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@ChronoBovino They could be a friend of Sketch, I was mostly going to let him lay inactive until I needed him. :o

Current Name: Sketch.
Apprentice Name: Flightpaw.
Gender: Male.
Age: 8 Moons.
Rank Wanted: Warrior Apprentice.
Rank Received: Loner.

Description: A narrow-faced, long legged, skinny pale tabby tom with a very long scrawny paddle-like tail covered in thick tabby rings and large, off putting, webbed paws. Not very muscular and incredibly small in build, the tom is all bone and covered in pale stripes. His whiskers span out longer than average and his ears are very big and bat-like. His paw pads are rough and covered in scratches from scrabbling up stone and his steps are often over judged and long, he moves very quickly because of this.
Pelt Colour: Pale brown tabby.
Body Type: Scrawny and tall.
Eye Colour: Vibrant blue.

Description: A nervous young tom with a constant sense of misgiving, he's often judging his movements before he makes them. Very wired and full of fear, he has a penchant for making mistakes and becoming heavily discouraged when he does. He is often sharp-edged when approached wrong and becomes prickly with fear but it dies quickly into nervous humor and he tries to cover any of his temper tantrums in bad jokes. He can be a handful at times and has a penchant for trying to avoid simple tasks.
Likes: Hunting, the sound of water, sunsets through the trees, making jokes.
Dislikes: Fighting, being scolded, particularly shadowy areas, thorns.
Wants: To be a warrior like his parents once were.
Fears: That he won't add up to the Warrior code.
Strengths: Finding things that are missing, hunting, climbing and leaping.
Weaknesses: Swimming though he loves to try, fighting, hunting in undergrowth.

Description: Sketch was born very far away near a large set of stone that overlooked a gorge and giant cliff faces with his mother Mothsong and his father Stonefall, the two cats were some of the remaining of a clan once known as Skyclan. A clan that Firestar had fixed himself and a clan that had tumbled under it's last leader, a young she-cat named Whitestar. She had struggled to fight off the remaining rats until her last breath and they had been left to disperse without a leader and with the deputy so ready to leave. His mother had stated in the cliffs with his father and he had been born with his two siblings Scratch and Bark.

Raised on stories of the greatness of the clans, the young cats grew with adventure in their hearts but nothing compared to Sketch. Seeking out Thunderclan, he left his parents with a gentle exchange and he was encouraged to find his way and after much traveling, he did find his way. The forest rose before him with inviting aromas and he immediately felt at home, he's been nesting near the territory in a hollow made by twolegs in the ground for now.
Crush: N/A.
Mate: N/A.
Kits: N/A.
Kins: Mothsong ( Mother ), Stonefall ( Father ), Scratch ( Brother ), Bark ( Sister ).
Other: He'll be popping up sometime later.

This is the apprentice I said I'd make, hecka. 8)

"Do let her know that I'll try my very hardest to help him if Whitecough is the case, I know how she feels. I lost my sisters to Greencough." he said with a soft shake of his head, he could still remember losing his sisters to Greencough. "If you remember that, Meadowheart was torn to absolute pieces."

They had only been three moons old but apparently Starclan didn't have a timestamp on these things. Fever had swept through them so quickly that Robinwing hadn't known what to do. She had struggled with their racking coughs for days before they finally just seemed to stop breathing at all. He'd been fearful of his own sore throat and he had asked Robinwing pitifully if he was going to die next. All the while, Meadowheart had transformed into a frantic, yowling, miserable mess and not even Puddlefoot had known how to console her grief. He had spent days after their death trying to get Meadowheart to play with him and he'd been shooed out each time by his father's hiss. The two cats had spent each night curled around one another and he couldn't seem to get close enough to share that warmth no matter what he did. Soon he'd given up completely and went to Robinwing instead.

Robinwing had been doting and she had listened to him, she'd often acted as a mother to him and her affection was a cool breeze on a Green Leaf day. She would clean his ears and she would play with moss, sometimes she'd even tell him great battle stories. She would bring him food each day and she would enthuse about different herbs that he could learn. He was just pleased for the company. He often found himself sleeping within her nest until he had grown much too big and had began to spill out and she had helped him make his own nest. The ceremony they held for him was lonely, no cat stood alongside him as he was named the medicine cat apprentice. He had remembered glowing with pride as they called out his name to him and he had been excited until he caught his father's eye.

The black and white tom had been staring with outright appall and offense, it was as if he couldn't see his son as anything but a warrior and he'd spun on his paws and stalked out of the camp with a lashing tail. It had filled Mallowpaw with dread.

His mother was a crumpling white flower, she had aged in moons of misery and her gray patches looked as dull as her jade green eyes. She was watching him as if she was watching a ghost and he had felt his pelt burn with shame that should have been pride. He had almost stumbled off the highrock after they had stopped cheering his name and he had weaved through the dispersing cats to his mother. She had been frozen, staring at him and her ears had fallen when he'd smiled at her. They had talked briefly about how much of a responsibility that he would have now and she seemed to be trying to convince him to take the path of a warrior. It had made him somewhat angry in a flash and he couldn't understand why they didn't want him to pursue this. It had only made him more determined to keep going and some moons later, Starclan as her witness, Robinwing named him Mallownose.

He'd been doing his best, he really had but he suspected that his father was still very angry and his mother had made her fear very apparent. He hadn't spoken to either of them very much in moons but he had a bad habit of trying to smile at Puddlefoot. It often ended in a lashing tail and an abrupt turn. He couldn't think about this any more and he didn't know why he was still tormenting himself over it, he swallowed thickly and glanced up to his leader. His heart felt heavy now and he knew it would until he started his small journey to stave off Whitecough. This was his destiny.

"You take care of what you can while I'm gone," he meowed to Hawkstar before glancing to Redwhisker. He listened to his concerns and offered him a lofty smile, "And don't you worry too much, Redwhisker. We'll stave off what we can, that's what we're here for after all." bounding away from the tom, he slipped into the medicine den to lap up the traveling herbs.

The bitter taste was familiar enough on his tongue and he swallowed it down sharply.
Passing a glance to Warmpaw, he released a purr as the energy flooded through him and he felt as if he could go for miles.

"Lead us out, let me see if you still remember where to find the tansy on Riverclan's territory and we'll start there."


The tom had just finished gulping down a mouse when he was approached by Silverstorm, this was a cat that he respected by all means of the word and he wondered what she could want of him. He knew his brother had went all moony eyed for her when he had become a warrior, it had been a very odd thing to witness because amongst his sudden fear and his sudden anxieties, suddenly he was watching this she-cat as if she had built the world for him. It was an amusing sight as well as a very odd one. This she-cat was incredibly smart and very good at speaking, he'd only had the pleasure of conversing with her on brief occasions but she always knew what to say. It was an astonishing quality, though somewhat troubling, it was the kind of quality that got cats chosen for deputy over the large gray brute with the blazing golden eyes.

He had something against her somehow, nothing big but a small prick in his flank that constantly made him feel like he had to challenge her. It was hard to challenge her, she was far too good at speaking and he would end up wound down to nothing but confusion and sheer force. He couldn't win a battle of the wits if he wasn't witty and that made him flex his claws as she spoke. She seemed to want him for her hunting patrol and that was fine with him, most cats knew him for his brute strength and most cats avoided picking fights with him. He was a good backing force for most border patrols and he couldn't deny that he'd be good to have around if any Shadowclan cats decided to get their claws in a twist.

"Of course, Silverstorm. I'd be delighted to join your hunting patrol." he rumbled through a hooked stretch. "There's always good hunting near Shadowclan but they'd certainly hate to see us."


"Don't get your fur in a knot, Runningpaw! I had a long night, they had me guarding until dawn and I am rather tired."

A yawn escaped Mossfur's jaws as if to enunciate his point as he stretched out and watched his apprentice tease her brother. He felt a strange sting in his chest at the thought of his own brother, he had been awful to Stormstrike but- Stormstrike had been weird! He'd been fussy as a kit and tinier than all of them and he'd had weird fluffy gray solid fur that looked nothing like Echotail or Cedarear. He'd been strange and none of them had enjoyed him very much. He couldn't help that they wanted to tease him, he shouldn't have been so strange all the time and- That had killed Talonpaw. He knew Talonpaw had showed him the worst of the merciless teasing and he knew they got physical sometimes but watching him kill him had been much too much to bare.

"We'll do a little hunting, provided that you don't claw my ears off before then! Does that sound quite alright?"
I'll my next reply up in a few hours because it's eleven a.m. and I've been up all night. I'm going to get some sleep! ;o
Now see, I'm very wrong then bc I thought Whitecough was worse. That's my bad. I'm sorry Mallownose.

I edited some things so it made more sense w that info.
@Shurikai This has made my entire night :* You're such a brilliant writer, I'm glad to be roleplaying with you!

"Has any cat told you that you're much too smart to be a medicine cat?" he gave the apprentice an affectionate nudge with his shoulder, "Because you're much too smart to be a medicine cat."

There was some pride that he held for Warmpaw, the young tom had come from a hard walk of life and he sometimes wondered if he ever missed the moors where his parents and siblings had breathed their last breath. Windclan cats had a heart for feeling the wind in their fur and the grass beneath their paws as they ran, it was something that couldn't be marked out of their blood. They were built with a slender grace that was as present in his apprentice as it was in any cat from that clan. He could see Windclan in him as surely as he could see his growing intelligence and his growing urge to help his new clan. He still remembered the day the kit had found his way into Thunderclan and sometimes he thought it was a blessing that Hawkstar had taken him in.

After Robinwing had died, Mallownose had spent moons in forced solitude, only interacting when he was needed and keeping himself scarce. Robinwing had been a friend as much as she was a mentor and often times he would wonder why she had to die so soon. Her sickness had been a strange thing, a heated fever that had tore through her without mercy until she had been left in a very deep sleep. He still remembered her mottled brown figure heaving for each breath and her white paws twitching and then falling still. The memory still gripped his sleep.

The arrival of the new kit within the camp was strange enough but he found a growing affection for the young cat. He had been introduced to him after some prodding and the kit had been a scared, hungry, trembling thing. He'd been very worried and had treated him for shock for the first moon of his arrival, he knew the memories would never leave the young tom. Poppyseeds could help with sleep but they couldn't make a cat forget what had happened to them. He had asked Hawkstar to make the tom his apprentice, he'd told him that he thought the tom showed potential and he had evidently been correct. Warmpaw was the best apprentice a cat could have asked for.

Making his way back into the medicine cat den, he picked out some of the chervil and a few raspberry leaves. The task reminded him that soon he'd have to take Warmpaw to the moonstone to receive his name in Starclan, it was just a matter of when, he'd have to talk to Hawkstar about it sometime. Medicine cat naming ceremonies were very special and very different from warrior ceremonies. Wrapping the leaves up in a small bundle, he waited for Warmpaw to join him before adding the borage to the bundle with a careful set of paws.

"Let's drop these off with Gingerflame, I'm sure she'll see to them being eaten." sliding out of the den with the bundle clutched gently in his jaws, he approached the ginger she-cat from where she was settled with the leader and twitched his whiskers. "Me and Warmpaw will be out for awhile, Gingerflame. So Warmpaw thought it would be a good idea to drop off some herbs for you and the rest of the queens in case kitting happens earlier than expected. The borage is for Mosscoat. It'll all taste downright awful but it's for the best." purred the white tom before he glanced to Hawkstar.

"We'll be collecting some tansy to give to the kits, the queens and the elders in case Ravencoat is the first in a bought of Greencough or Whitecough. Just to be safe." he didn't voice his growing concern that Ravencoat might have managed to catch Whitecough somehow. He'd worry about it if he was more positive of the circumstance. Hopefully tansy and some catmint would ward it off before it had any chance to develop.

"Of course. I'm being a scatterbrain again, Warmpaw. Colds are bound to arise and bring Greencough with them, they always do." he sounded somewhat disappointed in himself but he brushed past it quickly as he took a few more ravenous bites of the thrush he'd chosen.

Swallowing down the tough meat, he drew his tongue over his lips and nose before shaking out his white fur. It was still rumpled from his rather overdo bedding and he had to dislodge a few pieces of moss by vigorous shaking. His jade green eyes flickered to the deputy, the honey should hold his throat for awhile but Mallownose realized he hadn't been taking it seriously enough. If the deputy was struck ill with the battering, aching cough that Greencough often brought then there would be a much larger problem on his paws. Greencough was deadly sometimes, though not with proper treatment and he nearly wanted to call himself a mousebrain.

"Eat your mouse and we'll go into Riverclan for more tansy-" he cut himself off with an irritated lash of his tail. "Tansy! Tansy! We are out of tansy! We need to collect some tansy and I believe you mentioned the poppy seeds, have you been taking those to help your sleep? I worry about your nightmares-marigold, we need marigold and juniper if I recall. We are going to have to go towards the twoleg place for catmint. It grows along the border- perhaps I can send a warrior to fetch us another honeycomb. Coltfoot might be helpful to have around and Feverfew in case anybody takes a fever though I believe we have a good pile of that."

Blinking as if he was dazed with his growing list, he ran through his head thoughtfully. "Burdock root? Perhaps, if I remember it. It's very good for breathing trouble, you know. Though I usually only remember it for rat bites. Very, very good for inflammation." he murmured before twisting around to run his tongue along his rumpled pelt a few times and nod slowly. "Most importantly catmint and tansy. We'll try to get enough of the tansy to distribute and we can make Ravencoat take some after we return. Sound like a plan?
@Marx I'll be getting my computer in the next few weeks so hopefully I'll be able to join the party, albeit very late. 8)
I tried, I tried so hard. I'm sorry, the true failure is my phone.
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