@Aisling "So, it's smart to not have a proper health insurance?" Dracula asked. "Obamacare is a joke. A health insurance is a proper one if you can get every treatment that is necessary for free, no matter whether you need to see a physician, a dentist, or a psychotherapist. Everyone should have such a health insurance. If they can afford it, they pay for it. If they can't afford it, the state pays for it. It works perfectly well here. So, why doesn't it work in the oh-so-great US? Children like Toma have to die because their parents can't afford treatment... people lose their homes because paying their cancer treatment bills leaves them unable to pay rent... and don't forget the unemployed. If you lose your job here, you'll get money from the state. By that, I mean enough money to actually pay living expenses like food, energy, rent. And a free health insurance, of course. If we - a country that is broke - can get the money for that, the US can as well."