BEFORE ANYTHING, IMPORTANT NOTES!! Audley I left a few parts blank because I didnât know if you wanted to add an agent for the case of redacting or if you wanted Rhys to have higher clearance and I also. donât know dates! Thank u in advance and enjoy this smelly bird
Volatile || "The Angel" || Extreme Risk

Last Name: N/A, unknown
First Name: êêêŽêêê€êê
Middle Name: N/A, unknown
Apparent Age: 18-19
Actual Age: âfirst-flightâ stage of life, approx. 512 years?
âDoB: not calculable to Earth dates
Sex: capable of morphingâ presents without discernible biological sex, has hermaphroditic biology
Preferred Name(s): Bezaliel, Bez, Bezzy, Bee, Feathers, Bird
Gender: Unknownâ presents as vaguely masculine?
Pronouns: he/him, it/its, they/them
Nouns: Masculine, Neutral
Sexual Orientation: seemingly primarily homosexual?
Romantic Orientation: seemingly primarily homoromantic?
Status: Unknown
Bezaliel is an Outlander species referred to by humans as âangelsâ and by themselves as âPeople of Light,â translated from the term âê€êêêê”ê€ê€êâ in the Kaleidos language. It was born in a dimension notably close or possibly even attached to our universe: the Astral Plane. Along with that, Bezaliel hails from a specific angelic race, the âseraphimâ as humans call it, a multi-winged Angel race that primarily hails from the highlands and mountains of the astral planeâ I believe Bezaliel said this race was called âhighlanders,â translated from âêêêê€êŠêȘêâ in Kaleidos. While Bezaliel can speak fluent English, albeit with some sort of accent, it seems to prefer its first language of Kaleidosâ a light-based language with sounds similar to birdsongs and calls. The Angel is very blunt but still kindhearted, playful in demeanor and energetic. While quite smart, it still struggles grasping Earthen customs and rules. It often shows its displeasure over something by being physical and wing-slapping, hissing, or kickingâ while this is met by the institute as a behavior of aggression, I infer that it is communicating as it normally would and not intending to be explicitly harmful. It enjoys poetry, music, and particularly seems to be interested in learning American Sign Language. Along with those hobbies, it also enjoys various puzzles and simple games, including foraging-based puzzles meant for parrots. Bezaliel is a young writer of stories and poetry in its culture, being able to use intricate light shows for poetry as well as making beautiful artworks resembling stained glass it claims to be âpoemsâ in Kaleidos. It also plays an instrument seemingly equivalent to a handpan.
It seems the creature has some mental issuesâ upon discussion with one of my peers, it seems the Angel has major abandonment trauma leading to a form of post-traumatic stress disorder, along with depressive disorder symptoms akin to those of parrots such as plucking and sudden aggression. It is extremely curious, as well as extremely scared, frightened of many new things it has experienced and continues to experience. I find its intelligence is most obvious in the complex thought processes it shows, and the way it quickly learns and recognizes patterns. In the end, we have removed an extremely intelligent and social being from its habitat, even if it arrived on accidentâ it makes sense it lashes out, gets confused, and needs to learn more.
Bezaliel knows how to speak in fairly fluent English, albeit with a⊠âbird-likeâ accent, similar to the mimicry of parrots such as African Grays. I can also confidently say that it mimics with the same accuracy as parrots, though prefers to speak its own sentences.
Two trackers are implanted into Bezalielâs body, one at the back of its neck, above the primary pair of wings, and another at the base of its tail, under the secondary pair of wings. Two trackers are necessary both to pinpoint the Angelâs location and to detect if it shifted, as the distance between the trackers will most likely change with major body morphs. There is a GPS connected to these two trackers in order for a handler to monitor it both inside and outside of the compound. Unlike most other Hounds, Bezaliel needs a nearby handler or trusted person at all times for multiple reasons; number one, it is most likely to get violent when lonely; number two, it responds to most triggers physically through attacks; number three, it often searches for ways to escape. Along with the trackers, Bezaliel must have some form enchanted, of conductive wire (most effectively silver) tightly wrapped around its halo in order to prevent it from creating a light hot or intense enough to harm others. Despite the wire, it is still allowed to create softer, harmless light, due to the fact light is an important part of its communication.
Bezaliel, apparently like all other Angels, is an obligate carnivore. It must be supplied with a live animal for food. Alternatively, if the person giving Bezaliel food is someone Bezaliel trusts, it will also accept raw, prepared food. Offering cooked food will only get it upset and ask why said food tastes strange, and offering prepared raw food while it sees you as a stranger causes it to deny it on the basis of âitâs weird to share hunts if you donât know each other.â It should also be allowed to freely hunt at least once a week, or else it gets upset and is more likely to attack others.
Bezaliel needs multiple forms of basic enrichment. It needs âshreddableâ toys akin to parrot toys lest it start trying to destroy the base. It should readily be supplied with nesting materials such as blankets, pillows, plushies, and âpretty looking thingsâ and be allowed a nest in of its making in its room. Beyond that, it should be allowed regular access to the high-ceiling gym in order to fly freely. It also must be taken aside for experimentation and testing purposes as needed, but should not be toldâ instead lured, as to not stress it.
Bezaliel, while not inherently an aggressive or cruel individual, does have triggers causing it to become aggressive by our standards. Triggers include prayers and chanting, loud and sudden noises, and flashing lights. While these attacks arenât meant to be lethal and more of a way it tells others to stop, they are powerful and should be avoided; it also responds extremely poorly to sedation and discipline, possibly due to its angelic culture. Handlers are highly encouraged to put away highly shiny objects like mirrors or jewelry, and they must speak softly to Bezaliel as to not rouse it.
Physical Description
Bezaliel has quite the distinct lookâ so I will start on what we have found so far regarding the systems of its body. Bezalielâs blood, while containing hemoglobin like humans, also has a strange, blue pigment to it, making the blood appear a shimmering indigo-purple shade. The blue pigment seems to be some part of its complex immune system, as it seems to possess strong antibacterial properties. Its skeleton is not anywhere close to a skeleton on earth, the primary material of the bones being some strange composition of an organic carbon-fiber-like substance and a titanium alloy instead of calcium and magnesium. Said bones are hollow with a hexagonal lattice structure, the longer limb bones possessing a kind of resemblance to cactus wood. It possesses many earthen characteristics similar to birds, particularly parrots and owls, including an extremely efficient respiratory system that uses constantly cycling air to receive oxygen. It also seems to have a powerful heart in its chest. Because of the fact I do not want to kill the Angel for the sake of a potential dissection, however, x-rays and physical exams is all the information I can offer on its internal anatomy.
On appearancesâ the Angel is extremely hard to miss. While a good portion of its body is covered in white and light-blue iridescent plumage, its chest, belly, and face show a dark, purple-blue skin. Upon the exposed skin, little cream-colored freckles and light-blue cloud marks glow faintly. It has a fairly flat face akin to an owlâs, with a thick beak covered in pale skin poking out taking the silhouette of both the mouth and nose and hiding sharp teeth behind the lips. In total, the Angel has nine orange eyes: four trailing down its bare chest and five positioned evenly on its face. It has longer feathers on is head and on its tail, thin and acting similarly to hair. The Angel has five sets of wingsâ one acting as ears, two on its long tail, and two on its back, one significantly larger than the other. The larger wings on its back, âprimaryâ wings, as I will call them, have a cream, blue, and grey barring pattern like the rest of the sets of wings, but it distinctly has two eyespots. The backside of the wings on the angelâs back, unlike the tail wings and ear wings, have a mottled blue-grey blanket pattern instead of the barring on the front. On its head are a crown of hornsâ two smaller ones at the front, two larger and more curved ones facing towards the back, and a horn (horns..?) that forms a hoop, or a âhalo.â On both arms and legs there are these⊠talons, I will call themâ zygodactyl in position, with two thumbs and two middle fingers. Both sets are equally dexterous, and the tail is also prehensile. Those cloud and freckle markings that Iâve mentioned earlier intensify at the central line of the chest where the eyes are and on the horns, and Iâve noticed those are the primary markings that light up when the Angel speaks in Kaleidos.
Of course, I must addâ the Angel may conceal its additional eyes, its wings, and even its tail in its basic shapeshifting. It can also, as weâve seen many times, entirely don the appearance of something different, and it does on a regular basis. Of its standard forms, I noticed it dons one very âhumanoidâ form that is 5â4â in height, with mocha-colored skin, white hair, and two yellow-orange eyes with white sclera but no discernible pupils. It seems quite comfortable in its base form while in the compound, either way.
Hair: creamy white
Eyes: yellow-orange, solid
Height: 9â6â
Weight: 159 lbs
Skin: Darker purple-blue skin with light freckles, lighter cream feathers
Notes: - Once again, I will iterate that this description is exclusively of its base form. Bezaliel is capable of shapeshifting and readily does so.
- if you cannot identify the Angel by sight while it is in base form, as it literally is the only being that looks anything close to an Angel, you are a moron and should look for a new job and an eye doctor.
- Shapeshifting â While an angelâs shapeshifting is not absolute or perfect, they can morph their natural body drastically. In Bezalielâs case, it is able to appear near-perfectly human through shapeshifting and roughly mimic different peopleâs bodies and faces. Through shapeshifting, it can also mask its extra eyes and extra wings, or entirely shift to more âferalâ forms entirely. According to Bezaliel, its shifting will get better when he âages to the next stage,â which is seemingly in⊠a few thousand Earth years.
- Light Manipulation â As the rest of its species, Bezaliel is capable of emitting, manipulating, and shooting light in beams. Naturally, it gives a faint glow off its skin and feathers, with its eyes, horns, and markings glowing slightly brighter. It can either glow brightly if needed or dim itself entirely, and it can shoot controlled bursts of light from its âhalo,â a pair of horns on its head that form an arch. It can also bend beams of light, both its own emitted light and light from other sources like lamps, creating rainbows or reflections. It seems Bezaliel holds a talent for this specific power, as it likes to create little âlight showsâ when it is boredâ an impressive feat of meticulous and exact light control that usually only older members of its species can do after living through most âstages.â
- Blink â An angel is capable of moving short distances faster than humans can register with their own eyes, making this fast movement seem like teleportation. It is not teleportation, just a form of âsprintingâ that this species can do.
- Expert Hunting â Bezaliel is an avid and energetic hunterâ being able to use its sharp teeth and talons to take down prey easily. It has extremely keen tracking senses, and it rarely loses track of prey. Angels, as far as we understand, are obligate hypercarnivores, and will hunt in packs. This explains why Bezaliel strongly prefers hunting with people it has deemed its friend. Bezaliel in particular will âshareâ its catches with others, as well.
STR - 2
DEX - 3
SPD - 4
CON - -2
INT - 1
WIS - 1
CHA - -3
PWR - 5
From what I understand, this Angel has come to Earth unintentionally. It grew up in an entirely different plane of existenceâ the âastral plane,â for lack of a better word, which by nature is closely attached to earth as well as prone to inter-dimensional tears. This angel named Bezaliel and its pack all belonged to an angelic clan, Seraphim, that inhabited the higher strata of the realm and took up some sort of nautical, traveling niche. The Angel spent its whole life with its pack, and engaged in an angelic tradition known as âfirst-flightâ once it grew its adult plumageâ hence the reason why it keeps calling itâs âstage of lifeâ the âfirst-flightâ stage. It seems an accident happened during Bezalielâs first-flight tradition, as it states it fell through a âtime-storm,â what I infer is an inter-dimensional tear that lead to Earth. The Angel ultimately landed in the United States, in a rural plot in New York used for farming Maple-Syrup, and then flew approximately two miles and decimated a dairy cattle farm. Shortly after, the Angel traveled south to a rural Hamlet named Yarlford, where it again decimated the entire small settlement and attempted to build a âSeam-Ripper,â an Angelic portal-opening invention it seems to be familiar with, from the scraps of many homes. Thirteen people were killed (but not eaten) in that altercation, notably all men with guns. Bezaliel was unsuccessful in making this specific Seam-Ripper work, and it proceeded to wander off for more resources.
The Angel continued to move south until it unfortunately reached New York City. Bezaliel began to hunt the people of downtown New York City, as well as destroy much of the surrounding infrastructure for various reasons. Records show it tried to make some sort of ânestâ atop a skyscraper, as well as trying to build another statue to get to its home planet. For a total of 268 days, the angel entirely destroyed and ârestructuredâ twenty square miles of the city in the form of an almost-perfect circle and killed and ate a total of 197 people, including but not limited to: two priests who attempted to speak with the Angel, police officers, soldiers from the army and coast guard, five fighter jet pilots, and the general, indiscriminate murder of humankind which included men, women, and children of all races and all walks of life. There are an additional 15 people the Angel had murdered but not eaten, all of which being part of the military operations sent to subdue and/or kill the creature. From the metal scraps and materials the angel destroyed buildings to obtain, it built a far larger Seam-Ripper than the one seen at Yarlford and was almost complete by the time the Angel was contained.
After an agent attempted to speak to Bezaliel in Kaleidos and learned it also attempted to âcopyâ rudimentary English sounds, we learned Bezaliel was doing all of this to try getting home. The DNCC thus sent another agent to convince the Angel to stop, explaining to the Angel that the DNCC could help the Angel home if it stopped its destruction.
Since the incident, Bezaliel learned that humans are sentient despite the fact we do not create light the way it can, and has expressed deep regret over what it has done, even if it didnât know at the time that people were intelligent beings.
Criminal Record
- 225 counts of manslaughter â The Angel murdered a total of 225 people. Because it did not know at the time that humans are sentient and its intentions were not malicious but instead exclusively for self defense and sustenance, the initial charges of murder have been dropped for manslaughter.
- Mishandling of 196 corpses â The Angel ate a total of 197 people. As eating a corpse if not requested by the corpse recipient in their will is considered mishandling, all but one of Bezalielâs âhuntsâ are charged as mishandling.
- Destruction of public and private property â Bezaliel destroyed 20 square miles of downtown New York City, including but not limited to government buildings, apartments, offices, restaurants, stores, and literally anything made of metal.
- Obstruction of justice â Due to the Angel attacking and retaliating against police and military forces, it has been charged with obstruction of justice.
- terroristm â this doesnât need an explanation, just look at its history and the previous charges.
Agent First LastPosition in ProgramClearance Level - 1 to 5Amendments
The Angel has refused to eat for multiple weeks. Iâve discovered it not only prefers meat, it MUST eat meat and cannot digest plant matter. In an attempt to feed it sedative herbs, it became extremely sick and refused food from me entirely. On the other hand, it is most happy when given live fish. It also seems to enjoy the way fish flops around. Perhaps as a form of enrichment.
â Dr. Rhys OâCeallach, Outlander Biologist and Researcher
Based on personal observation, in addition to the observations of general handlers, as well as direct communication with young Bezaliel themself, it has become apparent that nesting materials and the like need to be of specific textures and fibers. As it stands, Bezaliel has expressed disgust when given items of a feathery or downy nature, and has actively discarded absorbent microfiber, polyester, and Sherpa blankets and fabrics, showing the same level of disgust with these fibers as they have with feathers and down. On the contrary, they have been found to enjoy soft, minky or plush fabrics, as well as memory-foam-based pillows. In this vein, young Bezaliel also seems particularly fond of âSquishmallowsâ, as was found when a handlerârequesting to remain anonymousâbrought one of the plush toys into the compound and presented the item to the angel. Upon interview with young Bezaliel about the gift, it was confirmed that they enjoy the toy to quite the degreeâas to be quoted, âboth in shape and textureââ For this, I would like to note âmochi minkyâ as a fabric to consider.
Additionally, Iâve noticed they build their nest out of perfectly square and circular blankets. Handlers have confirmed this behavior, even noting observations of young Bezaliel tearing up other blankets to fit that general âevenâ shape.
As a final note, young Bezaliel has show express interest in the string lights and night-light globe that another, anonymous, handler managed to sneak onto the unit. Unless these materials prove hazardous, I have ruled that these, and other similar materials will be allowed, though I advise handlers to ensure that h-002, codename âHyperwareâ, otherwise known as Harper, is not permitted in or near Bezalielâs room.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
It has recently come to note that young Bezalielâs anxious and irritable behaviorâoften presented when left aloneâis curbed when there are gentle, moving lights in their room. It is for this reason that, despite h-002âs interest in the electrical items in young Bezalielâs room, I stress the importance of keeping these objects available to the angel as not only does it keep them manageable, but their calmer state allows for some slack on part of Bezalielâs handler, even going so far as allowing breaks for food and rest through the night.
Amusingly, upon first interaction, it is noted that young Bezaliel attempted to communicate with that globe light mentioned previously. They have since learned the night-light is not sentient, but still enjoys its presence.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
In the angelâs latest exams, Iâve noticed it has begun to over-preen its feathers. Iâve consulted with an ornithologist close to the institute and have concluded the angelâs needs may be comparable to a large parrotâs. Thus, it may be important for the health of this specimen to allow it some extra-large-size and destructible âparrot toys.â My colleague has told me she recommends Planet Pleasures for bird toys, though we may be able to make our own toys for the creature as well if we have the resources. I recommend keeping track of the textures it prefers.
â Dr. Rhys OâCeallach, Outlander Biologist and Researcher
In a shocking turn of events, it would seem that young Bezaliel is not entirely genderless as previously assumed. Unlike h-003, it would appear that young Bezaliel possesses some level of internal biology that has allowed them to lay an egg. Naturally, I am concerned about the implications of this revelation, as it poses the same risk we are already facing in having a co-ed holding unit. Nevertheless, as per the facilityâs guidelines on health and safety, the egg has been removed and disposed of, given there is little chance of it being fertile. Any future eggs should be handled accordingly.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
The angel has been laying eggs roughly every other month, and some recent testing shows me its bone density has lowered a significant amount. Along with that, it seems more easily tired and more irritable. After consulting with my ornithologist colleague, Iâve come to the conclusion that angels may get bodily strain from laying eggs so often. It is suggested to use âdud eggsâ instead to let the Angel naturally get bored of the egg while still being able to safely remove it.
â Dr. Rhys OâCeallach, Outlander Biologist and Researcher
Any handler found to be ignoring this step in the removal of an egg will not only be removed from the program, but charged with negligence and even abuse, as failure to replace the egg poses extreme risks to Bezalielâs physical and psychological health.
Additionally, due to mishap in the lab resulting in [REDACTED], all eggs retrieved from the unit are to be candled both on collection and upon arrival in the lab.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
Along with the weekly hunt, young Bezaliel should be allowed daily flight time in the atrium. Allowing such has been proven to help in stabilizing the angelâs mood, as it seems that the more young Bezaliel spends their energy while spreading their wings, the less likely they are to lash out.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
Amusingly, young Bezaliel responds very well to cat toys! Perhaps this will serve as a way for which he and his teammates may bond. I hope it may also serve as a proof of record that young Bezaliel no longer poses a danger to the people of this world and perhaps aid in the appeal of their sentencing and even lead to an eventual return to their home realm.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor
Young Bezaliel's English vocabulary has grown tremendously since their integration into the program. They are learning new words and phrases every day and have even begun learning more advanced vocabulary words through audio learning tracks. There is, however, a bit of concern in regards to certain vocabulary they have started to pick up on from the other Hounds. Namely, that which they have been copying from h-001, codenamed "Revenant", otherwise known as Sabriel. As it stands, young Bezaliel has learned quite the "colorful" vocabulary from the other Hound.
â Agent Roy Vega, Project Supervisor