to go unnoticed.

Feeling out with the Force, Kaga felt the reassuring pressence of his Padawan. The young lady had certainly matured these last two years; some would argue more than her Master! Both have had their roles since they departed more than two years ago, and both knew the other's strengths and weaknesses like nobody else. Not even Master Nautolus quite grasped the 'true' Kaga Tarumana like Diana. Daily life and death struggles on the edges of modern galactic society would do that. Punching in the necessary navigational courses to arrive at Gerrenthum, Kaga stood as the ship began leaving Nothoiin's gravity well.

Inviting his Padawan to join him in meditation, Kaga settled on the mats they had situated on the ship's cockpit. More time would be needed to fully come to terms with leaving Master Orim'nasha, but the Jedi Knight couldn't help letting his mind wander to happier times.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Barely two months since the end of the Clone Wars, and the discovery of the coup by the Jedi unrest has marred the peace the new Empire has strive to restore. The most recent spikes in violence happened on Coruscant. Mass riots broke out yesterday outside the newly christened Center for Cultural Purity."

Sela turned away in disgust from the holo-vid that played GNN in the corner of the restaurant. For the time being the stance of the Emperor was that these people had the right to protest, but it was only a matter of time before the Stormtroopers were sent in. It was long past the time to placate the populace. The young woman picked up a roll of rice and meat with her fingers and shoved it into her mouth, the chewy texture briefly taking her mind off the news broadcast. The bliss of the various tastes were short lived however when GNN began to discuss the fallen Jedi Order. An aerial shot of the still ruined Temple dominated the screen. Sela growl in anger and threw an eating utensil at the holo projector with force enhanced strength.

Sparks shot out of the device and the broadcast flickered and died. All around her restaurant patrons looked at her. Some with fear, others with mere curiosity. From the other end of the open air dining floor Sela spotted the manager making a bee-line for her table. Taking that as a signal to end her meal Sela stood and scanned a cred card across the table scanner, making sure to add some credits on top to cover the holo-projector she'd destroyed. The manager continued to give her a death stare as Sela walked out into the pedestrian walkway.

Several Hours Later...

"Gods I needed that."

Sela collapsed in a sweaty heap next to the male form in her bed. The man, her trainer in the ways of spycraft and darkside lore, looked over at Sela was a silly grin. "It would be a shame to allow a woman of such passions as yourself to wallow in her inability to express those passions." Sela ran her hand down his chest with a devilish grin. "I doubt this is what the Emperor had in mind when he commanded you to train me."

Her lover was about to say something when the dual beep of two datapads punctuated the silence of the dark room. Sela rolled away to the small table on her side of the bed. The message light on her personal datapad blinked urgently. Sela flicked a finger across the screen and scanned the message that appeared. Blue eyes narrowed after finishing it. The Emperor wanted to personally see her. It had been nearly a month since she'd been granted an audience with his high grace. Shutting the pad down Sela rolled back to her mentor with a fake smile. "I have to go."

Sela's foot falls echoed around the massive hall of the Imperial Palace. The maze like halls, at which the Throne Room sat in the middle, showed signs of the newest construction the Emperor ordered right after his declaration of Imperial power. She could feel the Dark Side in everything this deep into the palace. It was an intoxicating feeling. Far more erotic than even her recent sexual liaisons. With quite reverence Sela slipped into the throne room and approached the figure hidden in shadows.

"You sent for me my master." Sela said as she bowed before him.

The Emperor loomed over her in all his ugliness. "Arise my child. Your training is nearly completed. You have but one final task." Palpatine raised a hand, beckoning to someone behind her. Sela heard the heavy steps of someone, and she stood and turned to see Edrik, her trainer approach. She needed with a slight conspiratorial smile before turning back to the Emperor. "I strive to be of service my lord."

From his robes Palpatine pulled a lightsaber that Sela hadn't seen in two months, not since he took it from her. "When I took this you were but a disillusioned Jedi, seeking a way to express your natural passions. And now, you've found how to not only weld the darkside, but to turn your own body into a weapon." There was a flicker in the Emperor's eyes that said he knew more of the relationship with Edrik than was public. "And now it is time for you to make one final sacrifice to complete your journey down the darkside. Take your lightsaber and strike down your lover."

In the brief time between heartbeats there was a flood of emotions that coursed through Sela's vains. She knew her time with Edrik was limited. Yet in that time Sela realized that she'd come to depend on him. Maybe even loved him. But neither could she afford to disobey the Emperor. Her very life was now in his hands. In the space of the second heartbeat, just enough time for the Emperor's words to register in Edrik, the trainer began to protest, but was cut off from the woman's lightning fast reflexes. Her head was surrounded by a cloud of pink as she called the lightsaber to her hand and spun to her former lover. His face was bathed in orange light as she ignited it and made two quick swipes. The lightsaber was disengaged and returned to her belt before the cuts even registered.

First his head toppled from his neck, followed by the rest of his body falling into two pieces. All three parts fell to the throne room floor with a sickening impact and she turned back and bowed low once again to the Emperor. Her feelings for Edrik long gone. There would be many others. "Your desires are my motivation my master."

Palpatine placed one hand on Sela's shoulder and he walked past her. Sela turned to follow the Emperor, watching as a half a dozen holo files appeared around them. "I have need of a new task force of dark jedi to serve in Intelligence. But they will be more than that. They will be Jedi hunters, and my boot to stamp out these pockets of resistance to my new order. You will be the first of my Inquisitors. And these Jedi will be your first targets. Find them and turn them to the darkside. If they remain steadfast in their devotion than remove their cancer from the galaxy."

Turning around to read all the files floating in mid air Sela saw some names she recognized. Jurano Montur, Valor Graze, Kaga Tarumana, Sony Vakarian... So many to choose from. So many that she may finally kill. It almost made the new Inquisitor giddy with excitement. Now where to start...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The night was young and his men ready, they were ordered by the high counsel to take a certain base on the planet of Yavin. The last mission Jurano was sent on before the betrayal of the emperor. Jurano cursed this day for all eternity. He loved his men with a commanders passion, whenever one was killed in combat the whole team would assemble for a burial. The day flowed through his mind like a holo-tape on repeat.

He was pulled to his senses as his transport ship arrived on Coruscant. His hood covered his helmet, the one he pulled from his second in commands head. He re tightened his chest plate, who he grabbed from his gunner, checked his boots, his scout. His arm armour was tight, his sniper, and his leg armour, his private. These pieces of armour came from every single one of his squad.

As Jurano made his way through the crowds, he sensed nearby troops. When he found them he tailed them back to their barracks and made his way inside. Silently he killed the first two then made his way through killing as many as he could. "quickly silently" his favourite motto came into his head. Just as he finished an alarm went off and more troops made their way into the barracks. Jurano ran out through the back making his way to a safe zone he set up before order 66.
"Now where's my next target." He said puffing and pulling up a data pad of the city. He marked two different locations and went decided to rest the night. Keeping the armour on he crashed on the bed and fell into a endless real of nightmares about him killing his squad.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fat Boy Kyle
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Fat Boy Kyle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sony Vakarian - Korriban
Sony kneeled on the cold stone floor far into the underground maze. He was exhausted, both mentally and physically. For months now he had been in this ancient tomb, trying desperately to unlock its hidden secrets, to learn its power. When he had first entered the tomb he had felt little change in the force and would regularly leave the temple to hunt or trade. However over the last two months, since travelling much further into the temple he had been sensing massive shifts in the force; he held the temple responsible for this and believed that it must therefore hold great secrets.

The only artifacts he had so far been able to find were some teachings of a once powerful sith named Darth Nox. Through study he had learnt of a ritual known as force-walking, but still did not fully understand how it worked and nor what repercussions it had. Whilst these artifacts were drenched in the dark side of the force Sony knew they weren’t responsible for the massive shifts in the force and had continued to look for answers with no avail. Having been underground for over two months, Sony had adjusted to the darkness and had also been forced to nearly starve himself. “What more can I do?” Sony tried to shout, but his exhaustion allowed only for a course whisper to escape his mouth. “I have meditated, I have seethed, I have torn through walls, I have read, I have looked over every inch on this temple and I have had no rewards. Is this a test of will? A test to see if I’ll go mad? I do not care anymore. Keep your secrets. I am leaving, and one day I’ll return and bury this temple beneath mountains!” and with that he rose to his feet and begun making his way out of the ruins.

Many hours later
As Sony reached the entrance hall he was forced to squint due to the light shining through the temple’s entrance. As he walked towards the entrance he passed one of his caches and picked up a couple of bottles of water, downing them quickly. He smirked lazily to himself as he thought about how stupid he had been to not simply trackback and resupply at a much earlier time. As he reached the entrance he was hit with a gut wrenching realisation, that he could still feel the huge shift in the force. ‘But how?’ he thought to himself ‘Before I could not feel the shift until I was much further into the temple’. He stood outside the temple now with his arm sheltering his eyes from the light as he tried to comprehend what was happening.

‘What if the temple was not responsible for the shift?’ Sony slowly moved his arm away and looked up at the sky, seeing multiple trooper shuttles litter the view and feeling the presence of force users. ‘The Sith…’
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"No one in Tatooine is brave enough to attack The Empire. This is place is covered in Imperials... But i have a few connections here and there. I might be able to talk... for a price..." The captain said with a grin. With a wave of his hand, Obi-Wan spoke calmly. "You will give me the information for free." The Captain hesitated, but then shook his head. "On second thought" a pause "I'll give you this information for free..." As the captain talked to him, Obi-Wan listened fully, hearing the stories people told about how an Imperial fleet attempted to take down a rogue Clone, but they never returned... A bounty hunter for hire who doesn't mind working for any side... and the talk of places Jedi's could have hidden. Obi-Wan never thought about those places until now... It made sense; some left with their padawans to train in peace and nature... their senses must have told them that there is something off balance.
Ben Kenobi walked out of the cantina into the burning sunlight. He casually made his way to the space hangars, avoiding the troopers on the road, or anyone that looks like they could cause some trouble. He walked in to the farthest and smallest hangar. He made sure that most of his money went to this, just in case he needed a get away. He walked to a small closet, where he closed the door, and moved a few random pieces of objects to reveal a keypad. Entering in the code, a hidden door opened to a stairway. Obi-Wan followed it down to reveal a steel room, used as an undercover base in the Clone Wars, with a small jedi starfighter in the center. It was fueled, in as good condition as it ever will be, and able to sneak past the Empire's scanners. He had the force on his side.
"This is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the Jedi High Council. If you are listening to this, it means that you still seek hope, and truth. If you are willing to fight for that hope, please contact me on this channel.May the force be with you.... Always." Obi-Wan turned off his radio, and sat quietly in the small starfighter. He was out of the Tatooine orbit, and free to travel anywhere in the galaxy. He needed to find a safe place. He pressed a few buttons, and and pulled some levers, thinking of one of the safest places he could go for now... In a flash, Obi-Wan disappeared, travelling in light speed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gerrenthum. Thousands of navigation beacons surrounded the blue-green planet, as many more thousands of starships entered and exited the planet's gravity well every hour. Ringed by spaceports and important corporate stations, it was also home to a military base, and the urban world hosted dozens of cruisers and battleships, as well as several Venator-class Star Destroyers. The capital ships were an intimidating sight, formed up around a commandeered fueling station in a defensive pattern. Nobody in their right minds would attempt to enter the planet with a bounty on their heads.
"Time to wake up, Master Tarumana. We're here."

Kaga awoke slowly, first feeling out with the Force as his eyes slowly opened. Diana had already left the room to continue copiloting, and the young Knight was left to his own devices in order to prepare for the long day ahead. Sliding off the hard bunk, he rose and changed from his sleeping robes into his 'street' clothes- More of a disguise, really. There were not many Kaleesh wandering the galaxy, and with one of those few being a Jedi Knight, there was no doubt in his mind that he would be singled out for any searches. At the same time, it would not be good to appear too normal either. They were in a luxury military shuttle, after all, there was no good way to appear as civilians while flying their ship.

Slipping into a green skin-tight jumpsuit, with padded robes and cloak quickly thrown over, Kaga soon looked reminiscent of the Ubese wanderers, and this look was quickly solidified with an Ubese breath mask. Kaga walked out of their quarters, to see Diana already in her fine robes and jewelry. During their wandering, it was often required of them to don disguises, and here were the ones they had chosen; A young noble from a second-rate planet, and her hired Ubese mercenary. Both of course carried their lightsabres, both hidden in their robes, while Kaga also carried a modded WESTAR-34 blaster pistol.

Diana was at the navigation array, and Kaga sat in the pilot's chair to open communications and begin their landing procedure. Opening the channel, they were greeted by one of the orbital stations and given landing coordinates and a bay number. An hour later, they were safely docked and ready to go out gathering information and supplies.

"We need to have a case of food and water rations delivered to our bay. I've already contacted the station, and we will be refueled within the next few hours. We will gather information we can while we're out. I want to be out of here within the day. Do you understand, Padawan?" Tarumana glanced at his apprentice, to see her nod once. The Knight allowed a smile to creep across his face, hidden by the helmet covering every feature of his face. After a quick equipment check, the cargo ramp lowered and both Master and apprentice left the safety of their ship.
Wandering the streets of Gerrenthum, both Tarumana and Diana were reaching out with the Force, feeling the emotions of passerby and trying to discern information from the crowd. Their rations order had already gone through and was ready to be loaded onto their shuttle, and so both had decided to practice their sensor abilities. Kaga felt the ripple and flow of emotions in the Force, its current dragging along the edge of his consciousness. Every being in the crowded port had a unique flavour, a slice of their life open to anyone with the ability to read their emotions. Bitter over their lover, angry at the port service, elated at a successful business transaction. It was like reading from a book for the skillful Knight.

However, the disguised Kaleesh could also feel the waves of frustration overcoming his apprentice. Most skills came easily to the gifted young woman, and when they did not, it was often a short fuse on Diana's temper. A soothing ripple in the Force was not enough to calm the angering Padawan, its cooling touch lost in the now bubbling activity in the Force. Reaching over to touch her shoulder despite his disguise, Kaga sent a stronger wave of calm into the Force. Seemingly more open now, Diana accepted the sentiments and slipped into a standing meditation.

Tarumana allowed himself a moment of worry over his Padawan, before setting aside those emotions to continue feeling out with the Force. He was well aware of the dangers Diana brought upon herself by lapsing into anger, but Kaga felt confident that he could confront her when the time was right. Now, in a crowded spaceport under Imperial boot, was not that time. Again lapsing into an openness with the Force, Kaga lost himself in observing and learning.
An alarm went off in Kaga's head. Reaching out, Kaga could sense several hostile presences, their signatures seeming to have them in mind. By now the two of them had left to just outside their bay, continuing to practice at a distance as the crowds thinned out. Feeling them approaching, Tarumana opened his eyes and glanced at his apprentice, to see her hands slipping into her robes, readying for battle. Kaga nodded in approval, before reaching into his own robes as they retreated to behind their bay's cargo doors.

With Diana opening their cargo ramp, Kaga held his unactivated lightsabre in his left sleeve while the right held his laser pistol. Both the ramp and the bay doors opened as one, two Mugaari and a Nothoiin in padded armor charging in with lasrifles blazing. Kaga quickly drew fire, Diana not recieving any as the group seemed to avoid firing after her. Seeing that these individuals were not part of the authorities, but rather thugs likely looking for a quick ransom, Kaga allowed himself to show a touch of abilities.

Rolling past the shots aimed at him, Kaga advanced on the trio quickly, one of the Mugaari breaking off as the Knight swept past him. Now without his companions directly to cover his back, the thug was quickly disposed of with strikes to the chest and neck. Dropping heavily, Tarumana turned to face the remaining two. Diana by now had raced up their shuttle's ramp and was preparing the ship for launch, the overhead roof opening to reveal the light purple of Gerrenthum's night sky. Seeing their marks readying to flee, the pair themselves raced up the ramp, a startling move to the young Knight. Who retreated into the enemy's territory?

Shaking his head, Kaga raced up into the shuttle as the ship began raising off the ground and the hydraulics to the ramp began raising. Now inside, Kaga confronted both criminals as they stood, blasters pointed at him. "Drop it, fracking Ubese merc. You can't run now, it's just the two of us and one of you. Can't hope to win this," said the smirking Nothoiin, his eagerness to shoot betrayed by his condescending tone. However, the thug had forgotten who was currently piloting the ship, and that this model had an excellent autopilot program perfectly capable of taking over launch details.

As his Padawan engaged the stunned Mugaari, Kaga disarmed the arrogant Nothoiin with a shot before planting a fist in his now shocked face. Nothing quite like a fistful of pain to wipe off that smirk. Planted flat, Tarumana stood over the prone forms of both intruders as his apprentice looked his way for approval. Removing his breath mask, Kaga smiled at the young woman openly, quickly met with a smile of her own. Nodding towards her Master, Diana left to assist with piloting duties, the Knight left to deal with the two unconscious thugs now in their cargo bay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jurano was making his way through the dark lit streets of Coruscant, escaping the planet undetected was a challenge but not impossible. He was moving quickly and not so much quietly but he kept moving, pushing people aside, knocking over enemy soldiers and what not. He made it to the downtown areas of Coruscant, from here he can get transport off the planet. As he made his way through the crowds of civilians his radio inside his helmet blinked, activating the message that was sent to those who knew of the secret channel. As he started trying to find a ship to commandeer he listened to the message from someone he thought to be dead, Obi-wan Kenobi. Knowing what to expect from smugglers, he made his way onto a small ship with a hyper drive installed, he took off and made for space. As he reached the outskirts of the planet he removed his helmet but kept his under-mask on. Then he contacted the frequency that Obi-wan used.

"This is Jedi knight Jurano Montur, reporting for duty. Kenobi it's been a while since you've used this frequency, I hear we may a chance. Also i owe you a glass of Juri juice don't I?" he announced on the freqeuncy Kenobi had contacted him on.
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