Avatar of Creeper
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 16 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Creeper 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current It is interesting that PM RPs (to some) automatically mean that sexual content is wanted/intended...
8 yrs ago
Mark Collie - In Time youtube.com/watch?v=HaHUtyl…
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Daydreaming and odd sorts of fantasy at my heart. I seemingly continuously make up characters in my mind that never show themselves even though I feel they should get the spotlight. This is a biography to tell you, in a few words, of how my tendencies are and what strikes my fancies. It is a long list, and can be taken as the "picky" sorts, but I shall keep it brief and be open minded. My ID name is "Creeper" (Duh.) but it is a name coming from before those walking green pen15s in the OG building game called Minecraft. It was given to me to describe a part of my nature. ... That sounds bad but... it is the truth in a sense. I tend to be more quiet and observant than bustling with chatty enthusiasm. My characters tend to mimic that part of myself in some way or form.
I enjoy anthromorphic characters, unique beasts, well built characters and many other "thorough" ideas. I am not into smut nor any sexual relations of any sort with any of my characters. In my opinion there is a lot more to any story than basing an RP that will for a fact go into a sexual deviation. Written porn is not my kind of style, but other not-so-pleasent things are. I like gore. I like "harsh realities" and morbid plots. I also enjoy fantasys, but not the typical type. The ones I cringe away from are the ones formed off of one evil either trying to corrupt or trying to take over. To me that has played out too many times. I could go no but.... Subject change.
I like to doodle. I am not the best at it and especially not good at coloring anything. Takes too long and at times it is hard to keep that same "feeling" when trying to get something just the right shade or set the right "mood" for it. I also love music. And (trying to tie everything up) I can be on daily, just not on 24/7 as I do work and have a life.
I will leave it to that for now... Hope you find an intriguing plot that just keeps you tethered and your creative mind busy.

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@Scout lol! Yeah it's that "Kitty-Gritty" "They call me Mr. Gritts." Thank you for your welcome and it has been very welcoming so far. Just finally getting to find myself a spot here.
@Foster lmao it sounds interesting
Thank you. Works for me.
It has something along the lines of rendering the target's defense useless per "strike". Meaning it is an extreme case of armour piercing, even when it comes to magic defense. It does not grant the wielder that power, it would be the weapon's alone. It can be taken from that weapon and used again but that weapon would become destroyed in the process. The armour piercing is why the Elven kings held it so dear as it was the "garnish" to a bow that had been passed down through generations, but when they kingdom was to become corrupt and began the slow fall to its own demise a Scholar destroyed the bow to to keep that kind of tool out of the rival's hands. Then passed the stone to the Guardians to safe keep.
Hello, Dragon. Come to find treasures that you dragons horde so much, or am I stereotyping?
@The Harbinger of Ferocity I'm hoping that I shall find many whom share at least a few similar interests with me and I thank you for your confidence that I will find them here.
@DeadDrop Why am I "epic"?

@Foster Okay, I have been running this through my mind and I keep studying it but... What in the world is your picture of? It baffles me.
@ELGainsborough Thank you for your words of wisdom. Hopefully my stay shall be more than just a short visit and the same fate will not befall myself. I look forward to meeting the veterans in alternate worlds. As long as similar interests, mind wise, are here then I plan to stay.

@Obscene Symphony Lol I tend to things as such when I feel that that word is not quite what I am looking for to use but is all that comes to mind. For some reason at the time it didn't seem entirely fitting. Would have been interesting to get those dance moves on though...
I should have elaborated more, it is all in my head but I tend to forget that it was not typed. The stone can only show its power through a weapon, meaning that it is just a plain stone until it is forged into the hilt of a specific type of weapon. The crafting of that weapon has to be done exactly right, meaning the exact compound make up of different metals at the right temperatures at the right times throughout the smithing process, for it to "unlock" its potential power. You can not wield it as just the stone by itself. it is purely an augmentation. I shall edit this into that. The reason the power of that stone is not stated as to what it is is because the character does not know, as the "Guardian"s were never told. AKA Vivex is never going to use it herself as her species inherently does not care for such type things nor the gain they could obtain from it.
I do not quite know how to rate the stone nor a couple of those abilities listed... they seem about right for the explanations given?
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