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@Marx I've been vaguely overviewing this conversation in brief intervals and I must say that I prefer wooly mammoths. I'm very sorry, Chris. I have to go with the giant furry elephant thing.
@Shurikai Heck yes 8) I could get down w a FlareStorm ship. That sounds like a power team if she can beat the evil out of him.
Stormstrike & Mossfur.

The medicine cat was as much as a thorn in his fur as the actual thorns that tended to get tangled in his fur, Mallownose never seemed to know when to slow down. The exuberant tom was constantly making a joke of his somewhat thorn-hindered existence, he wasn't even sure how he was always managing to pick them up but if there was a thorn then he would find it. It made him especially grumpy when the apprentices gave him nests that happened to harbor them and that was today's challenge. He would have to scold whoever had been responsible for the most recent moss gathering, mistakes irked him more than anything. If he had a say then there would be no room for mistakes.

Though the biggest mistake of all was the fact that Mossfur had gotten an apprentice before him, something about that crawled under his fur like an ant. Hadn't he constantly proved himself to be a competent and devoted warrior? Didn't they want him to lead some day? He was brave and he was intelligent, he knew where all the best hunting places were and he had protected their borders with tooth and claw. He deserved an apprentice far more than his sniveling brother, the same brother who spent his time bounding through the forest at top speed when he got excited and the same brother who got nervous about fighting and backed off when he was challenged. Mossfur was a weak link, he was pathetic and he wouldn't be any good with an apprentice.

Flareheart mumbled a good morning to him through a mouthful of prey and he couldn't help but acknowledge it with a flick of his tail. Flareheart was a good warrior, even though her roots were those of a softened kittypet. That was something to be overlooked though, she had a strength about her and she was a brilliant hunter. He couldn't disregard her strength for her soft start in life but he did often feel that the clan should avoid accepting so many outsiders. It could weaken them and he wasn't a fan of looking weak, he hoped they shaped up and became less accepting to the rogues and kittypets. No matter the strength they could offer to such cats, Thunderclan needed Thunderclan's blood. Only Thunderclan was built to be the way they were and no cat could just earn it. It made his pelt prickle and he spotted his silver and white brother emerging from the Warriors den.

"Mossfur," he greeted, his yellow eyes glinting severely. "We should hunt sometime."

"Y-yeah that sounds great, Stormstrike! I'm busy now though-mentor things to do!" he smiled nervously but Stormstrike could see his fur bristling with discontent. He watched the tom turn tail and head towards the freshkill pile where his apprentice seemed to be waiting, it was all the same to him, if his brother wanted to disregard the tension beneath his pelt then that was his own trouble.

Mossfur shook his fur out nervously, he could feel eyes burning in the back of his neck as he headed towards his apprentice. His tail was twitching but he took in a few breaths to calm himself. "Runningpaw? I was thinking we could get started early this morning. After you eat, of course."

"Flareheart, thank Starclan, I thought we'd never get a bite to eat in here." he said warmly as he breathed in the scent of the freshly killed mouse.

He hadn't eaten yet, he wasn't sure he'd grabbed a bite to eat since yesterday because he'd been caught up by his fussing mother when he'd tried to grab a sparrow. It had been a very meaty sparrow and he'd watched in sadness as Spottedtail took it. She was worrying about him as usual, she didn't seem to understand that being a medicine cat wasn't usually a dangerous job. Lately she was worried about his nest and the fact that he hadn't changed it in moons, it was starting to get sort of crunchy and the feathers were tattered from his claws. He hadn't had time to grab more moss and he hated making the apprentices work extra to help him, they were already so hardworking that he couldn't do that to them. He had a lot on his plate already and he couldn't grab the time to make his way to the river to scoop some moss up from the bank. He made a mental note to grab some the next time he collected herbs near the river.

Feathers were a dime a dozen and they kept them around sometimes for the kits, he'd just tuck some in his nest again and then maybe she'd get off his tail. Meadowheart meant well but the death of her two daughters had made her somewhat neurotic and he worried about her mental decline. She watched him sometimes with so much fear that one would think he was constantly going off to battle and he would have to console her with gentle words. She was always popping up in the den and staring at him as if to make sure he was still real and he'd have to guide her out and reassure her that he was going to be just fine. She often told him that Starclan only came to him because his sisters had died and they wanted to take him too, it was always hard to calm her down.

He knew Starclan had sent Robinwing a sign before he'd even been born, a sign of shredded mallow leaves and the smell of their juice burning in her nose. She hadn't known what had torn them to pieces but two moons later there was a new litter of kittens. She had been startled by the name, Mallowkit, and she'd known before he'd even started having his dreams. He was always meant to be a medicine cat and no cat could deny that. His mother didn't understand the signs and she didn't understand the dreams and she didn't understand why he wasn't just a warrior like Puddlefoot. He didn't know how to tell her that he had never wanted to be a warrior like Puddlefoot. He knew that Puddlefoot was disappointed in his position as well, as he had personally done this to spite his kin and he still didn't know how to apologize for what Starclan had chosen for him.

Back in the real world and away from his thoughts, Ravencoat sputtered a cough that sounded more wet than dry. Fluid was usually whitecough but he suspected this wasn't as bad. He didn't seem to request anything to eat and it made Mallownose wonder if that was lack of appetite or just lack of momentary hunger, he had to think these things over.

While Ravencoat explained his cough, albeit it sounded like he wasn't all that worried either, Mallownose nodded and turned to the stock of herbs. "Thought that might be it, I swear by Starclan that I can hear a cough from a mile away." he mumbled thoughtfully before pulling out one of the carefully wrapped honey combs, he unwrapped it and pushed the golden morsel towards the deputy. "I don't prefer to waste honey but you don't sound like you've got greencough, it's not that same rasping sound, dry sound. And we haven't seen a bought of whitecough in ages unless you've come to deliver it to us." he said with good humor and flicked his ears back. "Just give it a few laps and it should ease your throat some. If your throat does start hurting or you get an ache in your chest--please, come back and we'll give the catmint a try. It's better to treat an unseen problem before letting it tear you up."

Turning to Warmpaw, "Make sure he eats his honey and you eat that mouse, I'm not sure if you've eaten any more than me. I can go grab a thrush from the pile." he flicked his tail against Warmpaw's ear as he ducked out of the den with flourish. The sun was up and it warmed his fur as he padded into the camp, he nodded a greeting as he passed his leader and the seasoned queen. He wondered if she was getting enough to eat and nearly paused to ask but he guessed she knew the drill by now. Selecting a thrush from the freshkill pile, he settled down on the warm earth to begin tearing into the feathers.
It had been encouraging to know that Justin wasn't a particularly reckless individual and the weight of worry lifted a little with that knowledge. He was often enthralled by reckless, enthusiastic people though it was never in an envious fashion. He didn't wish to have that boldness or that arrogance, he didn't wish to be anything special at all when it came down to it. The most special thing about him had always been his imagination and his penchant for tales but that wasn't a quality that won wars. He was the guy they sent to write ballads for the battles that waged, he wasn't the knight that engaged in them. Honestly that was what confused him the most when Delta closed the conversation. Could he shove back at all? He wasn't so sure. He wasn't a fighter and he tried to make that crystal clear, he didn't want any person to get the wrong idea about him.

There wasn't a fire in his chest somewhere that was just waiting to be fed and there wasn't any anger hidden behind his eyes, he was genuinely more miserable than angry about this. The world could shove him all it wanted to but he wasn't going to try to stop it, if anything he was going to fall over and let the world kick him in the ribs a few times. He was pretty sure the world already had kicked him in the ribs a few times and he had just took it.

He had no self preservation-Jesus, this was pitiful.

He had never fought anyone, the only fights that had ever found him had ended with him being floored and dazed with confusion about being floored. He remembered one very bad one where he'd been clocked in the nose and he'd almost started crying when he'd found blood on his hand after touching it. He was kind of a horrible wimp and he wasn't sure if any training could lift that.

His father had often told him that if he just let things happen then they would keep happening, he'd been sort of right. This had followed Carson throughout his life and it had followed him right to this point, he just didn't want to bite back. He wasn't sure that he was the right person to bite back and he didn't want to create himself a delusion that he was. He couldn't get past the pressure of being expected to push life back and suddenly that was churning in his head. It was definitely not as troubling as the situation as a whole and he felt he could push past it, he just needed to find some peace with it. If they expected him to toughen up then they would have a problem on their hands but he would try as best he could.

It was strange to make any sort of commitment with himself and he felt a little disgruntled by it, he wasn't going to procrastinate anything here, he was actually going to try. It was a buzzing thought and he barely heard Sayuri when she started to lead the pack out of the cafeteria. He stumbled to his feet and hurried after them without glancing back to Delta or Epsilon. Honestly, he hoped Epsilon took a seat as he'd suggested, he didn't want his wound to bust open. Shaking free of his thoughts, he realized Sayuri seemed to be pretty pissed at Justin's choice of words and he raised his eyebrows as she stalked off. He couldn't even think to get a word out before she was gone and he was left staring in appall.

Glancing towards the remaining individuals, he swallowed slightly, "So, where to? Like, I could try to navigate this myself but there's a good fifty fifty chance of me finding a good lot of nothing. I was always kind of hopeless with finding things."
@Marx I'm crying deep within my tortured soul, I am a sad broken man. I wish I had a computer or an iPod that could handle simple tasks.

I am love and life, I'm beautiful and amazing and I JUST WANT TO JOIN THE CHAT PLEASE IPOD.
My iPod rejected the site, it won't stop freezing. I have real life sadness in my heart.

EDIT: I can sadly view the chat on my android but I can't post. This is true misery. Why has it come to this?

"Just get the thorn out, mousebrain! I can't grip it."

"Oh boy, by golly do I live to serve you!" purred Mallownose sarcastically, eyeing the large gray warrior before him.

Though Stormstrike wasn't quite tall, he was built like an oak tree and he had shoulders that bunched with muscle in every movement. He was an intimidating enough tom but after moons of dealing with his penchant for getting thorns in between his toes and tangled in his thick fur, Mallownose was sort of immune to him. He grew past the grumbling mutters of his clanmates unless they became particularly accusatory and then he became nervous but Stormstrike was just angry that he couldn't grab his own thorns. It was kind of amusing when Mallownose thought about it but all the same, this was a generally useless task and he had half a mind to make Warmpaw do it. He decided better of it though and sighed at the tom before him.

It was part of the job and he couldn't make his apprentice do every undesirable task, he'd have to just suck it up. His old mentor would have told him to just suck it up, grin and bare it, it was just a thorn stuck in a paw after all. He had dealt with much more dire things which was the problem of course, he was dealing with these manageable ailments on a day to day basis. It took a good breather every now and then to keep from telling some cats to handle it themselves. He generally saved those snappy comments for apprentices who had been scratched by the bramble tunnel and came to him whining about how it stung.

"Lift your paw and spread your toes, I'll have that nasty bugger out in a mouse breath." Mallownose assured him.

Gold eyes glinted at him harshly before a paw was displayed to him and he took the thorn in his teeth delicately before giving it a sharp pull. It came loose relatively easy and he spat it aside, overlooking the paw for swelling a brief moment, he nodded affirmatively. "All done, just give it a good lick or two and hopefully it won't get infected. I would hate for you to lose a paw over this!" he stretched his eyes wide with mock horror but his quivering whiskers gave him away.

"No cat likes a medicine cat who thinks he's too wise for his fur." muttered Stormstrike as he pushed out of the den without giving his paw a few licks as Mallownose had suggested.

"And a good day to you, Grumpyfur!" Mallownose called after him just as a sleek black form seemed to be approaching. Giving his chest fur a few clean licks, he blinked affectionately at the clan deputy before sitting back on his haunches to eye him.

"This must be something absolutely terrible, I don't think I have the pleasure of seeing you in my den much!" he mused. "What is it? Some burrs in your fur? Perhaps a life threatening battle wound under your ears?"
I'm going to try to get my post up tonight regardless, I just have to lengthen it and make it pretty. 8)

I'm remapping this whole reply bc looking back on it, I am ashamed of how ugly it truly is.
I'll get a post up later tonight! ;o
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