You can choose. SantosGabriel is one of them, he's democratic at least but his ideology is up to him (Religious, political, economic, etc). So you may choose.
Alright thank you! I will have to consider my options.
- Population: 12,500,000 - Geographic Size: Small - Natural Resources: Precious Metals, Agriculture, - Urbanization: Mostly rural, a single large port city and the capital are the single large hubs of modern life. - Technological Standard: Standard of living and technology in this nation is equivalent to 1943. - Heavy Industry: Plentiful heavy industry in the cities, but no national arms industry. - Political Administration: Subverted democracy with at least a dozen political parties. Corruption is rampant from local and international sectors, but elections do occur. - National Legitimacy: Somewhat illegitimate, political administration is seen as "not ideal," though by keeping it's head in the sand has seen fit to remain independent and at peace. - Political Popularity: Very unpopular, current government is nearing the end of it's election cycle and peaceful protests are common. - Prevailing Religion: Majority of population is an offshot denomination of a major religion not considered the majority for the geographical region (think a Catholic nation in the Eastern Europe, for example). - Corruption: Corruption is widespread in the Army, Air Force, politics and common life. - Cultural Coherence: Approximately four major cultures and a single oppressed culture distributed throughout a single area of the country. - Political Allegiance(s): Current government is a puppet government installed by one of the two Superpowers. - Pressing Issues * Ethnic Cleansing: Oppressed cultural minorities being ethnically cleansed in rural areas. * Rampant Corruption: Corruption in the government and army is extremely widespread. - National Army: Large volunteer force with large number of tanks and artillery pieces from one of the two Superpowers. - Air Force: Ten squadrons of prop planes and a single squadron of bombers that are outdated 1940's variants. - Navy: 12 Destroyers and a handful of cruisers and submarines. No existing naval aviation branch.
It is wonderful, thank you this is almost exactly what I hoped for. :D
Will it be possible to choose which Superpower I am a puppet of? Or will that be determined otherwise?
Soldiers in uniforms not of Grenaza went about their duties outside in the gardens and walls of the Imperial Palace. Up above sat three people in a lavish reclining room, a few couches sat around the room with tables and chairs to match. Many colors represented in an almost obnoxious brightness from the chairs to various hanging cloths on the walls and those walls themselves. The two sat off by one of the windows in this room, two chairs moved away from whatever perfected arrangement they previously held. One sat in the standard Imperial regalia, the Emperor, the other in less extravagant but still formal and higher class.
The Emperor turned back from the window. “Tell me what you think Chancellor.”
“I think you’ve trusted these men with many things before and there is certainly no reason to distrust now, your Imperial Majesty.”
“And you can’t tell me more? No, you’ve told me why I know.” Emperor Matenosen cut off the Chancellor’s response and looked back out the window. He stood up, “You can tell my apparently trusted men that they have my blessing to whatever this is.”
“And the Budget your Imperial Majesty?”
A snort and then, “It's not like I could do anything to stop them could I?”
“Your Imperial Majesty I think it's importan-”
“Fine! I’ve heard your arguments but my blessing is conditional.”
The Chancellor stayed silent waiting. The Emperor continued, “I want to have a design for that Saurtarian contract alright?”
“That would be all it would require getting this budget your blessing your Imperial Majesty?” A nod. “Thank you your Imperial Majesty, it will be done!” The Chancellor bowed out of the room, formally but with his obvious energy getting somewhat in the way of dignity.
The Drunken Retherfedian, Grenaza
“Reni Krenistor?” The eponymous man turned to meet the familiar voice and almost fell out of his seat in his urgency to stand up.
“Colonel MaCatarn Si-” Reni said before being interrupted by the other man.
“Please Reni, I’m as much a Colonel as you are a Major. Call me Adrel.” Adrel motioned to an open table little ways away from any other occupied tables.
“I’ll join you.” Reni stood properly, took his drink and left the other ex-soldiers to join his previous commanding officer.
Sitting down Adrel asked, “Have you found work after, well you know?”
“I’ve found some, maybe not a whole lot but I can get by.”
They talked about how From there the conversation moved on to some catching up before going into some more political matters.
“I don’t know about the Republicans but letting Communists into the Government? That’s asking for trouble if you ask me.” Reni stated with a great assurance.
“Reni, what do you know of Vornheim?”
“Aside from the craziness there already not much. Adrel, you're asking a lot of pointed questions, where are you going with this?”
Adrel leaned in and spoke quietly, “What do you know about the Legion?”
“You’re not dealing with those aristocratic bastards are you?” burst out Reni.
“Quiet Down, no seriously they’ve changed a lot, there are good people there now, trust me.” Adrel watched Reni’s less than enthusiastic face, before sighing and continuing. “Listen, just come to a meeting at the headquarters here, you know where the headquarters are? Good, and you’ll see in two days. Bring along whoever you like who can think alright? See you later Reni.”
Reni watched him leave. “Two days huh?”
Imperial Senate, Veronyn
“...And so upon this consideration of Imperial consent, I would put forward the motion that we move to vote on the collected bills as a unit.” The Chancellor motioned as the Senator relinquished control back to him. “The Chancellery seat recognizes the honorable Senator from Daltesod.”
“I second the motion from the honorable Senator from Eilde.”
“Very well, if there is no objection or further discussion to be had we will proceed.” A general shuffling commenced as Senators prepared to cast their votes, and then did so the long droning going on for the hundreds of Senators before finally ceasing. As was expected, the Chancellor announced the result after being handed the official record. “The results are as follows, two-hundred and thirty-two votes aye, five votes nay, and one-hundred and ten abstentions. The bills passed by a super-majority of three-fifths present and thus become law.”
~Submit Acceptance of Contract to the Saurtarian Republic ~Send Forty Million to the National Health Council to distribute equally in the fields of agriculture and pharmaceuticals ~Send Eighty Million to the National Board of Transportation to distribute equally in the fields of aviation and automotive ~Contract Serotis M.T.I. for the design of the new bolt action rifle to “meet or exceed those of Saurtarian contract” with an up to one million reward reserved for particular excellence in design. ~Reequip an artillery factory at Daltesod to produce consumer goods
2. Head of State & Age: Emperor Matenosen Brezaran de Naza (First of that Name, 31 years of age.)
3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War:Defeated Power
4. Culture: Grenaza is a not a unified ethnic bloc by any means or stretch of the imagination, although those of Grenaza would argue that this is a benefit more than any detriment to their state. Formed in days past of political marriages and conquests of local nobilities and of the myriad of cultures, the Empire has a culture all its own, one of a union of the disparate cultures but also of the connections with the still very much alive progenitor cultures.
Only relatively recently throwing off the shackles of the Empire's feudal past the high culture is still dominated by the Elite, even if now they are without large estates and personal power. This means that most trends are set through those noblemen and women; from the Imperial Family in Empire-wide means to the lowliest noble family in their traditional lands. Generally, the Imperial family has maintained their power although some of it has fallen out with the times.
Food tends to focus on meats with additional fruits and vegetables to compliment the central meat of the dish. As well the traditional large meal has been the midday meal although this has shifted in recent times to a later meal. Local variations are myriad on the many national dishes, each region adding or removing various pieces to the dishes as is to their cultural tastes.
In fashion, while national trends are followed they rarely are very specific, with each region adding its own local flare, as a matter of cultural pride but also in what is more appropriate for the region. Generally, dress in Grenaza is very colorful and bright, something followed in general Grenazan optimistic attitudes, often with local flares of various styles and adornments of great variance.
Art is mostly focused on the visual, in fact, fashion and visual arts are often viewed as primary artistic pursuits while others like music are often considered secondary or best left only to compliment the primary pursuits. This varies amongst regions, as do most things in the Empire, however, most regions have a lower opinion of music over visual arts. This does contribute somewhat from the still prevalent social elites to cause music to be viewed as more common and lower class if not accompanying another medium.
When it became clear that war was coming, the Grenazan people and their young Emperor was not just hopeful, they were sure of a quick victorious war. While realities may have been different, and the cost had been high in the six-year grind that was the war, Grenazan optimism has dimmed but it is not extinguished in the injured realm.
2. Head of State & Age: Emperor Matenosen Brezaran de Naza (First of that Name, 31 years of age.)
3. Political Alignment during the Most Atrocious War:Defeated Power
4. Culture: Grenaza is a not a unified ethnic bloc by any means or stretch of the imagination, although those of Grenaza would argue that this is a benefit more than any detriment to their state. Formed in days past of political marriages and conquests of local nobilities and of the myriad of cultures, the Empire has a culture all its own, one of a union of the disparate cultures but also of the connections with the still very much alive progenitor cultures.
Only relatively recently throwing off the shackles of the Empire's feudal past the high culture is still dominated by the Elite, even if now they are without large estates and personal power. This means that most trends are set through those noblemen and women; from the Imperial Family in Empire-wide means to the lowliest noble family in their traditional lands. Generally, the Imperial family has maintained their power although some of it has fallen out with the times.
Food tends to focus on meats with additional fruits and vegetables to compliment the central meat of the dish. As well the traditional large meal has been the midday meal although this has shifted in recent times to a later meal. Local variations are myriad on the many national dishes, each region adding or removing various pieces to the dishes as is to their cultural tastes.
In fashion, while national trends are followed they rarely are very specific, with each region adding its own local flare, as a matter of cultural pride but also in what is more appropriate for the region. Generally, dress in Grenaza is very colorful and bright, something followed in general Grenazan optimistic attitudes, often with local flares of various styles and adornments of great variance.
Art is mostly focused on the visual, in fact, fashion and visual arts are often viewed as primary artistic pursuits while others like music are often considered secondary or best left only to compliment the primary pursuits. This varies amongst regions, as do most things in the Empire, however, most regions have a lower opinion of music over visual arts. This does contribute somewhat from the still prevalent social elites to cause music to be viewed as more common and lower class if not accompanying another medium.
When it became clear that war was coming, the Grenazan people and their young Emperor was not just hopeful, they were sure of a quick victorious war. While realities may have been different, and the cost had been high in the six-year grind that was the war, Grenazan optimism has dimmed but it is not extinguished in the injured realm.
Domain (Portfolio) Description: The Domain of Motion, at the center of the matter, is movement, it is the process of changing position. That is what is important to those in this Domain, the process itself and its resultants. All throughout creation things move and are moved, consistently or not, small or large, they move. Motion is something indomitably needed and used, governing every practical interaction between anything and everything. Motion is the action accomplished in almost every interaction, it defines action.
The Portfolio of Animation involves the giving of this necessary motion to objects and formations, to imbue them not only with a change in position, a movement, a motion, but to give those objects and formations the ability of motion, giving them the opportunity to move.
Alignment: Neutral Indifferent, Jydshi does not see the need for betterment or exploitation of mortals, not to say that she would enlist them in either cause if it allowed her to continue to live her life as she desires. As well Jydshi does not see necessary order in movement, nor chaos, it is both. It is an ordered chaos, an action that follows general rules, and breaks them when necessary to move, to keep motion happening.
Personality: Jydshi can come across as apathetic or impassioned depending upon where and when one stumbles upon her. While on the matter of people she has little opinion, and will sometimes join sides by whoever is loudest in arguments and other frivolities, but when it comes to motion or making movement, there are none more joyous than Jydshi in support. Jydshi often acts from sudden impulses making her seem at times quite playful, and others brutal. She focuses on motion more than concepts of order and chaos or good and evil, although since her creation as a physical creature of the world she does have a grasp of these ideas even if they are not primary motivators in her behavior towards others.
Appearance: Jydshi in her preferred and only current form takes the appearance of a massive millipede, a terrifying sight for some. Her coloration slowly changes over time, her emotions and environment might play a role in this but the change is rather slow and sometimes seemingly random. Her mouth sports a usual pincer arrangement although a little more complex and toughened than a scaled-up millipede would be, her back plates are rather tough and hard following this trend.
Jydshi has antennae like those of millipedes although her head is more forward facing than a millipede’s in general. As well her eyes are in appearance not that different from that of a millipede, even going as far to have special bristles on some front legs for eye cleaning purposes. In terms of legs and the body, Jydshi has hundreds of legs, several per each of her segmented body pieces. As well she has a few fine manipulator arms, tucked away in the frontal undercarriage. Not counting the legs, she is around a third meter high, half a meter wide and five meters long, keeping around the same proportions as the smaller insect creatures she looks like.
Her appearance can be disturbing for some which her rather polite manner, and often boredom with things not involving motion as a general statement can sometimes help that, or not help at all.
Description: Jydshi, impassioned about motion and focused upon it, she desires to expand both motion and generally gravitates towards ideas more associated with such. While not always paying attention to others when perhaps she should, Jydshi does not mean to be rude and when she remembers she attempts to be polite, not that that always works out. Jydshi can at times be one of the most joyous, happy and excited beings to be around, and at others one of the most aggravating.