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No more time for playing careful. At this point, they’ll win off of pure attrition instead of combatting us outright. For the past few minutes, Vier had been trying to figure out a way to get through the Talderian line. They were better trained than him, and certainly more zealous to their cause. All he could think of at the moment was to pepper the left flank with a few wind spells: a more recent addition to his arsenal after his most recent bout of training.

He realized that it wasn’t enough, as Renar began to rally a few of the other Iron Roses for a charge at the near edge of the wall. While a rather bold move in his eyes, it did cause an idea to begin to emerge. The goal isn’t to go through them, but just to make it past them. Vier cracked a smile beneath his helmet, pushing up the visor and sheathing his longsword.

He took a few large steps back, looking for the proper place to make his move, until he found his path: at the borderline between the left and far left of the Talderian line, while four of his brothers in arms were engaging the enemy. ”For the Roses.” He took no time to prepare, using a small burst of wind magic to remove the need for acceleration, as he made an attempt to vault over the shield line, using own of the guardsmen’s shields as a way to propel himself over them. Should he land, Vier would promptly begin helping Gerard from the opposite side, taking out the opposition as they made attempts to attack his fellow knights.

Early mornings were nothing new for Nico Makri. All it took was a cup of cold water and a bit of fruit for him to be relatively prepared for the briefing. His foot was mostly healed, he had a rare six hours of sleep, and he successfully nipped whatever Alonso was going for in the bud without any noticeable problems. For once, things are fully looking up. And this mission doesn’t seem all that awful. Nico smiled a bit despite himself, humming a nursery rhyme as the briefing took place.

“Glad I brought a suit...” All he was hoping for was a peaceful day, at least in the beginning. If someone pulled something after that, it would be a problem for everyone, not just himself. The thought brought a bit of surety to him as everyone started piping up. All he could pray for was some sanity from the PRC and Zodiac, even as a pipe dream.

I can’t wait to leave.

Odd thoughts, considering that the ghost known as Aoi Mikoto had only been on Mischief Reef for a few days. But after going through the routine of walking the base, checking the ceilings and walls for any leaks, and getting rearmed, there wasn’t much to do except find a new haunt for the few days before deployment. Despite knowing what would be polite, she made an effort to keep scarce before the briefing. The less people expected her to be present, the more likely she wouldn’t be asked to be seen, and the easier her job became.

An early briefing was welcome, even if it was a little boring. She arrived early and sat in the far back, taking the extra time to grab a mug of scalding tea to let cool off during the wait. As the briefing progressed, Aoi took note of the other members of the Task Force: from the locals, mercenaries like Makri, Lidmann, Rocha and Berto (Note to self, stay aware of Williams and Lidmann, learn some more about Rocha, and keep away from Makri), the other transfers like, Nil, Janssens, and…

There simply no avoiding the strand of thought that led to her. To say that she disliked the Snake was a severe understatement. Aoi tapped her fingers on her lap to calm herself down, listening as Qingshe spoke up about the potential obstacles and pitfalls of the current theater: a diplomacy event in Cambodia. Everything about the mission was almost laughably strange. This group, for security and safety? At least Williams has the right idea; this is absurd.

She was grinning, but there was a glint of seriousness in her eyes. "This is going to be a delicate political situation. It cannot be overstated how important it is to not be seen to 'strike first' should anything... untoward occur. So, dress to impress and bring your best manners, even if Huo Ren himself should stand in front of you. Our actions will reflect on ASEAN and the security of their position at the bargaining table, and if you're feeling trigger happy... Don't. In an ideal world, all we're there for is to look pretty and -at worst- loom with vague menace while the politics happen. Violating a national diplomatic truce would be a disaster for us... Rather, for anyone who is going to be at that table." Shaking her head, she smirked. "Really, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't need to be said, but I realize that not all of you here today may come from backgrounds sufficient to grant you a complete understanding of the stakes at hand... So, I say it anyway."

As the Snake finished, Aoi got up, and cleared her throat to get Noel’s attention, looking him in the eye with a softly haunting gaze. Filipino should work. Only a few people need to understand me anyways. “First Lieutenant, if I may state the obvious, this is a ploy. There are three things we know for certain. First, Downward Descent has been reported in, and allegedly has yet to leave Cambodia. Second…” She pointed a thumb at Qingshe.

“Like she said, China and Downward Descent are clearly connected in some way. So, there is no reason not to assume that the location is already either compromised or being watched by the Downward Descent. And finally, thanks to him…” She motioned to Nico. “We know that there’s no prerogative for either party to be subtle, as the People’s Republic can simply use the Downward Descent as a perfect scapegoat for any events that may transpire.” Her Filipino wasn’t exactly perfect, but her accent hardly showed in her speech.

“A delicate situation such as this cannot be viewed in a vacuum. So, I suggest that you and Rear Admiral Abasolo take my concerns into consideration alongside any potential plans or stratagems that you may have prepared.” And with that, she sat down, her eyes never leaving Noel and Qingshe from view.
New character dropped. Awaiting approval.

Thank you. Should I just DM him?
Is this still open?

Nico knew there were people who deserved the moments of brevity more than he did, and that taking a break in the middle of a war was not a great look, but he didn’t care much. If anything, the volunteer felt like sleeping for a week. Between using well over all of his strength fighting Superbia, the pain in his foot, and the general stress of the last 24 hours, the beach that Task Force Obsidian was staying on felt like a gift from the heavens.

His foot was partially healed, but still complete agony to put his weight on for anything more than a few minutes. When Lieutenant Alonso came to him about having a meal, he had to decline. As much as he didn’t want to be rude or mean to the child, that was the reason he said no. Aside from that, he didn’t quite like desserts anyway. Most were too sweet for his tastes. And try, he was grateful for Henri interrupting the conversation. But that didn’t last.

”I think the people who can do something need some sense. The prison break was proof we need some serious help. Just hoping your homeland’s bigwigs have some sense.” Nico shifted a bit on the ground as he spoke, wincing as some pressure was applied to his bad foot. Even then, he held his tongue, refusing to voice his pain in a disruptive manner, turning to look at Noel

”As for the original questions that you asked me, Lieutenant. First, no more cancer, just waiting for my foot to heal after I burned it out. And for the second, no. Simple as that. He tapped his good foot on the ground, sighing a bit as he looked at the sky. This morning sun felt…like home. Maybe it was the sea breeze or the warmth of Mischief Reef, but it made him just that bit more comfortable.

Between what could be described as two demigods clashing, the biblical storm pouring down, and the swallowing of the false sun that had granted him strength beyond his station, what truly bothered Nico Makri was two things: the massive snake that had appeared, and his foot. Both could be solved later, but for now, he stayed on the beach, letting the rain cool him off as he pointed POWs to the evacuation point.

His fatigue slowly began to set in as he milled about, listening to radio chatter. The battle was over, and they had won. Somehow, Nico survived a brawl with the leader of Downward Descent, even if it was a mere avatar. No one seemed too injured, and casualties were at a minimum. He kept a slight smile on his face as he sat on the beach and looked at the prisoners leaving, trying his best to cool off after using Sun Stoke beyond its usual limits. Not bad, not bad at all. Still got all my fingers and toes, and my head’s on my shoulders.

He turned on his radio’s microphone, speaking up in roughly accented English. “Makri here. First, I’m still alive, and mostly everyone else seems that way too. Second, for record-keeping, I think this is the third terrorist organization that has an issue with me. He chuckled a bit, sighing. “Gonna ask about the sun eating snake later. For now, I’ll be on the beach cooling down until I can actually move again.” He then turned off his mic, dispelling Helios Rod and looking up at the now stormy sky,

Gotta talk to the Snake later. To figure out what just happened.

As soon as the explosion from the primitive bomb came, he teleported back to his marked location, returning to a fighting stance. He took a few steps toward to prepare himself, staying a reasonable length away from Han Rui. But the moment the artificial sun came up, Nico exploded in a flash of light.

Or, at least, that is what it looked like from the view of Myron and the bomber. His Radiant Burst chose enemies based on his subconscious thoughts, not convenience. Well ain’t this a kick in the head. Why am I not burning? His body began to heat up rapidly, the immunity to his flames from Sunsetter amplifying his ability to use Sun Stoke at a capacity beyond what he usually can pull off.

Nico heard the gunshot from Henri, and walked to the spearman instead; although his walking speed was much closer to a full sprint in this state. He lunged at Wei Rui, preemptively swinging his sword to swipe at the newly awakened Arm Master’s side. However, Helios Rod had a trail of fire streaking from the edge of its blade, the sign of one of Nico’s trump cards: the Wildfire Dance. The mercenary simply went along with it, launching a wave of scorching flame while preparing a follow-up attack with his now superheated sword.

Nico’s amplified senses gave a bit of time to think in the moments before results occurred. Why does this feel…natural? Day and night as one. A sun that brings forth day and night. Hyperion… It was the only word he could think to explain the state he was in. Nico, at least in this moment, felt something he rarely felt: genuine confidence. In this moment, even with the artificial sun above him, he felt like he could take on anything.

His fatigue was burning away, and those around him would see a wide grin across his face. For the time being, this was his day, and he was damn sure going to make use of it.

The moment he came out the gateway, Nico’s confident steps rapidly became more urgent, before turning into a full blown sprint. The mercenary would never raise his voice to admit it, but using the Snake’s shadow as a safe place to acclimate to his enhanced senses was a smart thing. Everything was that much clearer, the world around him sharpening into focus without the usual dizziness and migraines.

He chose to keep Helios Rod’s edge as a normal blade rather than its superheated state. Two fresh Arms Masters weren’t exactly worth the smell of burnt flesh, especially when gruesome killing could be avoided. Even if he was a soldier, the quicker he got the job done, the sooner it could leave his conscience, and the sooner he could find a moment to compose himself.

At seeing the prison guard Arms Masters using their weapons, he immediately shifted his focus to the bomber and Myron. At seeing the state Myron was in, Nico came to a few conclusions. The first: he couldn’t be killed by the bomb itself, considering the state of Myron’s clothing and gun despite the greaser being perfectly fine. The second: he was not dodging a bomb. So, a plan rapidly formed as he got within a few meters.

Feint, let him throw, vanish, and counter. Easy enough. As he got closer and closer, he tapped his sword against the ground to mark a place to return to with his Vanishing Step. And with a grunt of effort, he closed the distance with a long stride, attempting to stab Han Rui in the face. If it worked, excellent. If not, vanish and retry with the element of surprise.
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