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@Ginger Kollie I'm so glad you gave Mossfur an apprentice, he is probably so pleased and proud of Runningpaw. Stormstrike is fuming somewhere inside.
I might make an apprentice or a queen when I'm home. 8) And then I am banning myself from more characters.

Name: Mossfur.
Gender: Male.
Age: 30 Moons.
Rank Wanted: Warrior.
Rank Received: Warrior.

Description: A large beautiful tom with long legs and a wiry build, soft thin fur that covers him in pale gray and white. He's built pretty delicately with legs that are made for bounding and leaping, neat paws and long white whiskers. Pointed ears that stand erect over a blocky muzzle and head. Very long striped tail. Pale pink nose, rough pink pawpads.
Pelt Colour: White and pale gray tabby coat, dappled with pale speckles.
Body Type: Tall and slender with wiry muscle.
Eye Colour: Pale gold.

Description: Exuberant and often full of life, he's ready to barrel into anything at a moments notice and he cares heavily for the cats around him. Excitable and constantly interested in the small things in life, he has a love for his life and makes sure that every cat knows it. He finds solace in watching the days go by and thinks himself one to embrace every surprise that comes to him, no matter the severity of it.
Likes: Sunsets, long grass, mice, flowers, kits, leading patrols.
Dislikes: Night time, the cold, water, rain, loud noises.
Wants: To see justice served to Stormstrike.
Fears: The dark, long snows, sickness, death.
Strengths: Quickness, astute hunting, sharp-wit, kindness.
Weaknesses: Bad fighting, fumbling paws, easily frightened.

Description: Born to Thunderclan with his four siblings, he was always very close with Talonkit and they had a good friendship throughout their lives. The two brothers remained very close friends throughout their apprenticeship and seemed to share everything. They often discussed their problems and the things that they liked, very close to one another but not as much to their other siblings. Kestrelpaw and Spottedpaw kept a mockery of that friendship with one another.

They were all often very teasing to their more stocky brother and they had little regard for Stormpaw's feelings.

When the final assessment came around, Mosspaw followed Talonpaw off of the border to where Stormpaw was stalking mice in one of the garlic fields near the Twoleg nests. He had only followed out of curiosity and he had crouched just outside beneath a holly bush as Talonpaw confronted Stormpaw about leaving the border. He watched them argue sharply with one another for a long few moments before Stormpaw yelled something and plunged into Talonpaw.

He was terrified to watch them fight like warriors amongst the long stocks of garlic plant and he crouched even lower in the bush, flinching when Stormpaw shrieked in pain and blood spattered from his ear. He felt his heart pounding with each moment that the two battled and froze in horror when he saw Stormpaw fling Talonpaw's lifeless body from him. He couldn't believe his eyes when Stormpaw stood staring at the bloody corpse and he barely suppressed a gasp when Stormpaw started smiling.

Once Stormpaw took off towards camp, Mosspaw took off as well, fear silencing him as his brother told a very untrue story about being attacked off the border. He's held the story with him ever since he was given his warrior name.
Crush: Silverstorm.
Mate: N/A.
Kits: N/A.
Kins: N/A.
Other: He's contemplating coming forth with this really late info about his murderous brother.

I had the urge to give him some life and make him a main, so have Mossfur as a main character.
@Shurikai I personally love him and I'm so pleased he's going to be Mallownose's apprentice. <3

Mallownose: Safe in the Dark by Ludo.
Stormstrike: Exile Villafy by The National.

Lame music for my lame characters 8)
I have most of my post typed up but I'm going to wait for another person to post so I have a little more to bounce off of 8)

Name: Stormstrike.
Gender: Male.
Age: Thirty moons.
Rank Wanted: Warrior.
Rank Received: Warrior.

Description: A massive dark gray tom with thick, weathered fur and muscular shoulders, medium length white whiskers and very neat darker paws. Long, kinked tail with tints of darker gray that varies on black. Smaller ears with darker gray tips, one long tear down the left ear and a jagged scar along his muzzle. Hard black paw pads made for climbing and long, hooked claws.
Pelt Colour: Very dark gray with darker gray points and tints.
Body Type: Muscular and large but very stocky.
Eye Colour: Yellow.

Description: Stormstrike can be known as hard-hearted, a sharp tom with an apparent temper that often seems to flare when he's challenged. Cold in battle with little regard for the code, he's somewhat of a challenge to face off with and will often cause issues when he's not in control. A natural born general and often ready for a fight, he's no friend of just about any cat with a brain.
Likes: Battle training, clever banter, a good meal, gatherings.
Dislikes: Soft-hearted cats, destruction to his clan, soft positions, most kits.
Wants: To be leader some day.
Fears: Losing control, losing a fight, brambles getting caught in his fur.
Strengths: Fighting, arguing, taking control of bad situations.
Weaknesses: Bad tempered, too brute.

Description: Born in Thunderclan with four other siblings, Stormkit was the smallest in his litter and he was often teased for it by his larger siblings. This was something a brighter kit could have looked past but Stormkit was not very bright and he grew angrier and angrier by the day. Stormpaw was a brute, often fighting with his siblings and causing trouble for his mentor. He showed a lot of potential for fighting and defending his clan and most cats put up with him.

During their final assessment, his brother Talonpaw mysteriously turned up dead in what he tearfully claimed was a rogue attack. Since there was no proof he had anything to do with it, the incident was disregarded though most watched him with pity. He seemed unaffected by the incident after he was named a warrior and ever since he's given most cats kind of an edgy feeling but he seems loyal enough.
Crush: N/A.
Mate: N/A.
Kits: N/A.
Kins: Kestrelfeather ( Sister ), Mossfur ( Brother ), Spottedtail ( Brother ), Echotail ( Mother - Elder ), Cinderear ( Father - DEC ), Talonpaw ( Brother - DEC ).
Other: Think of him as a toned down Tigerclaw for better or for worse.

I made a scary warrior if that's cool. 8)
@Tea at Midd Heck yeah 8) I look forward to being a fantastic medicine cat!

Name: Mallownose.
Gender: Male.
Age: 23 moons.
Rank Wanted: Medicine Cat.
Rank Received: Medicine Cat.

Description: A handsome white and black tom with large ears and bright eyes, soft, thick fur that tufts at the tips of his ears and gives his long tail a feathered appearance. Broad shoulders that move under his pelt noticeably and a thin scar along one foreleg. A salmon pink nose and long white whiskers that constantly seem to quiver. Soft pink paw pads and an elegant grace to his gait.
Pelt Colour: White with black blotches, black ears, black paws and a black tail.
Body Type: Long legged and lean.
Eye Colour: Jade green.

Description: Incredibly clever and very bright, he's known as a friendly cat though he has a low tolerance for whiny kits and hypochondriac apprentices. He often makes good humor of situations that are otherwise dire and he tries to play things off as being "not so bad". He gets a nervous tension around irritated warriors but otherwise he's very kind and cares a lot about his clan no matter what.
Likes: The smell of catmint, the sunning rocks, teasing his patients, walks by the river, talking, playing with mossballs to keep fussy kits at bay.
Dislikes: Whiny apprentices, scared queens, picking ticks off of elders, mousebile, cloudy nights.
Wants: To be the best medicine cat he can be.
Fears: Patients dying, getting ill himself, battles within the camp, the Dark Forest.
Strengths: Incredibly clever, good knowledge of herbs and their uses, basic fighting knowledge, compassionate, loves his position, very quick.
Weaknesses: Quick tempered, cowardly, nervous, often confused.

Description: Mallowkit was born in a litter of three, he had two sisters by the names of Frostkit and Petalkit, though the two kits were taken by greencough and Mallowkit was left in the wake. His mother never got over the loss and his father spent a lot of time with her to try to struggle past the pain of seeing her dead kits. This left Mallowkit somewhat neglected and he had no one to talk to about his strange dreams.

He grew past it very quickly but he found himself in the medicine den a lot and he often spoke with her about what he was dreaming about. She understood this to be the sign that he was meant to be her apprentice and soon he was. Mallowpaw was an excitable apprentice but he kept to himself in most aspects, once he received his name from Starclan, he was full of life and brilliance. The current medicine cat took ill some time after and soon died, he's now their main medicine cat and he's pretty happy in his position though he misses his mentor.
Crush: N/A ( subject to change depending ).
Mate: N/A.
Kits: N/A.
Kins: Frostkit ( DEC ), Petalkit ( DEC ), Meadowheart ( Mother ), Puddlefoot ( Father ).
Other: N/A.
Carson's head almost seemed to snap up when Danny had spoke to him, it was something defensive and he couldn't help it. A shot of anger went through him and he could barely contain the urge to tell him off. He couldn't help that he was upset or scared. He wasn't good at bottling his emotions and he didn't expect that to change any time soon. He'd cry all he damn well pleased! He'd cry right now if he wanted! Right now! He didn't care! He was scared! He wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't because of some asshole in a metal suit. He knew he couldn't fight Phi, he had no delusions and he wasn't about to start now. A flare had entered his eyes for seemingly the first time since this whole incident had arisen. His voice even left him a few octaves stronger when he spoke.

"Well, I'm sorry-" he managed to snap out right before he noticed the creeping mass of shadow that had entered the room. He clamped his mouth shut, that was definitely Epsilon and he didn't know what had brought him back in the room. He immediately thought of the wound again and the worry returned like a long lost friend. It wasn't good to walk around too much with wounds like that, it was a one way ticket to bleeding out all over the floor if those stitches didn't hold against strain. He wanted to tell him but Epsilon seemed to be challenging the girl that had entered the room in a flurry of fire and confidence and the boy with the brown hair that Carson had been about to challenge himself. It was a daunting thought, to consider oneself so confident that they'd try to take on the shadow-weaver but he kept his mouth shut from saying so. If they wanted to be stupid then it was their own choice.

Though Kana seemed to keep her wits about her and she didn't rise to the challenge as it was issued. She came up with a completely new challenge that made Carson's stomach turn for a moment. He didn't want to fight an Omega--whatever an Omega was--he guessed it must be the opposite of whatever they were. Metas. God, there was just so much lingo to remember. He wondered if he'd get used to this and he guessed that he probably wouldn't, he'd never been so good at adjusting. He didn't expect that to change anytime soon and he rubbed a hand along his forehead as he glanced from Kana to Epsilon. He hoped that it was agreed that this wasn't a good idea and he hoped that it passed quickly. He didn't even really want to be pitted against one of these kids, let alone an omega, he was pretty sure he'd get his ass handed to him and he wasn't in the mood.

Kana's confidence was truly an admirable quality but it was an admirable quality that could very easily get her killed. Danny spoke again very soon after her, his words tumbling out in his frustration and his fist slamming into his hand. Something peculiar happened, Danny's skin almost seemed to turn blue and Carson felt his own eyes widen before he looked away.

"I'm sorry to butt in, I don't know the struggle of being cooped up in a big metal bunker and I'm new so this could come off as unbelievably idiotic." settling his voice into a practiced, brisk tone. The tone of a slightly disappointed, scolding mother rather than anyone threatening but it would have to do. "First off. Epsilon, can I please request that you sit down? You recently sewed up a pretty severe wound and if that busts open then you might have more blood on the floor than what you started with. Even if it doesn't bust open, you suffered blood loss and you are going to end up in a very bad way if you don't rest at all. I know a little about wounds and stuff but I'm not exactly the E.R. doctor that my father was. I just- I've got anxiety and it won't leave my mind so please, sit down. You don't have to but I'd like it if you did."

Turning to Kana and Danny, the boy furrowed his eyebrows worriedly. "Second off. I watched Phi kill two boys today, right in front of me. I didn't even really know them and I wish I hadn't even gone to that coffee house. It was a sight that my panic riddled mind will never manage to get over, I'm never going to forget that and I'm a coward to boot so I'm never going to stop freaking out about it either." he clenched his teeth slightly but hurried on with some strain. "It's not an easy thing- I can only imagine what kind of training it would take to take this guy down. I do however understand that it's got to be grueling because if you mess up, even a little, then you're as good as dead. I don't know about you but I don't want to die."

His voice softened a bit, his pale blue eyes looking sympathetic. "I don't know the two of you either but I don't want you to end up dead. You both seem alright, your battles will come to you in time, I'm sure. I'm sure that you'll get to throw down with Phi some time and I'm sure you'll get to move things back on track. I don't know when, but just- Don't be so rash, eh? Sometimes taking a coward's point of view is good. Caution is key with me, just don't try to fight a battle before you've judged it."
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