Caty, Liz, and Cassie found Camilla using Jumper, who Caty had been using to track her.
“You used your spider to track me?” Camilla asked unamused.
“I learned from the best,” Caty responded cheekily.
“I can't believe you were able to turn her. What kind of overpowered cosmic ability do you have?”
Caty shrugged. “I'm not too sure it was me. All I did was cry and say I was tired.”
Camilla couldn't believe it. This was the girl she lost to? The true Spider-Woman? She sighed, admitting defeat.
The newly assembled quartet returned to Casa de Davis where Caty explained to her mom that Liz survived her incident, but was undergoing an experimental procedure to save her life and that Camilla and Cassandra were Dani's sisters and that they wanted to stay with them for Christmas. Denise, of course, accepted this, but she wasn't the fool that her kids thought they were. She asked the girls to follow her to her room leaving Caty and Danny alone together.
Denise brought the girls to her room and closed the door behind them. She sat on the bed because she felt like she needed to sit down more than they did. “I know you're clones and that my kids are Spider-Man and Spider-Woman.”
“What?” Camilla exclaimed. “How?”
“I knew it!” Dani chimed in.
Denise sighed with a light chuckle. “I realized they were the spider-heroes back on our Disney vacation. I would know my nieces and I know you died Liz. I'm a retired Agent of SHIELD. I want you four to be trained and undergo missions doing things my kids or the Avengers can't or won't. I'll be your handler. Any objections?”
“That'd be awesome!” Dani yelled. “We'd be like Totally Spies or Charlie's Angels or—”
Cassandra placed her hand over Dani's mouth.
“What about Caty? We just…” Liz sighed.
“I'm sorry, but this isn't something I want them for. At least not yet. Despite everything that's happened I want them to still be kids and New York needs them.” Denise responded. She understood Liz's feelings and her daughter's. If it were meant to be they'll be together.
Meanwhile Caty was awkwardly standing in the living room with Danny. “Kind of a crazy Christmas, huh? We have three new cousins or sisters.”
“Tell me about it!” Danny sighed exasperated. He was looking at his phone watching MJ’s Youtube channel. “My other clone tried to attack me and Dani at the mall. He wasn’t as lucky as those three unfortunately… MJ Watson caught the whole thing on film. Somehow that video is getting tons of likes and views. Do people like Spider-Man or MJ that much?”
“But that’s not the craziest part. Before Dani arrived Chase and I… Well, we’re kind of taking a break. After taking Danny home the other day, MJ and I… well, MJ and Spider-Man I guess… Had a kiss… Who would have thought Danny Davis would be having relationship drama?”
Caty's eyes widened. She was glad that it seemed that Danny was having a much better holiday than her. Recruited one clone and turned the other to goo, got famous, and got a kiss from the boy he liked. It was a bummer about what happened with Chase, but at least he had that pick me up.
“I'm sure MJ just boosts your already high popularity. I'm sorry about your clone, but I'm glad you and Dani are okay. And if things don't work out with Chase at least things are on the up with you and MJ. Do you think he knows who you are?” She was genuinely interested in it all. They hadn't really talked much lately, admittedly it was her fault. She hadn't been around him much lately. She's been putting a lot into her crimefighting life, forgetting to really be Caty. No, to put it more correctly she was choosing not to be Caty.
“I hope not… I mean… He didn’t let on that he knew who was under the mask… I don’t know where things are going with MJ and I, but I’m enjoying the ride. I thought I would be cursed to be single forever.” He then looked at his sister. “Speaking of love lives, how are you doing now that Liz is back? Sorta kinda…”
Caty sighed. Part of her wanted to avoid that topic. “Just try to keep him safe. And about Liz… It's honestly been weird. I mean… I'm pretty sure she might actually be her. But I don't know. I was just starting to get through the worst of the grieving process. I love Liz, but it's too much for me to jump back into it. But on the bright side, she also has powers. She can fly and shoot green blasts.”
“Cool! Superhero power couple!” Danny exclaimed. He nodded at the rest of what Caty had to say. “Yeah, I would imagine it would be a lot to process. I’m sure Liz will understand if you want to take things slow. And, I know I am the last person to be giving romantic advice, but I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to.”
Caty smiled softly. “Thank you, Danny… I think I just want to be single for a while and focus on me and being Spider-Woman. I'm sorry I haven't been twin of the year lately. This year was just really a lot and I really didn't know how to handle it all, but it wasn't fair to you or mom. I'm going to try to do better.”
“It’s alright. Mom and I both understand you’ve going through it. Between Dad and Liz… But it is good to have you back in the family again. Speaking of family. How long are Mom and the clones going to keep talking? I want to open presents already!”
As if on cue Denise and the clone quartet walked down the stairs. No one noticed before, but there seemed to be extra presents under the Christmas tree.
“Speak of the devils”, Caty laughed.
“Who are you calling a devil?” Camilla bit back.
Liz laughed.
“Now, girls. Hmm. That's strange. I don't remember putting those gifts there.”
Everyone walked over to the Christmas tree to see what Denise was talking about. The clones, including Liz noticed there were presents under the trees with their names on it.
“Something good has finally happened on a holiday.” Caty said feeling at peace about how everything turned out. It started off hectic and she broke down towards the end of it, but here she was with her family and it was bigger than ever.
Danny’s eyes lit up as he grabbed the pink wrapped gift with his name on it. He unwrapped it excitedly, and his eyes lit up when he saw what was under the wrapping paper. It was an expensive and highly sought after Barbie doll he had been wanting for so long. The prices on Ebay were ridiculous. He let out an excited squeal. “Eeeee! Wow! This is amazing! I can’t believe somebody actually found one of these! This doll costs a fortune secondhand! Thank you so much!”
Danny rubbed the back of his head, and laughed sheepishly. He was a little embarrassed being a teenage boy getting excited by a Barbie doll, but thankfully, he was distracted from that after Dani opened her gift, and got the exact same doll Danny got. She had no qualms about expressing her enthusiasm. “OHMYGOSH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!”
Caty was shocked. It seemed like these mystery presents were everyone's wishes. She went to hers and unwrapped it. It was in wrapping paper the same color as her costume. She opened the box inside to see some tech she had been wanting to add to her web-shooters. This couldn't have been from her mom. “This is getting freaky. This is exactly what I've been wanting, but couldn't get.”
Camilla knelt down and unwrapped her present to see a costumed inside. She closed it back up so Denise could keep her secret. “I got some pajamas.”
Liz unwrapped her present to see a costume as well. “Wow. This is going to be my new favorite outfit.”
Cassie crouched down in front of her gift. Hers actually came with a note. It said that once she opened the box she'd have a voice, but it was up to her. She showed the note to the others.
Caty was really confused now. “A voice… in a box? Mom? Is Santa real?”
Denise paused for a moment. “Well… Ever since you two were kids there were random presents your father and I never bought. Maybe?”
Danny shrugged. “Being a man of science, I would say no. But between Spider-Men and Spider-Women, mutant werelizards and all the other weird stuff we’ve seen, anything is possible I suppose.”
Caty noticed that there was another mysterious gift. This time with her mother's name on it. She handed it to her. “This one's yours.”
Denise took the gift and unwrapped it. When she opened the box to see what was inside her hand rushed to her mouth as tears began to fall from her eyes. Everyone started to wonder if she was okay. Denise pulled out a snow globe that held the scenery of her and David's first date and kiss.
Everyone silently came to the same conclusion. Santa was real and he was a miracle worker.
“You used your spider to track me?” Camilla asked unamused.
“I learned from the best,” Caty responded cheekily.
“I can't believe you were able to turn her. What kind of overpowered cosmic ability do you have?”
Caty shrugged. “I'm not too sure it was me. All I did was cry and say I was tired.”
Camilla couldn't believe it. This was the girl she lost to? The true Spider-Woman? She sighed, admitting defeat.
The newly assembled quartet returned to Casa de Davis where Caty explained to her mom that Liz survived her incident, but was undergoing an experimental procedure to save her life and that Camilla and Cassandra were Dani's sisters and that they wanted to stay with them for Christmas. Denise, of course, accepted this, but she wasn't the fool that her kids thought they were. She asked the girls to follow her to her room leaving Caty and Danny alone together.
Denise brought the girls to her room and closed the door behind them. She sat on the bed because she felt like she needed to sit down more than they did. “I know you're clones and that my kids are Spider-Man and Spider-Woman.”
“What?” Camilla exclaimed. “How?”
“I knew it!” Dani chimed in.
Denise sighed with a light chuckle. “I realized they were the spider-heroes back on our Disney vacation. I would know my nieces and I know you died Liz. I'm a retired Agent of SHIELD. I want you four to be trained and undergo missions doing things my kids or the Avengers can't or won't. I'll be your handler. Any objections?”
“That'd be awesome!” Dani yelled. “We'd be like Totally Spies or Charlie's Angels or—”
Cassandra placed her hand over Dani's mouth.
“What about Caty? We just…” Liz sighed.
“I'm sorry, but this isn't something I want them for. At least not yet. Despite everything that's happened I want them to still be kids and New York needs them.” Denise responded. She understood Liz's feelings and her daughter's. If it were meant to be they'll be together.
Meanwhile Caty was awkwardly standing in the living room with Danny. “Kind of a crazy Christmas, huh? We have three new cousins or sisters.”
“Tell me about it!” Danny sighed exasperated. He was looking at his phone watching MJ’s Youtube channel. “My other clone tried to attack me and Dani at the mall. He wasn’t as lucky as those three unfortunately… MJ Watson caught the whole thing on film. Somehow that video is getting tons of likes and views. Do people like Spider-Man or MJ that much?”
“But that’s not the craziest part. Before Dani arrived Chase and I… Well, we’re kind of taking a break. After taking Danny home the other day, MJ and I… well, MJ and Spider-Man I guess… Had a kiss… Who would have thought Danny Davis would be having relationship drama?”
Caty's eyes widened. She was glad that it seemed that Danny was having a much better holiday than her. Recruited one clone and turned the other to goo, got famous, and got a kiss from the boy he liked. It was a bummer about what happened with Chase, but at least he had that pick me up.
“I'm sure MJ just boosts your already high popularity. I'm sorry about your clone, but I'm glad you and Dani are okay. And if things don't work out with Chase at least things are on the up with you and MJ. Do you think he knows who you are?” She was genuinely interested in it all. They hadn't really talked much lately, admittedly it was her fault. She hadn't been around him much lately. She's been putting a lot into her crimefighting life, forgetting to really be Caty. No, to put it more correctly she was choosing not to be Caty.
“I hope not… I mean… He didn’t let on that he knew who was under the mask… I don’t know where things are going with MJ and I, but I’m enjoying the ride. I thought I would be cursed to be single forever.” He then looked at his sister. “Speaking of love lives, how are you doing now that Liz is back? Sorta kinda…”
Caty sighed. Part of her wanted to avoid that topic. “Just try to keep him safe. And about Liz… It's honestly been weird. I mean… I'm pretty sure she might actually be her. But I don't know. I was just starting to get through the worst of the grieving process. I love Liz, but it's too much for me to jump back into it. But on the bright side, she also has powers. She can fly and shoot green blasts.”
“Cool! Superhero power couple!” Danny exclaimed. He nodded at the rest of what Caty had to say. “Yeah, I would imagine it would be a lot to process. I’m sure Liz will understand if you want to take things slow. And, I know I am the last person to be giving romantic advice, but I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to.”
Caty smiled softly. “Thank you, Danny… I think I just want to be single for a while and focus on me and being Spider-Woman. I'm sorry I haven't been twin of the year lately. This year was just really a lot and I really didn't know how to handle it all, but it wasn't fair to you or mom. I'm going to try to do better.”
“It’s alright. Mom and I both understand you’ve going through it. Between Dad and Liz… But it is good to have you back in the family again. Speaking of family. How long are Mom and the clones going to keep talking? I want to open presents already!”
As if on cue Denise and the clone quartet walked down the stairs. No one noticed before, but there seemed to be extra presents under the Christmas tree.
“Speak of the devils”, Caty laughed.
“Who are you calling a devil?” Camilla bit back.
Liz laughed.
“Now, girls. Hmm. That's strange. I don't remember putting those gifts there.”
Everyone walked over to the Christmas tree to see what Denise was talking about. The clones, including Liz noticed there were presents under the trees with their names on it.
“Something good has finally happened on a holiday.” Caty said feeling at peace about how everything turned out. It started off hectic and she broke down towards the end of it, but here she was with her family and it was bigger than ever.
Danny’s eyes lit up as he grabbed the pink wrapped gift with his name on it. He unwrapped it excitedly, and his eyes lit up when he saw what was under the wrapping paper. It was an expensive and highly sought after Barbie doll he had been wanting for so long. The prices on Ebay were ridiculous. He let out an excited squeal. “Eeeee! Wow! This is amazing! I can’t believe somebody actually found one of these! This doll costs a fortune secondhand! Thank you so much!”
Danny rubbed the back of his head, and laughed sheepishly. He was a little embarrassed being a teenage boy getting excited by a Barbie doll, but thankfully, he was distracted from that after Dani opened her gift, and got the exact same doll Danny got. She had no qualms about expressing her enthusiasm. “OHMYGOSH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!”
Caty was shocked. It seemed like these mystery presents were everyone's wishes. She went to hers and unwrapped it. It was in wrapping paper the same color as her costume. She opened the box inside to see some tech she had been wanting to add to her web-shooters. This couldn't have been from her mom. “This is getting freaky. This is exactly what I've been wanting, but couldn't get.”
Camilla knelt down and unwrapped her present to see a costumed inside. She closed it back up so Denise could keep her secret. “I got some pajamas.”
Liz unwrapped her present to see a costume as well. “Wow. This is going to be my new favorite outfit.”
Cassie crouched down in front of her gift. Hers actually came with a note. It said that once she opened the box she'd have a voice, but it was up to her. She showed the note to the others.
Caty was really confused now. “A voice… in a box? Mom? Is Santa real?”
Denise paused for a moment. “Well… Ever since you two were kids there were random presents your father and I never bought. Maybe?”
Danny shrugged. “Being a man of science, I would say no. But between Spider-Men and Spider-Women, mutant werelizards and all the other weird stuff we’ve seen, anything is possible I suppose.”
Caty noticed that there was another mysterious gift. This time with her mother's name on it. She handed it to her. “This one's yours.”
Denise took the gift and unwrapped it. When she opened the box to see what was inside her hand rushed to her mouth as tears began to fall from her eyes. Everyone started to wonder if she was okay. Denise pulled out a snow globe that held the scenery of her and David's first date and kiss.
Everyone silently came to the same conclusion. Santa was real and he was a miracle worker.