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@TwistedSun The Northern area is where I was thinking too so that's good w me. 8)

Like Northern Minnesota should fit that description from what I know about it.
@Eschatologist Yeah, that's a p sound guess. Monday is the day now, officially.

@Blackmist16 Now is a perfectly fine time! 8)
Remmington was a little disheartened when Clover had to get back to her dorm but he understood, he was glad to give her the picture though. There was something nice about delivering it to her, he'd never really been one to give his art away but he loved to see the reactions upon receiving it. Sometimes people seemed so shocked by the beauty he'd recorded on the piece of paper, sometimes they said some very unflattering things. It just depended on the day and the person, sometimes it depended on how he had colored them if he bothered to. Tapping the charcoal pencil against the empty page, he realized he was alone again and that was sort of troublesome.

He wondered if Thomas and his Irish friend would make their ways into the cafeteria soon, he was sure he could grab a place near them. He was cool with Thomas, plus he still had to ask if he was trying to break rules by feeding in the library. Remmington personally didn't mind but it wasn't very smart of him and he didn't want to see his friend get in trouble. He didn't exactly have anyone else who was willing to speak with him and he wasn't about to lose Thomas so quickly. He liked Thomas, there was a lot of good things about him and he'd drawn him in color a few times which was about the highest regard anyone could get out of Remmington. Trying to focus on a new muse, his gaze sought out a pair that seemed to be discussing something and he began to sketch their profiles.
@makarov I'm alright, pretty groggy.

@ramblingbard I hope you're alright, dehydration is nasty stuff. :O
@TwistedSun The middle of the year seems more like it. 8)
@Eschatologist Minnesota it is then. I knew a girl who lived there, out in the country and I heard the most terrible rumors about it's terrifying weather.

Also, lovely intro post!! 8)
@Eschatologist I haven't thought too deep into it tbh so that's my bad but it's somewhere with lakes and a shit ton of forests so I'm going to assume that it's nearer to Minnesota and North Dakota.
And there it is. Feel free to get your own posts in.
That day started off with the general pull from the swamp mud on Markus's hooves, the gigantic water horse wasn't a fan of late mornings and embracing them usually left tangles in his mane and pockets in his glamour. It was never good to appear to the locals as an oversized horse with red eyes, in fact, it had some mixed results. Glamouring was easy, he just had to work out the small kinks in his appearance, like the fact that he was an oversized, muddy black stallion but once that was mostly conquered, it was smooth sailing. Every few months he changed his appearance up but this month it was a boy with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, he had the usual mahogany tint and he had about five foot nine inches on him. The last form had been a redhead with blazing green eyes, he really liked to keep these things interesting. Focusing on his glamour as he trotted forward, it began to cloak him in a human's face and body. The human form always felt strange, he could never get used to the way they walked which often resulted in a weird limping gate. The limp and his sometimes distorted voice were just side effects of his confusion in the human world. He'd never quite gotten the hang of it and was more than sure that he probably never would, honestly humans were strange and he had only ever watched them drown throughout his life.

Interacting with them was a whole other thing, it made him uncomfortable. Humans were much different than any creature that the Fae could offer, they were fragile and they died within moments of being alive. He'd never understood them and he'd never understood the need for peace with them either, there were reasons why the two creatures had never meshed together positively.

The boy strolled into the school, only to met with his blond friend, the two kept pace with one another as they made a beeline for the cafeteria. His friend never said much and often kept an empty look on his face, it would have made him uneasy if he wasn't so used to it by now. He didn't expect much out of the beam of light, sometimes he was glad that he even got the half-normal replies to his queries. The only time the boy seemed alive was when he was talking to Markus and sometimes not even then. Known for his silences and blank staring, the wisp was definitely much of a people person and Markus was fine with that. It didn't ever effect him unless he was craving conversation and living in the depths of a pond left him with a lot of silences, he was used to it but sometimes he tried anyway.

"Hey," he offered, smiling brightly to the blond boy.

The boy glanced to him and furrowed his eyebrows, his blue eyes seemed genuinely perplexed and he lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "Hello."

The voice that spoke back to Markus was his own voice and it caught him off guard as it always did. He hated when the wisp did this but it was a normal thing, the other faery didn't like to try to make his own voice and he tended to leech the voice of whoever spoke to him. It was unnerving and it made his spine crawl, trying not to shudder, the kelpie slid into a seat in the cafeteria. There was no reason for him to grab breakfast and he slouched in the seat as he glanced to his partner in crime.

"Why do you do that?" he said in exasperation.

E.D's eyebrows pushed down and he shrugged again. "Do what?"

"That voice thing! I've told you a billion times, it bugs me on like an aesthetic level." tugging the collar of his shirt with a face, the boy leaned back in his seat. "Why don't you copy someone around here?"


"Anyone! Just not me."

"I don't hear anyone." the blond shrugged. "When I do, I'll copy them instead."

"Good." grimacing, he shifted his weight to one side and took a look around the cafeteria as the students began to fill in. The early morning had taken it's toll and most seemed groggy or drained, some however were completely unaffected by the drag of the rising sun. The kelpie didn't know how they did it, it was much to early for his brain to work on any level outside of easy functions. Rubbing his mahogany eyes, he took in the sounds of conversation as it floated around him and released a sharp yawn. "God, I hate waking up."

"Me too." Was that a hint of morbid humor?

"Not today, Tinkerbell." he muttered just as E.D contracted the tiniest of a smile.
@TwistedSun That sounds good to me! 8) Just give me a run down whenever they're ready to appear and I'm sure I'll be fine with them.

Now to get started on an IC post.
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