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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

It has been two months since the fall of the Jedi Order... Two months after a very large amount of Jedi have been killed, and two months since Darth Vader has taken over. The galaxy now lives in fear, and despair... But some Jedi have survived. Some people don't fear the new dictator, and his power... they are the beginning of something new... Although the Jedi have lost their home, it doesn't mean they lost their ways. They are still there to help bring balance to the force... and to do that, they must need the help of anyone who is willing, and able. political leaders, smugglers, bounty hunters, civilians tired of fear.

The empire will also have tricks up their sleeves as well. Jedi hunters, soldiers who are extremely loyal to Vader... even Sith themselves... They are powerful, strong, and won't be shaken so easily... but if the Jedi can group others who hold a sense of hope, they might be able to do something about this... The fate of the galaxy is at their hands.

---So this isn't going to really line up with the actual Star Wars timeline at all haha, its just a fun thing that everyone can be apart of!

1) Be fair with your characters. Don't make them extremely overpowered. You will win fights, you will lose fights.
2) Although this is a Star Wars RP, it won't be all action.. there will be drama, romance, talking, tension between some people. There's gonna be more to it than fighting haha!
3)Don't be a jerk OOC
4)Please leave it to one character for now
5) You can be an old favorite character of yours, or a completely new one! its your choice, as long as it makes sense hahaha
6) No one lined posts. It doesn't help the story if you go "He walked into the room and sat in the corner.", i believe in quality over quantity, so it doesn't have to be super long, just enough to be interesting!
7) If there are a lot of people, don't be surprised if there will be a short pause so everyone has time to post!
8) have fun!!!


Faction: Jedi, Empire, Rebel, Sith, etc.
Bio: can be short
Skills/weapon(s) of choice:
Relationship?: optional

hope you guys don't mind! but he's my favorite character (Han Solo being a very close second hahaha)

Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Age: Late 20's early 30's


Faction: Jedi

Bio: If you haven't seen Episodes I, II, or III.... read the wiki on him hahahaha

Personality: Dry sense of humor, and sarcastic wit, and suffers from emotional anxiety. very humble, softspoken, steadfast, and selfless. Known to be very decisive, and strategic. known to tell great stories. Usually thinks before he acts. he has been known as "The Negotiator" in the Clone Wars, being able to stop many battles with just talking to the enemy leader over tea.

Skills/Weapon(s) of choice: One of the greatest lightsaber duelists in the Council. Also very strong in the force. Known for his mastery of the Jedi Mind Trick, Force Push (able to match Anakin's in a duel) force deflect, manipulate sounds, and able to connect to animals.

Relationships?: although it was prohibited for Jedi to fall in love, he had a flame long ago during the Clone Wars, but she passed away in a battle.

Other: May the force be with you. Always.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quick question, how many charries can we have?

EDIT: I'm a stupid, didn't read OP thoroughly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey im a huge star wars fan so here we GO!

Name: Jurano Montur
Age: 26
Faction: Jedi
Bio: Jurano was a Jedi of the order, when order 66 was initiated he had been forced to kill the clones under his command. Because of this he decided to take the armor of one of his clones in order to repent for what he did. Now he fights gorilla battles on empire controlled planets by himself
Personality: Cold and somewhat ruthless, but when he has team mates he gets nicer and learns to associate himself with them.
Skills/weapon(s) of choice: His lightsaber, and the typical jedi force powers
Relationship?: Maybe when there's more people
Other: Jurano also wore a mask that hid his face, no-one knows what he looks like.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

CC-6643 "Bright"




Unlike most clones, Bright was pressed into service at the age of 18, or rather, 9. This was at the request of a Jedi General, who specifically picked Bright out. Bright served alongside this Jedi General as a commander, however instead of the Jedi taking command, he was far too timid for that, he often commanded as a partner with Bright. Bright listened to his Generals input, and his General listened to Brights input. The outcome were strategies that were ferocious, aggressive, and conserved the most amount of clone lives.
When Order 66 hit, Bright, the Jedi, and Brights Company were detached from their Regiment and added to another to supplement theirs. Bright received the order, he acknowledged, switched off the communicator, and immediately went to his Jedi General to report that the Chancellor had betrayed the Jedi. Like Bright, the entire Regiment listened intently to the Jedi's teachings, and they were all similar of thought. However, the Legion they were assigned to help, was not. To allow Bright and the Jedi General to escape, Brights company stayed behind to delay the oncoming Legion.
Bright and the Jedi General ran for a month before they were hunted down, the Jedi was killed and Bright did what was right. He didn't succumb to anger and fled another of his brothers once more, to fight another day. And now, he stands with the Rebels.

There is one thing that tops all others in Brights priorities. And that is duty. The duty to do the right thing, as was taught to him by his Jedi General. He was taught that hate begets hate, and kindness begets kindness. He tries to keep to his Jedi Generals teachings as much as possible. As a result, he is a kind fellow with the temper of a glacier. Although he may not speak much, he does do easily readable body language. However he may come off as a bit aggressive and mean. It doesn't help that he looks downright intimidating, like a frowning avatar of war.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice:
=Custom Faiz No.1 Mk.IV Light Repeating Blaster, this is Brights signature weapon. A personally forged, custom LRB, designed with the thought of scorching through heavy droid armor. As a result, this weapon as others would call it, a monstrosity, was born. Bright can use this weapon with deadly accuracy, as he knows all the quirks of his gun.
=DC15s Sidearm, a Sidearm used often by the former Clone Commandos of GAR. It was a gift. Bright can is adept in the usage of sidearms, as he used Faiz most of the time.
=Vibrodagger, a combat knife, essentially. Bright is surprisingly a master of his dagger.
=MM9 Wrist Rocket, Right Arm. Although this is one of the more recent additions to Brights equipment, how hard can it be to aim your wrist at something and shoot a rocket at it?
=Dur24 Wrist Laser and a Miniature Flame Projector module, Left Arm. Another of the more recent additions to Bright's list of equipment. Although he hasn't really used the Flame Projector in combat yet, it has proved to be a useful utility tool, such as starting campfires. He has used his wrist laser in combat, and he uses it in conjunction with his dagger, giving him an edge in melee.

Relationship: N/A

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Kaga Tarumana
Age: 20

Faction: Jedi/Rogue

Bio: Kaga was born Ujimunja eij Tarumana on the planet Kalee. At age seven he was sold into slavery by his brother to an arms dealer. Transported offworld, he was given a number and brutally trained to be a strong and obedient slave for a year. Sold into bondage to a drug cartel, Ujimunja was made to be a "lightspeed jockey", and forced to repair and maintain starships while fitting into small, dangerous places. He learned and practiced this skill for two years, until at age ten he was forced to run spice planet-side. Seeming to have a second sense for where local enforcers were, Ujimunja was celebrated and offered pay and spice to continue doing the marvelous job. He was also rechristened, named "Kaga" after one of their fallen brethren.

Age eleven, he was found by Jedi Master Kwatha and her apprentice on a mission to the planet Andasala. Clearly being Force sensitive, Master Kwatha fought a duel with several thugs and won, earning the boy as payement. Transported to the Jedi Temple, Kaga was set on an accelerated schedule and was picked as a Padawan at age twelve. Taken in by the Ithorian Master Nautolus, he quickly took to Force training, being reminded of his home-world's spirituality. With his philisophical Master, Kaga spent much time ruminating on the cultures and beliefs of various peoples, from the Kaleesh and Ithorians to the Gammoreans and Hutts he had lived with on Andasala. At age seventeen, he was Knighted and, after a short period, took on a human apprentice, named Diana Iulia.

Following his Knighthood, Kaga became more and more interested in learning of the cultures and practices of other species. Following an appeal to the Jedi Council, Kaga and his apprentice were allowed for an extended trip around the Outer Rim. Trading parting words with Master Nautolus, he left with Diana in a Theta-Class T-2C, determined to see the galaxy through new eyes. A two month trip turned into three, six, a year. After two years of travel, and Diana needing to take exams and courses Kaga could not provide, they made their way back to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. On the Mid Rim, however, both are plagued by visions of slaughter and chaos, a storm in the Force. Looking for information, Kaga is met with news of Order 66 and the Jedi's supposed treason. Not believing a word of it, Kaga and Diana flee immediately.

Personality: Kaga is outspoken and adventurous, having no real ties to a planet or homeworld. He is not sure what he wants in life, but knows he wants to see everything he can before making his decision. Even though a dedicated Jedi, he still wonders of the nature of the Force and questions the theory he has been taught. Although an adult, he has a child-like sense of curiosity.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice: Skilled in lightsaber usage, specifically Shien and Ataru forms.
Adept at many Force-centric skills, including the basics required for a Jedi such as the Art of Movement, Force Concealment, and Force Sense. Kaga prefers manipulating the mind rather than using showy displays of ability, able to confuse and instill emotions in opponents.
Carries a conventional plasteel knife as well.

Relationship: No significant other. Close with Diana and Master Nautolus, as well as Master Kwatha.

Other: Lightsaber color is a pale green. Traditional mask is made of plasteel, not bone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

All accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sela Kaede
Age: 26

Sela stands at about 5'7", with shoulder-length pink hair and blue eyes.

Faction: The Galactic Empire
Sela was born on Kuat 26 standard years before order 66, to an engineering family. Like most Jedi she was discovered as an infant, and was taken to the Jedi temple on Coruscant on her second birthday. During her training Sela excelled in investigative skills, and was noted as being an early candidate for the Jedi Shadow division. However she was passed over numerous times by masters because of a "merciless" personality that caused fear of dark side influences in such a high risk Jedi field. Despite the misgivings concerning Sela's stability, she did none the less make it to the rank of Jedi Knight, mostly due to the high need of knights in the latter part of the Clone Wars.

Sela was on Coruscant at the time of Order 66. By this time she herself had already began to turn against the Jedi Order, seeing has their denial of her skills as a corruption. On the on-set of the assault of the temple Sela was captured and imprisoned briefly before being brought before the newly crowned Emperor Palpatine. Sensing that this new change would bring about the power and respect she craved, Sela willingly submitted herself to the Sith and became the first among the Inquisitorius.

Personality: Sela has a mercurial personality, being noted has compassionate by some, cruel by others. Over the last two months her feelings towards the Jedi Order have turned towards hate, in large part due to misinformation fed to her during the course of her training for the New Order. As a result Sela is more inclined to kill Jedi on site, though refrains as ordered by the Emperor.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice:
* Lightsaber
* Modified Blaster Pistol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 3 days ago

Name: Sawyer Ares
Age: 31

Faction: He serves the Emperor directly and is one of the first Adjustment agents. Former Bounty Hunter.

Bio: Most of Sawyer's life is shrouded in mystery, it is known however he is a Coruscant born man. He hides himself in shadow and his name is feared throughout the Galaxy as a Bounty Hunter of great cunning and skill. However recently Sawyer entered the Imperial Database and has security clearance even some of the senior admiral's and officials fail to have. He serves the Emperor directly and answers to no one else unless otherwise ordered. Sawyer has begun creating and recruiting a crack team of intelligence and infiltrator specialists preparing them for the policing of the galaxy, including the new Empire. To make sure the peace won by the Emperor sticks.

Personality: Cold, distant, and mercilessly efficient even at the expense of those he is over. Sawyer doesn't seem to really have a personality as he rarely ever talks. When he does, the ghostly whisper voice that seems to cause a nails on a chalkboard sound sends most people over the edge. Sawyer wants to be feared, as fear prevents things from happening.

Skills/weapon(s) of choice: Slug-thrower Carbine: His Slug thrower assault rifle has gone through several severe changes and swappings since his start as a bounty hunter. Originally a standard issue design from a failed dictatorship, it has become a multi-funcional, modual weapon. With the appropriate parts, the bounty hunter can swap out certain components of the weapon to make it suit an entirely different role. Including a sniper rifle and heavy weapons launcher. The standard assault rifle still has a grenade launcher attachment and bayonet, although the grenade launcher is not nearly as powerful as the heavy weapon mode, which is more akin to a rocket launcher in design.

Pistols: Dual Heavy Blaster pistols, each resembles a slug revolver, although it is quite different. Each chamber holds an entire power pack meant for regular blaster rifles. The entire power pack is expelled in one shot, meaning a more advanced cooling system is required. Cooling rods extend down the barrel of the pistols, increasing their performace and enabling rapid shots to be fired. The downside to that upgrade is that the blaster bolts fly through the air somewhat slower do to the cooling amd their size, although they are much more devistating due to their semi-solid nature and that they have the power of an entire power pack at once.

VibroSword: Short vibro sword, roughly 18 inch long blade. Sheathes it horizontally across the back of his belt. Its blade is chipped and overly sharpened from years of service.

Knives: 8 inch combat knife in left boot, 6 inch combat knife on belt. Both are not vibro and are gun metal black to remove glint.

Other equipment: -electro shock , and normal bolos, as well as a special type that emits a bright flash upon the balls on either end of the strong braided cord colliding after wrapping around a targets legs.

-small metal disks that release a strong type of sleep gas once they are jarred or impacted against anything

-several datapads

- several yards of vibo cord

-4 lbs of explosive putty w/ timer

- micro cameras

-assortment of darts including poison, stun, sleep, and several others which vary in intensity.

-stimpacks and adrenaline shots
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


I probably have it all wrong, but what is an adjustment agent? Never heard of anything like that before. It almost sounds like you've created someone whose job is somewhere between an ISB agent and Imperial Intelligence with the overriding access of an Emperor's Hand or Inquisitor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 3 days ago

There ya go. :) They are a part of Imperial Intelligence, and the ISB. But my character answers only to the Emperor. Since it's just forming the Emperor wants to keep a close eye on it. Basically I wanted the character to be your wingman so to speak.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well there you go. Learn something new everyday. Though it is clear from that wiki page that Adjustments is purely IIB. IIB and ISB are two different rival branches. Much like the CIA and the FBI. Though in the case with the ISB they are more closely associated with groups like the Gestapo than the FBI. But in the end its just details. I look forward to working with you. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Accepted! I'll wait for a few more people to join before i start a post in the IC
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Character should be done tomorrow
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Teres "Tango" Tengenis
Age: 27
Appearance: Tall with a dark goatee and short cut black hair. His armor consists of a trench coat thrown over an old republic solders uniform. He has many scars across his body most noticeable is the one that goes across his back as well as the one on his torso which mirrors the one on his back.
Faction: He works for the highest bidder, though his moral compass points towards helping himself most of the time it can point to the little man.
Bio: Though his old history is unknown it is suspected that he has ties to the times before the empire came to power, he has worked for the empire before but does not agree with their politics.
Personality: He is a drunk who enjoys the company of himself and his weapons. He prefers women who are direct and straight to the point. He will be the same way if he can be sure they are going to do the same for him. He is not particularly loyal and is gritty making him the opposite of royalty, a king of the slums.
Skills/weapon(s) of choice: He uses an old style blaster as his secondary and a large revolving cannon as his primary weapon for major fights. He is skilled in hand to hand combat and could likely take on any bounty hunter that crossed his path. He can also hold is booze extremely well.
Relationship?: None yet.
Other: Cash is better than a promise of a better tommorow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hmm very interesting I am planning on having boba fett (if that's acceptable) CS will be forth coming
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think Jones had meant for to allow some canon characters. So yeah I think you can swing Boba Fett.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quick question,
What is your stance on NPCs? The Empire guys might have a team or two of Imperial Army to assist them that would act as cannonfodder. And what is the size of the Rebellion at this point, and can we undertake missions that would increase the size of the Rebellion overall?
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