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    1. corrosive 9 yrs ago


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@calmay The more the merrier! Just go ahead and get a CS in whenever you're ready.
@TwistedSun Alf is in! I'm loving the history, it's very well thought out and I pride you on that. 8)

After Dnni gets their CS in then I'll post an OOC and link everyone.
@Dnni An Awakened Old Soul can most definitely be a hunter! In fact, that's highly encourageable. 8)
@Dnni I'd love to have you! You can make a character sheet and whatnot, I'd be glad to help with anything you may have questions about!
@McHaggis I'm loving her appearance and her family sounds great, it all seems pretty solid. You're in!

@Kuroneko Perfectly fine, perfectly fine. Whatever photo portrays the best. She seems absolutely wicked and I'm loving it. You're also in!

Two more people and I'll make an OOC.
@Kuroneko Lmao, glad to be of service. 8P
@Kuroneko Anything you need to know and I'm here to help. Hit me. 8)
@Kuroneko I'd say they'd probably go blood-mad for awhile and it would have a lot of casualties but they'd be fine afterwards, just probably more prone to getting antsy at feeding time.
@Kuroneko Only the finest available.
He's going to be the king of trash.
@McHaggis I look forward to seeing them! 8)
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