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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


"Flareheart, thank Starclan, I thought we'd never get a bite to eat in here." he said warmly as he breathed in the scent of the freshly killed mouse.

He hadn't eaten yet, he wasn't sure he'd grabbed a bite to eat since yesterday because he'd been caught up by his fussing mother when he'd tried to grab a sparrow. It had been a very meaty sparrow and he'd watched in sadness as Spottedtail took it. She was worrying about him as usual, she didn't seem to understand that being a medicine cat wasn't usually a dangerous job. Lately she was worried about his nest and the fact that he hadn't changed it in moons, it was starting to get sort of crunchy and the feathers were tattered from his claws. He hadn't had time to grab more moss and he hated making the apprentices work extra to help him, they were already so hardworking that he couldn't do that to them. He had a lot on his plate already and he couldn't grab the time to make his way to the river to scoop some moss up from the bank. He made a mental note to grab some the next time he collected herbs near the river.

Feathers were a dime a dozen and they kept them around sometimes for the kits, he'd just tuck some in his nest again and then maybe she'd get off his tail. Meadowheart meant well but the death of her two daughters had made her somewhat neurotic and he worried about her mental decline. She watched him sometimes with so much fear that one would think he was constantly going off to battle and he would have to console her with gentle words. She was always popping up in the den and staring at him as if to make sure he was still real and he'd have to guide her out and reassure her that he was going to be just fine. She often told him that Starclan only came to him because his sisters had died and they wanted to take him too, it was always hard to calm her down.

He knew Starclan had sent Robinwing a sign before he'd even been born, a sign of shredded mallow leaves and the smell of their juice burning in her nose. She hadn't known what had torn them to pieces but two moons later there was a new litter of kittens. She had been startled by the name, Mallowkit, and she'd known before he'd even started having his dreams. He was always meant to be a medicine cat and no cat could deny that. His mother didn't understand the signs and she didn't understand the dreams and she didn't understand why he wasn't just a warrior like Puddlefoot. He didn't know how to tell her that he had never wanted to be a warrior like Puddlefoot. He knew that Puddlefoot was disappointed in his position as well, as he had personally done this to spite his kin and he still didn't know how to apologize for what Starclan had chosen for him.

Back in the real world and away from his thoughts, Ravencoat sputtered a cough that sounded more wet than dry. Fluid was usually whitecough but he suspected this wasn't as bad. He didn't seem to request anything to eat and it made Mallownose wonder if that was lack of appetite or just lack of momentary hunger, he had to think these things over.

While Ravencoat explained his cough, albeit it sounded like he wasn't all that worried either, Mallownose nodded and turned to the stock of herbs. "Thought that might be it, I swear by Starclan that I can hear a cough from a mile away." he mumbled thoughtfully before pulling out one of the carefully wrapped honey combs, he unwrapped it and pushed the golden morsel towards the deputy. "I don't prefer to waste honey but you don't sound like you've got greencough, it's not that same rasping sound, dry sound. And we haven't seen a bought of whitecough in ages unless you've come to deliver it to us." he said with good humor and flicked his ears back. "Just give it a few laps and it should ease your throat some. If your throat does start hurting or you get an ache in your chest--please, come back and we'll give the catmint a try. It's better to treat an unseen problem before letting it tear you up."

Turning to Warmpaw, "Make sure he eats his honey and you eat that mouse, I'm not sure if you've eaten any more than me. I can go grab a thrush from the pile." he flicked his tail against Warmpaw's ear as he ducked out of the den with flourish. The sun was up and it warmed his fur as he padded into the camp, he nodded a greeting as he passed his leader and the seasoned queen. He wondered if she was getting enough to eat and nearly paused to ask but he guessed she knew the drill by now. Selecting a thrush from the freshkill pile, he settled down on the warm earth to begin tearing into the feathers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 2 days ago


Frostbite slowly padded behind her. Mistake one, she was speaking loudly, most likely drawing close prey further from their grasp. Secondly, she was also zooming off quickly, giving a potential miss of prey she could be passing. He decided to let it slide, as he stalked through in and out of the trees. As he eventually managed to find his way onto the ledge of the rock, looking down upon her. He mumbled something lowly, although it wasn't quiet enough for her not to clearly understand it.

"You clearly haven't talked t-to me much..." He sighed. "I don't...e-exactly enjoy s-speaking to others..." It was quite a spiteful way he put it, but obviously, he was still hung up about Windclaw. "I've especially been having p-p-problems lately with...t-talking and s-sharing tongues with other Clanners...C-clanmates." He corrected himself. The fact Frostbite still called them clanners, rather than referring to them as clanmates did hint about something. He just hoped that Angelfeather was too lost in her own perfect world to notice what secrets he did not want to reveal. Back to Windclaw, his actions had been on his mind for a few good minutes as he padded around. He was about to say something, silencing himself. Frostbite drew away from Angelfeather as he had seeked something through the smells fluttering into his nostrils...A vole. Quite a still one, as the smell went. Perfect. All he needed now was a treeline, and with even more strokes of luck, there was a good collection of trees that concealed the prey. He clambered up the tree slightly, as he usually did to spy the victim. There he saw it, a plump and fattened Vole. Now, he had learnt from Frogpelt well. A vole of such size would be slow, easy to catch in a straight pursuit. However, they aren't as stupid to run in a straight line, and will hide.

He thought his plan of action. To him, it didn't look like Angel was watching, making it all the better. He worked better alone, without an audience. Being him, he hated to fail in front of them...

Frostbite's eyes scouted around the treeline, planning every action move quickly within his head. Planning for too long could cause him to loose the prey, another life-lesson he learnt quickly. This was Frost's sanctuary, a place where he could go ahead and start testing his ability to survive. And he did so.

Circling around the tree line, he looked for an opening. Seeing one small enough to keep his concealment, but large enough to swiftly dive through...perfect. "It's like this Vole purposely setting itself up, as if it were begging to be eaten." He begun to say to himself. "Eat me...it would be saying...Eat me...come on...look out succulent and Juicy I am! Eat me!" He'd grin, still not so aware of how weird he was speaking to himself, or if Angelfeather was stalking her own prey or watching him...Turning back to his prey, he leapt from the tree, silently landing onto the floor. On the side opposite where the entrance was, was the spark of his plan. Distraction. He slowly bristled his tail through the leaves for about 5 seconds, before sprinting around as quick as he could to the opening. He peered his head through the gap to check if it worked. Funnily enough, it had...

The oak-Vole was fluffy, watching where his tail had brushed. He smirked. Success once again. He need to keep track of all his different ways of catching in such odd and peculiar ways. Not letting any other minutes slip-by...he leapt into action. A quick leap through that one gap was enough to catch it off guard. He pounced down, pressing his large paws down and listening to the crack of a small-minute spine. He smiled to himself, slowly giving his regards to Starclan for what he had caught. Settling down, he had finally praised his loyalty, picking it up with his tail, unlike the majority who use their Jaws. He padded outside, hoping he had gotten away with catching so without an eye to see his actions...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Hmm?" Angelfeather asked, the white Persian looking at him as she turned back. In her jaws, was a huge, plump, rabbit, that could feed a lot of warriors. The rabbit was a brown chocolate fur one, as blood dripped down from were the Persian's teeth sank in to the delicious large rabbit. Her crystal gaze watched him, as she still held her huge prey she caught. "Frostbite, have you met me? I am a very social cat, and will twlk to anyone. As long as you don't piss me off." She mewed from the fur of the rabbit. Then she realized Frostbite was gone.

She pelted through the forest, giving a large rough push of a tree, which she leapt, making her land 10 feet further. She finally saw him and huffed. "FrostBite! You scared me!" She mewed, dropping the massive delicious rabbit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Snowpaw purred affectionately as Tabbyfur, her mentor, padded up to her and settled herself next to Snowpaw. It was comforting having Tabbyfur as a mentor, and Snowpaw admired her greatly, even, at times, striving to imitate the way the older she-cat carried herself within the clan. Besides, the two she-cats had certain commonalities, like Tabbyfur's adventurous, that made Snowpaw thank Starclan that Hawkstar had chosen her as her mentor.

"Err...Heya...Are you okay? You seem pretty shaken up..."

"It's nothing Tabbyfur," Snowpaw meowed reassuringly, smoothing out the ruffled fur on her chest with a quick lick, "Just a bad dream."

Bouncing to her feet, and very much imitating the stature of an excited kit, she asked, "So, what are we up to today?" She was eager to forget the dream, and training, hunting, or even patrolling with her mentor felt like a treat sent straight from Starclan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tea at midd
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Tabbyfur smiled awkwardly at her apprentice. "Well try stay awake, okay?" She meowed half seriously, half playfully. "I figured we'd go to the Sandy Hollow to do some battle training." Tabbyfur briskly licked Snowpaw's head and smiled. "Something that'll wake you up, hm?" Before moving, Tabbyfur briefly looked around the camp to try to see if her brother was awake, which to her dismay he wasn't. With the gesture of her tail, Tabbyfur darted out of camp into the bright woods of ThunderClan, and headed straight towards the Sandy Hollow. As they ran at a constant speed through the forest, the early leaves were soft and beneath her paws, and in comparison to leaf-fall's crunchy ones, these felt like the grounds of StarClan itself. Well, maybe.


Yawning loudly, Duskclaw finally awoke from his nest and stood up. His fur was matted with burrs and moss, but he was too busy frantically searching around the Warrior's den to pay any attention to it. Looking at the nest planted next to his, he rolled his eyes when he found that it was empty. Letting out a loud puff, he stalked outside of the den and out into the clearing. There, he could see his fellow clanmates, but none of which were is sister. "Relax, Dusky, they're probably just gone out to hunt." He muttered to himself. He then placed himself on the edge of the clearing on a tree stump, and sat there grooming his fur from the moss and burrs in his pelt.

(Sorry that it's short, I can barely keep my eyes open atm)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Stormstrike & Mossfur.

The medicine cat was as much as a thorn in his fur as the actual thorns that tended to get tangled in his fur, Mallownose never seemed to know when to slow down. The exuberant tom was constantly making a joke of his somewhat thorn-hindered existence, he wasn't even sure how he was always managing to pick them up but if there was a thorn then he would find it. It made him especially grumpy when the apprentices gave him nests that happened to harbor them and that was today's challenge. He would have to scold whoever had been responsible for the most recent moss gathering, mistakes irked him more than anything. If he had a say then there would be no room for mistakes.

Though the biggest mistake of all was the fact that Mossfur had gotten an apprentice before him, something about that crawled under his fur like an ant. Hadn't he constantly proved himself to be a competent and devoted warrior? Didn't they want him to lead some day? He was brave and he was intelligent, he knew where all the best hunting places were and he had protected their borders with tooth and claw. He deserved an apprentice far more than his sniveling brother, the same brother who spent his time bounding through the forest at top speed when he got excited and the same brother who got nervous about fighting and backed off when he was challenged. Mossfur was a weak link, he was pathetic and he wouldn't be any good with an apprentice.

Flareheart mumbled a good morning to him through a mouthful of prey and he couldn't help but acknowledge it with a flick of his tail. Flareheart was a good warrior, even though her roots were those of a softened kittypet. That was something to be overlooked though, she had a strength about her and she was a brilliant hunter. He couldn't disregard her strength for her soft start in life but he did often feel that the clan should avoid accepting so many outsiders. It could weaken them and he wasn't a fan of looking weak, he hoped they shaped up and became less accepting to the rogues and kittypets. No matter the strength they could offer to such cats, Thunderclan needed Thunderclan's blood. Only Thunderclan was built to be the way they were and no cat could just earn it. It made his pelt prickle and he spotted his silver and white brother emerging from the Warriors den.

"Mossfur," he greeted, his yellow eyes glinting severely. "We should hunt sometime."

"Y-yeah that sounds great, Stormstrike! I'm busy now though-mentor things to do!" he smiled nervously but Stormstrike could see his fur bristling with discontent. He watched the tom turn tail and head towards the freshkill pile where his apprentice seemed to be waiting, it was all the same to him, if his brother wanted to disregard the tension beneath his pelt then that was his own trouble.

Mossfur shook his fur out nervously, he could feel eyes burning in the back of his neck as he headed towards his apprentice. His tail was twitching but he took in a few breaths to calm himself. "Runningpaw? I was thinking we could get started early this morning. After you eat, of course."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Stonepaw decided to look for something new to do after his playful encounter with Angelfeather. "Hmm?" he looked of to Sandfire speaking to Bravefeather, Stonepaw flicked his tail and padded up to the two. "I hope I'm not interrupting?" he said looking to the two then just turning to Sandfire. "Can we go hunting? Now? Later? Just sometime today you old sparrow" he spurred playfully. Though Stonepaw was not the best hunter, he had to help for the clan.

Stonepaw enjoyed doing all activities with his mentor she was a generally a nice person to be around.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Digging through, the fresh kill pile, Shadowpaw couldn't find anything suitable for Gingerflame to eat. He picked out a nice squirrel and padded back toward the queens' den. It was now he noticed that everyone had something to eat and frowned.
"Why didn't you tell me you had food already?" His ears drooped slightly, sad he wasn't the first to bring by something for his mother. Then his mind switched gears and he thought maybe Silentpaw might want to share. The squirrel was big enough to tide them over until midday. He bid his mother goodbye and ran off to find his equally stealthy brother.

Shadowpaw found Silentpaw with his older brother, Windclaw. It looked like they were going to head off to the sandy hollow for some training.
"Silentpaw! he shouted, "You want to share this squirrel?" Instead of responding, his brothers rolled their eyes and made their way out of camp.

Disheartened by this, Shadowpaw sat down in a slump. He looked at the squirrel and decided he shouldn't let it go to waste and began to eat it. All the while wondering what got their tails in a knot.
Between bites, he stared at Bravefeather, wondering how he was going to mess with his mentor today.


Warmpaw was going to suggest tansy rather than just honey, but he figured Mallownose knew best. Maybe it was best to not assume the worst about everything. Then again, if something was going around, a sort of end-of-leaf-bare sickness, it would be best to be prepared. He was about to voice this concern when his mentor told him he was going to fetch himself something to eat.

More quickly than Warmpaw would have liked, he was alone with Ravencoat. He was going to do his duty, and make sure the tom ate his honey as Mallownose told him to. He watched the deputy lick up his honey.
"Make sure you come back tonight for more." the apprentice meowed as Ravencoat went to leave.
"Of course." he replied and left the den.

Warmpaw picked up the mouse and left the medicine cat den after cleaning up. He spotted Mallownose eating a thrush nearby and quickly moved toward him.
"Mallownose, we should make preparations, collect some herbs to fight white and greencough." just suggesting they leave camp made Warmpaw cringe internally, but if there was something going around, there was no place he wouldn't go. It would be safe with Mallownose.. he hoped.
"What do you think?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


"Of course. I'm being a scatterbrain again, Warmpaw. Colds are bound to arise and bring Greencough with them, they always do." he sounded somewhat disappointed in himself but he brushed past it quickly as he took a few more ravenous bites of the thrush he'd chosen.

Swallowing down the tough meat, he drew his tongue over his lips and nose before shaking out his white fur. It was still rumpled from his rather overdo bedding and he had to dislodge a few pieces of moss by vigorous shaking. His jade green eyes flickered to the deputy, the honey should hold his throat for awhile but Mallownose realized he hadn't been taking it seriously enough. If the deputy was struck ill with the battering, aching cough that Greencough often brought then there would be a much larger problem on his paws. Greencough was deadly sometimes, though not with proper treatment and he nearly wanted to call himself a mousebrain.

"Eat your mouse and we'll go into Riverclan for more tansy-" he cut himself off with an irritated lash of his tail. "Tansy! Tansy! We are out of tansy! We need to collect some tansy and I believe you mentioned the poppy seeds, have you been taking those to help your sleep? I worry about your nightmares-marigold, we need marigold and juniper if I recall. We are going to have to go towards the twoleg place for catmint. It grows along the border- perhaps I can send a warrior to fetch us another honeycomb. Coltfoot might be helpful to have around and Feverfew in case anybody takes a fever though I believe we have a good pile of that."

Blinking as if he was dazed with his growing list, he ran through his head thoughtfully. "Burdock root? Perhaps, if I remember it. It's very good for breathing trouble, you know. Though I usually only remember it for rat bites. Very, very good for inflammation." he murmured before twisting around to run his tongue along his rumpled pelt a few times and nod slowly. "Most importantly catmint and tansy. We'll try to get enough of the tansy to distribute and we can make Ravencoat take some after we return. Sound like a plan?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Warmpaw nodded as his mentor ran off a list of herbs they needed to gather. In order to gather all they needed, they would have to leave soon. As Mallownose rambled on, the apprentice chuckled, but became serious as he came to a close.
"If we are getting catmint, we should also stock up on chickweed. Its not as strong, but there is more of it, and who knows how much catmint has grown since we last picked some."

He started to eat his mouse quickly, and remembered that Gingerflame was getting closer to kitting. He looked up at Mallownose,"We should take the queens some raspberry leaves and chervil." he meowed softly, "Just in case one starts kitting before we get back. Maybe some borage for Mosscoat." he tilted his head, probably looking just as Mallownose had only moments before.

Warmpaw beamed, in the few moons since he arrived, he had learned so much about being a medicine cat. He was proud of himself. Mallownose was a great teacher, and he couldn't imagine learning about herbs from any other cat. He finished his mouse and looked up at the tom with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by corrosive


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


"Has any cat told you that you're much too smart to be a medicine cat?" he gave the apprentice an affectionate nudge with his shoulder, "Because you're much too smart to be a medicine cat."

There was some pride that he held for Warmpaw, the young tom had come from a hard walk of life and he sometimes wondered if he ever missed the moors where his parents and siblings had breathed their last breath. Windclan cats had a heart for feeling the wind in their fur and the grass beneath their paws as they ran, it was something that couldn't be marked out of their blood. They were built with a slender grace that was as present in his apprentice as it was in any cat from that clan. He could see Windclan in him as surely as he could see his growing intelligence and his growing urge to help his new clan. He still remembered the day the kit had found his way into Thunderclan and sometimes he thought it was a blessing that Hawkstar had taken him in.

After Robinwing had died, Mallownose had spent moons in forced solitude, only interacting when he was needed and keeping himself scarce. Robinwing had been a friend as much as she was a mentor and often times he would wonder why she had to die so soon. Her sickness had been a strange thing, a heated fever that had tore through her without mercy until she had been left in a very deep sleep. He still remembered her mottled brown figure heaving for each breath and her white paws twitching and then falling still. The memory still gripped his sleep.

The arrival of the new kit within the camp was strange enough but he found a growing affection for the young cat. He had been introduced to him after some prodding and the kit had been a scared, hungry, trembling thing. He'd been very worried and had treated him for shock for the first moon of his arrival, he knew the memories would never leave the young tom. Poppyseeds could help with sleep but they couldn't make a cat forget what had happened to them. He had asked Hawkstar to make the tom his apprentice, he'd told him that he thought the tom showed potential and he had evidently been correct. Warmpaw was the best apprentice a cat could have asked for.

Making his way back into the medicine cat den, he picked out some of the chervil and a few raspberry leaves. The task reminded him that soon he'd have to take Warmpaw to the moonstone to receive his name in Starclan, it was just a matter of when, he'd have to talk to Hawkstar about it sometime. Medicine cat naming ceremonies were very special and very different from warrior ceremonies. Wrapping the leaves up in a small bundle, he waited for Warmpaw to join him before adding the borage to the bundle with a careful set of paws.

"Let's drop these off with Gingerflame, I'm sure she'll see to them being eaten." sliding out of the den with the bundle clutched gently in his jaws, he approached the ginger she-cat from where she was settled with the leader and twitched his whiskers. "Me and Warmpaw will be out for awhile, Gingerflame. So Warmpaw thought it would be a good idea to drop off some herbs for you and the rest of the queens in case kitting happens earlier than expected. The borage is for Mosscoat. It'll all taste downright awful but it's for the best." purred the white tom before he glanced to Hawkstar.

"We'll be collecting some tansy to give to the kits, the queens and the elders in case Ravencoat is the first in a bought of Greencough or Whitecough. Just to be safe." he didn't voice his growing concern that Ravencoat might have managed to catch Whitecough somehow. He'd worry about it if he was more positive of the circumstance. Hopefully tansy and some catmint would ward it off before it had any chance to develop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"I couldn't imagine being a warrior apprentice with the others." Warmpaw spoke with wide eyes, as if he were terrified of the idea. "I think I am too smart not to be a medicine cat." His tail flicked anxiously as he considered what his life might be like as a warrior. There was no way he would survive in battle. He would make a terrible warrior, and it was probably best to not think about it.

He trotted next to Mallownose to their den. He had one of those 'I'm in serious thought right now' looks on his face. Warmpaw wondered what he was thinking about, but kept his mouth shut. It was best not to distract him. While his mentor gathered up the herbs for the queens, he took some time to grab two packs of travelling herbs. It was unlikely they would return to camp before night, and this was just in case. If there is one thing he learned from his past, it was to always be prepared.

Once done, Warmpaw followed Mallownose out of the den and over to the queens. On the way over, his foot got caught on himself, and he tripped just as they reached the den. When his mentor mentioned he was the one who suggested the herbs, he crouched down and gave a nervous smile. Having Hawkstar sitting next to the queen was enough for him to back away and swing around to the other side of Mallownose. From there, he could see the rest of his clan mates.

Shadowpaw was laying in the middle of camp eating. That cat had no concern for the hawks and such that could be flying over head. Not that it was much of a bother to a bulky feline, they were too heavy to carry away, unlike himself. Even facing away, he could see the spark of a prank growing inside the young cats eyes. They were set squarely on Bravefeather, his poor mentor. Warmpaw wondered if Bravefeather would ever be rid of Shadowpaw. The apprentice was at his twelfth moon, maybe Hawkstar would give him his warrior name so his mentor could finally breath.

Warmpaw could see Snowpaw disappearing out of camp with her mentor, Tabbyfur. They were a great team, but Snowpaw was the only one he had eyes for. She was beautiful..! He shook his head, medicine cats weren't allowed to have mates, much less kits, and following the rules set by StarClan was important. Plus he was far too young to be thinking that far into his future. He knew he was staring over long and shook out his fur.

He snapped back to Mallownose when he mentioned to Hawkstar that they were going to be going to gather herbs. A swell of anxiety and excitement nearly burst from him. He jumped up, got his feet tangled and fell face first into the dirt making an 'oomf' sound.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ginger Kollie
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Ginger Kollie Young Hermit

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hawkstar and Gingerflame

Gingerflame let her mind drift, still watching Shadowpaw in the distance. Her son was a loyal ThunderClan member but he still had a lot to prove, being so young. She was concerned that his childish ways would get in the way of him achieving his full potential. And with the realisation that both him and Silentpaw were now 12 moons, their warrior ceremony could come any day. Will they be ready? Gingerflame wiggled her ears. It wasn’t worth worrying about, she trusted Bravefeather, his mentor, to train him well and to make sure he learns the ways of the clan.

"He's turning into a fine young cat, I'm sure you're very proud." She heard the she-cat say, catching her eye for just a second.

Gingerflame gave her a faint smile, shifting her eyes from Silverstorm back towards her son who was trotting back towards them. “Yes, yes I am”. Her son only stopped by for a brief moment before bidding her good morning and dashing off once more. That boy was always on the move. Maybe his boundless energy could be put to better use, like hunting, patrol, anything. Where’s Bravefeather? She should speak to him about Shadowpaw’s progress, see if there’s anything she needs to know.

Hawkstar turned to Silverstorm, giving her a warm smile. Ah, border patrol. Usually, he’d let Ravencoat organise the border patrols but since he’s out of sorts this morning, he saw no reason letting the she-cat have the reigns for the day. In fact, he thought it might be good for her to gain a little bit more responsibility and see how she copes. “I don’t see any reason why not. And yes, Windclan and Shadowclan... good choice. I’ll send a group out to patrol the Riverclan border midday.” He nodded slightly, making a mental side note to himself. “Take whoever’s free with you.”

Both the cat’s attentions were drawn to the arrival of the clan’s Medicine Cat, Mallownose, trotting towards them with Warmpaw. Gingerflame noticed the bundle of herbs that the tom was carrying and could have guessed that it was for her and the Queens. “I’ll take care of it, Mallownose.” She nodded respectfully, peering down at the herbs placed before her. What Mallownose said next, though, caught her, and she jolted her head upright. Her calm presence vanished instantly, and became quickly agitated. “Greencough?” She uttered.

With her last litter, she’d actually had four, nice and healthy kits. Dawnkit, Thrushkit, Shadowkit and Silentkit. It was only a few days after their birth that Thrushkit became incredibly ill with whitecough, which soon turned into greencough. By the end of the week, she’d lost two of her kits, along with a few others in the Nursery. It’d be safe to say that she was distraught by their deaths, and extremely protective over the last two she has left. She wasn’t sure if either of her two sons remember it, since she’d never spoken of the event. The single thought that it might happen again made this tough cat fearful. She couldn’t loose her kits again.

Without a second thought, Gingerflame stepped forward abruptly only to be stopped by the paw of the large tom. He knew where she was going, and for her sake, he wasn’t going to let her. The mood turned cold and sour, their earlier light-heartedness being but a past memory.

“Get out of my way, Hawkstar!” She hissed loudly, glaring at her Leader with a cold expression.

Hawkstar was unfazed, his tone deep and serious. “Gingerflame.”

The pregnant cat edged forward again. “I’m going to talk to Ravencoat...”


“No? StarClan help me, Hawkstar, I am NOT asking for permission.” Gingerflame was cold, hissing loudly.

Hawkstar moved in front of her slowly, getting nearer to Mallownose and his Apprentice. “If Mallownose thinks there’s a possibility that Ravencoat might have whitecough, then I am not risking it being passed onto you or any of the Queens. Ravencoat knows that, and so should you.” His voice firm and calm.

The she-cat looked up at him, rage clear in her eyes. And with a quiet hiss in her voice, she warned. “You can’t stop me.”

The tom stretched tall, raising his fur up as he stood his ground. This time, he looked down on her with the ‘I mean business’ look in his eyes. “Don’t make me repeat myself. Take the herbs and give them to the Queens, now, Gingerflame.”

“HAWKSTAR!” She yowled furiously.

“That’s an order. Now.” Whitecough, especially to the kits, was a very dangerous illness since it could easily turn into greencough. He wasn’t going to risk the lives of his clan, how small the risk may be. Even though he was good friends with Gingerflame, he was not going to let her go.

Gingerflame glared at Hawkstar, then back at Mallownose. She knew the large tom was never going to let her go, she was fighting a losing battle. Angrily, she grabbed the pile of herbs, and stormed back into the Nursery.

Hawkstar, after watching the Queen leave, turn his attention back towards Mallownose. He relaxed his muscles, fading back down into his normal posture. “I think that’s a good idea, Mallownose. I’ll keep the Nursery under close surveillance in case anything crops up. It’d be terrible for an appearance of greencough with so many kits coming. Do what you must.” He then nodded his respects to Mallownose, and then again to his Apprentice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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He simply shrugged off her over-excited antics. What he needed to focus on was delivering the Vole he caught in such a strange way, back to the Clan so he can receive some sort of praise from Hawkstar, something which satisfied him dearly. He turned, leaving Angelfeather once more as she scrambled to pick her catch up. As she called for him from behind, he was already gone, disappearing into the Clan boundaries.

He took a peep inside, noticing it starting to crowed up a little bit. He sighed. Frostbite hated crowds, hence why he always avoided Gatherings. He always had an excuse to slip out of them. Smooth and steady, he was. Taking it slow and finishing, he plodded back into the camp. A drag of the vole was held up high from his tail. Strange sight, as it was. Some still hadn't gotten used to the fact of how different and strange he was. His tail strength was quite fascinating in some ways, though. How dependent he was at using it was what had kept him alive. Nothing would ever really be as difficult as it was as long as his sleek and furry tail was in the picture. Greatness and happiness had followed as he smiled, putting the Fresh-kill onto the pile. Frostbite didn't want to stay around for too long...but looked around to see if he had actually made a good name for himself. Though there were some un-named eyes watching him from around the Clan, he sighed. He figured Hawkstar wasn't around to see his catch, as he padded to the Elder's den to see his 'Mother'...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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“I don’t see any reason why not. And yes, Windclan and Shadowclan... good choice. I’ll send a group out to patrol the Riverclan border midday. Take whoever’s free with you.”

Silverstorm nodded and smiled at her leader finishing her vole. She padded off flicking Hawkstar on the end of his nose with her tail playfully as she went. It was a glorious day in the forest and Silverstorm loved looking at the wildlife, another reason she got up so early in the mornings. She went around the camp gathering up Warrior's and an apprentice including Stormstrike, Duskclaw, Sunshower, Hailclaw, Berrypaw, and Sandblaze. It was a fairly large patrol but she was going to split four off in groups of two when they were almost done to get in a bit more hunting.

To Stormstrike in particular she was very respectful, and saved him for last. She admired the Large Tom's imposing presence and the loyalty he had to Thunderclan and had no issues with him. "Morning Stormstrike, forming up a Border Patrol. We're hitting the Shadowclan border then going to the bridge separating Windclan and Riverclan. I would be honored if you'd join us, and it'd make me feel better if we happen upon any Shadowclan patrols. I like to think I can talk myself out of anything but having you there would make them second guess anyway." She smiled at him and curled her tail around herself as he though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pink Madness
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Pink Madness

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Leopardflower (mostly Redwhisker)
She purred as her father Redwhisker left back to the elder den. Old red tabby tom scuffed past to the Hawkstar, Gingerflame and Mallownose with his apprentice. Tecnically he didn't want to listen to them, but there was word which stopped him immentately "What...have someone there a whitecough?" he meowed in loud voice, but shutted himself looking around so anyone could hear him. He looked the nursery where his daughter was with other queens, then he gazed the leader and Mallownose "There is not coming epidemic? right?" he meowed quietly, lightly thinking that he maybe heared it all wrong.

She looked at her mentor Mossfur, little bit angrily "At last... I am waited for you, I almost got to myself to the forest to train..."she hissed, but calmed herself then. Looking at the fresh kill pile hungrily, she shaked her head "I am fine...I don't need food...just lets go...whenever we're going" she jumped up, slapping her tail to Foxpaws face, making him startling "Stupid Brother..." she meowed quietly looking behing her, where her Brother sitted flicking his nose.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

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Angelfeather blinked. She picked up the massive rabbit to show Hawkstar, hoping he would be glad. The last few prey's she got were small, and not very plump. But the rabbit was massive, and very plump. She pelted through the forest, dodging to the trees to the clan. She looked for Hawkstar, and finally found him.

She stopped after speaking to herself, "He looks busy. I shouldn't interrupt." She mewed calmly to herself. She put the massive rabbit on the fresh kill pile, so when the clan was hungry, they could easily just grab a bite, and there would be plenty left. She padded past the apprentice den to see if Brokenbranch was there, sure enough, he still was.

Brokenbranch was sitting next to his apprentice, waiting so they could train. Brokenbranch was a strong warrior, and he wanted his apprentice to be the same, so he would train when he could. Brokenbranch looked up with his yellow glowing eyes at Angelfeather, before signaling her to go, and chat with some other people, and maybe grab a small mouse to eat.

Angelfeather nodded sadly, but Brokenbranch will find the time to spend with her. Angelfeather padded away, and sat back at the large oak tree that she was sitting before she went out Hunting with Frostbite. She looked at the large tree, that reminded Angelfeather of her mother and Brokenbranch. Sometimes when she sat there, she could feel her mothers fur beside her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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@xXBalloonsXxtoday was the first day timberpaw was an apprentice
Dream world
timberpaw bounded through through venomclans territory trying to find river paw,when he did he found her dead on the ground,moments later her spirit manifested in front of him"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

Timberpaw jumped up out of his nightmare with his heart racing,the horrors of that day were still fresh in his mind after 2 moons,he knew he could never forgive himself for not being there when river paw was in trouble"hello brokenbranch"timberpaw tried half hearted to mask his fright(riverpaw,I'm sorry)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXBalloonsXx
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xXBalloonsXx This is my FIGHT SONG. I am STRONG.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"You ok?" The strong large tom mewed, looking down at his apprentice. His eyes glowed bright, as he smiled down to his apprentice. He gave his brain paw a lick, before looking back down at his apprentice. He was huge compared to Timberpaw, but he didn't mind. He was excited, getting to train his apprentice to be strong like him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@xXBalloonsXxtimberpaw looked up at the colossal tom"yes I'm fine, it's nothing"but timberpaw lied,it was everything to him,he didn't want others pitying him like a kit who can't run
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