
| {Full Name} |
Afton Helter
| {Age} |
| {Species} |
| {Gender} |
|{Force Sensitive/Alignment}|
Yes - Light
| {Appearance} |
An older gentleman by all accounts Afton is often seen wearing his brown robes. A life of physical training has left the old man with an athletic and muscular form, looking nearly twenty years younger then he actually is. His long silvery gray hair is kept tied back behind his head. Offsetting the brown of his robes is the dull black leather of his boots and belt. Worn over all this is a reddish brown hooded cloak.
|{Equipment and Personal Belongings}|
-Weapons: A single lightsaber, crafted with a green crystal, and characterized by adornements of wood and intracate steel patterns that make their way over the weapon which fits perfectly into two hands. The lack of any real wear on the lightsaber hilt shows how little it's owner fights with the weapon.
-Equipment: Plated Jedi robes and jedi utility belt
-Owned Ships: Eta-2 Refit, an Eta-2 Class starfighter that Afton has owned since his entrance into the Clone Wars. It has been upgraded with more powerful guns, engines, and an onboard hyperdrive to keep up with starfighters of the current day.
-Equipment: Plated Jedi robes and jedi utility belt
-Owned Ships: Eta-2 Refit, an Eta-2 Class starfighter that Afton has owned since his entrance into the Clone Wars. It has been upgraded with more powerful guns, engines, and an onboard hyperdrive to keep up with starfighters of the current day.
| {Physical Abilities} |
Echani Martial Arts: Afton has always found the Echani arts a beautiful form of combat, more akin to dancing then fighting, with the flowing movements often saying far more about the user then words. He is a moderate practitioner of these arts, able to hold his own in unarmed combat with them.
| {Force Abilities} |
Telekinesis (includes both Force Push / Pull)
-Force Stasis
-Force Sense
-Force Jump
-Force Reflex
-Breath Control
-Detoxify Poison
-Force Healing
-Force Hibernation
-Force Stealth
-Force Doppleganger
-Force Empathy
-Force Deflection
-Force Valor
-Force Stasis
-Force Sense
-Force Jump
-Force Reflex
-Breath Control
-Detoxify Poison
-Force Healing
-Force Hibernation
-Force Stealth
-Force Doppleganger
-Force Empathy
-Force Deflection
-Force Valor
| {Limitations} |
Old Man: Jek is an old man, with all that entails. Despite being spry in movement and powerful with the force, he cannot sustain hits like he used to, and his stamina is definitely decreased.
Passing Swordsman: Afton is no master of the saber by any stretch of the imagination, and his skills have been dulled by time. With his preferred weapon being the force, Afton barely draws his saber.
Passing Swordsman: Afton is no master of the saber by any stretch of the imagination, and his skills have been dulled by time. With his preferred weapon being the force, Afton barely draws his saber.
| {Place of Origin} |
Mandalore. He was raised to the age of three by loving parents on the world. After this, he was taken away to Coruscant to become a youngling.
| {Background} |
Jek was born on Mandalore, and when he was three years old, whisked away by the jedi to Coruscant. Always having a knack for getting in trouble, Jek often times found himself being disciplined as a jedi youngling, forced to meditate for hours on end, or assist in the library. However, at such an early age this meditation would hone Jek's connection to the force, and this would only benefit him going forward. Even as a youngling, Jek felt a connection to the force that few Jedi could boast, and Jek used this connection to pass the initiate trials at a relatively young age. This got him assigned to a jedi master who could help the youngling grow into a fine jedi knight. His master, a steadfast teacher of the old ways of the jedi, taught Jek many things over the course of time that Jek spent under him. Jek grew to be many things under his master. Wise, patient, and strong willed, not to mention powerful with the force. However, it was also under his master that he learned that he was not particularly strong with a lightsaber. No matter the training that Jek undertook, he found himself only an adequate swordsman, nothing more. He became a knight quickly under the tutoring of his master, and his skills and ability in the force, paired with the wisdom of age, eventually turned him into a venerated master of the order. He excelled at teaching, and was often given difficult students to train.
Through his time spent as a Jedi, Jek famously remained a pacifist and believer in Jedi not joining in wars. His firm belief was that the Jedi had no business in participating in conflicts between the various powers in the galaxy. As keepers of the peace, they should seek to be peaceful and impartial arbitrators of it. During the events of the Naboo blockade before the clone wars, he condemned the actions of Qui Gon and his apprentice in leading the palace guards against the Trade Federation. It was his firm belief that they should have simply returned to Coruscant after it was seen that the Trade Federation was not interested in negotiations.
When the Clone Wars broke out, Jek remained on Coruscant. Following the massacre of the jedi on Geonosis Jek vocally spoke out against the council's actions, blaming them for both the war, and the loss of the jedi at the arena, one of which was a former padawan of his. He refused to join the fray, and by extension, refused to let his current padawan join as well. It was only towards the end of the Clone Wars that Jek and his padawan actually participated. It was this that saved them, being off world during the glassing of Coruscant, and therefor saved from death. Following the loss of the Republic, he went with the Republic to Mandalore. When he arrived, he decided to cast off the cloak of the pacifist. Perhaps it was out of a feeling of guilt for not joining in the defense of the Republic sooner, or perhaps it was something else. Either way, he was determined to assist the Republic in any way he could now.
Through his time spent as a Jedi, Jek famously remained a pacifist and believer in Jedi not joining in wars. His firm belief was that the Jedi had no business in participating in conflicts between the various powers in the galaxy. As keepers of the peace, they should seek to be peaceful and impartial arbitrators of it. During the events of the Naboo blockade before the clone wars, he condemned the actions of Qui Gon and his apprentice in leading the palace guards against the Trade Federation. It was his firm belief that they should have simply returned to Coruscant after it was seen that the Trade Federation was not interested in negotiations.
When the Clone Wars broke out, Jek remained on Coruscant. Following the massacre of the jedi on Geonosis Jek vocally spoke out against the council's actions, blaming them for both the war, and the loss of the jedi at the arena, one of which was a former padawan of his. He refused to join the fray, and by extension, refused to let his current padawan join as well. It was only towards the end of the Clone Wars that Jek and his padawan actually participated. It was this that saved them, being off world during the glassing of Coruscant, and therefor saved from death. Following the loss of the Republic, he went with the Republic to Mandalore. When he arrived, he decided to cast off the cloak of the pacifist. Perhaps it was out of a feeling of guilt for not joining in the defense of the Republic sooner, or perhaps it was something else. Either way, he was determined to assist the Republic in any way he could now.