Avatar of Crimson Flame


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Get a Pizza, and then go to the movies!


Gay, he/him, Autistic

I’m Crimson Flame and I’m addicted to RPing. But sometimes ADHD kicks in, and it takes me longer to reply to things than it should. If I’m taking too long to respond, feel free to say something. Just don’t be rude about it.

There are a bunch of RPs I like. Pokémon, Digimon, Fantasy, Superhero, it would take too long to list them all. I’m not a fan of Horror or Apocalypse settings though.

I have a particular type of character I like making. Look through my Character Sheet thread, and see if you notice what a lot of my characters have in common.

Most Recent Posts

Meanwhile, Chase and Danny were holding hands, navigating the hallways of their school, excited to finish their senior year together. The events of the summer had bonded them closer than ever.

Danny grinned at Chase as they headed to their lockers. “I can’t believe we’re actually seniors now. After everything we’ve been through, this feels almost…normal.”

Chase nodded, a smirk on his face. “Yeah, it’s weird. But I’m glad we’re doing this together. It’s like a fresh start.”

Danny adjusted his backpack and looked at Chase. “I think we deserve it. A little bit of normalcy can’t hurt, right?”

Then Danny heard a familiar voice. “Well well well, it looks like somebody took my advice. I knew you could do it!” The voice belonged to MJ, who was filming a video on his phone. “Do we have Midtown High’s new It couple over here?”

Danny laughed sheepishly. “Oh, hey MJ. Chase, this is MJ. MJ, this is Chase.”

MJ lowered his phone, grinning. “Nice to meet you, Chase. Danny’s told me a lot about you.”

Chase raised an eyebrow, glancing at Danny. “All good things, I hope.”

MJ chuckled. “Mostly. So, what’s the story here? Are you two officially a thing now?”

Danny blushed slightly. “Um… Well… I guess we are…”

Chase looked at Danny, surprise and amusement flickering in his eyes. “Really? I mean… Yeah, I guess we are.”

MJ’s grin widened, his phone capturing the moment. “There you have it, folks. Midtown High’s newest power couple. Congrats, you two!”

Danny couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a combination of embarrassment and happiness. “Thanks, MJ.”

MJ waved as he walked away, still recording. “You guys are going to be the talk of the school. Catch you later!”

As MJ disappeared into the crowd, Danny turned to Chase, still a bit flustered. “Sorry about that. MJ can be a bit... much sometimes.”

Chase shrugged, a playful smile on his face. “It’s all good. I guess it’s official now, huh?”

Danny nodded. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

Chase placed a hand on Danny’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Well, I’m looking forward to this year even more now.”

Danny smiled. “Me too. Let’s make it a great one.”

With that, they headed off to their first class, ready to face whatever challenges senior year had in store for them.

Danny sighed at the mention of Norman Osborn. “Yeah, it’s true. He was never like this, though. He used armor and technology. He never got to the point of mutation. You know, at one point, his son Harry was my best friend. Before all this Spider nonsense. I even interned at Oscorp for a bit, and Harry was my man in the chair. But then it turned out that Oscorp was doing shady things, and I had to take on Norman. My friendship with Harry became strained after that… Then, other things happened…”

Danny was quick to change the subject, sensing the heaviness in the air. “If it makes it easier, you can just call me Danny. I know, I know, secret identities and everything. But I don’t think that really matters in this situation…” He trailed off, giving a half-hearted chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
Upon seeing the Gibborim in their full glory, Danny was terrified. Danny felt a chill run down his spine. The monstrous figures were a nightmarish sight. Danny’s heart pounded in his chest, he was paralyzed by fear.

Chase noticed Danny’s hesitation, and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Hey, we can do this. Remember, we’re a team.”

Danny took a deep breath, forcing himself to focus. “Yeah, you’re right. We have to stop them.”

And then Danny heard a familiar voice. “Lucky for you! Reinforcements have arrived!” Dani swung in, kicking a Gibborim in the face. Which very clearly pissed it off.

Chase raised an eyebrow at the smaller, female version of Danny standing in front of him. “Uh… who is this?”

Danny smiled underneath his mask. “This is Dani. She’s my cousin/clone. It’s a long story. I’ll explain later.” He then gave her a hug. “Good to see you again! Although, I wish it were under better circumstances…”

The others joined Dani on the scene. They were truly assembled now like a full team. Liz, Nathan, and Karolina hovered above while the ground troops remained below.

Liz was surprised by what she was seeing. She was still the newest to things like this. “Wow. Those guys are huge.”

“That just means the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Caty said ready to take these guys on so she can enjoy the rest of her birthday in peace.

Alex and Nathan thrust their arms forward. “Young Avengers! Let's kick some ass.” They said in unison as the group charged forward.

Karolina, Nathan, and Liz started off by firing beams of energy, one hitting each of the trio of giants. The blasts had some effect, but clearly weren't enough on their own.

“Don't let them blast you with anything! They're deadly!” Nathan yelled out while dodging a blast of fire.

Danny swung back into action. He launched himself towards one of the Gibborim, firing webs at its face to obscure its vision. “Come on, you big ugly, thing focus on me!” he taunted, dodging a massive swipe from the creature.

Dani joined him, using her own agility to dance around the Gibborim’s attacks. “You know, for a nightmare creature, you’re really slow!” she quipped, firing webbing at its legs to trip it up.

Chase aimed fiery blasts of energy from his fistigons at the Gibborim’s legs to destabilize them. “This doesn’t seem to be doing much!”

Nico, her Staff of One glowing brightly, chanted another spell at them. “Keep pushing! We can do this!”

Molly used her super strength to leap onto one of the Gibborim, landing a powerful punch that caused it to stagger.

Dani was in awe. “Neat! It’s nice to have someone my age in the group.”

Cloak and Dagger worked together. Dagger would throw Light knives, while Cloak would transport her out of danger whenever they tried to strike back.

Meanwhile, The Pride stood back. Too stubborn to admit they had messed up.

Alex charged forward using his gift from Nathan to his advantage. He formed a shield of energy that resembled Captain America's. He used it to parry magic blasts back from one of the Gibborim causing it to be pushed back from its own blast.

Caty launched towards the Gibborim that Alex hit with a blast and punched it in the face with all of her might to push it back even more. She swung away before he could react to her. This was going well, but not well enough. These guys seemed impossible to beat. Even their own magic barely did anything against them.

Old Lace was chomping away at their legs not staying in one spot too long so he wouldn't get stomped on before moving onto the next Gibborim.

Nathan was annoyed at Pride for just standing around and not helping. He yelled down towards them. “Are you going to sit around and let your kids clean up your mess? What kind of parents are you?”

The Pride members exchanged glances, their expressions ranging from guilt to defiance. Tina Minoru stepped forward, her eyes narrowing. “We have our reasons.” she said coldly, though there was a flicker of doubt in her eyes.

Molly, overhearing the exchange, jumped down, and stood next to Nathan. “We could really use your help right now,” she shouted. “This is bigger than all of us!”

Geoffrey Wilder clenched his fists, his eyes darting between the massive forms of the Gibborim and his son, Alex. “I didn’t sign up for this to see my son die,” he muttered, finally stepping forward.

Tina Minoru, her resolve wavering, tightened her grip on her staff. “Fine. We’ll help,” she said, her voice more resolute. “But this doesn’t mean we’re on the same side.”

Victor Stein activated his high-tech gauntlets, turning to Janet. “We do this together,” he said, and she nodded, her own gauntlets glowing with energy.

Stacey and Dale Yorkes exchanged a look, their futuristic weapons at the ready. “Let’s make sure our kids come out of this alive,” Dale said, and Stacey gave a determined nod.

Leslie and Frank Dean, their alien powers crackling around them, joined the fray with renewed determination. “For our family,” Leslie said, her eyes glowing with energy.

Alice and Robert Hayes, the telepathic and telekinetic duo, shared a brief moment of understanding. “Protect the children first,” Alice said, and Robert agreed, his focus sharpening.

As the Pride members stepped forward, the battlefield shifted. Tina raised her staff, casting a powerful spell that struck one of the Gibborim, causing it to howl in pain. Victor and Janet Stein used their advanced technology to fire beams of energy, adding to the onslaught. The other members of the Pride followed suit, their combined efforts finally making a noticeable impact.

Geoffrey and Catherine Wilder worked in perfect sync, Geoffrey’s precision shots with his energy rifle, while Catherine fought them with electrified batons. Stacey’s laser whip cracked through the air, slicing through the ethereal forms of the giants, while Dale’s plasma rifle sent explosive bursts of energy into their midst.

Leslie and Frank Dean unleashed beams of radiant energy, scorching the Gibborim and forcing them back. Alice projected illusions into their minds, creating confusion and chaos, while Robert used his telekinesis to hurl massive debris at the giants, each impact causing them to stagger.

Alex looked at Nathan saying, “Thank you.” He stayed true to his word. Even with their parents initially fighting against them he gave them the chance to make up for it. He had renewed determination. Everything would finally be okay. No doomed futures and a life of beauty and wonder for him and his friends.

Caty watched in amazement. This moment reminded her of Flint Marco and what he was doing for his daughter and how he fought back against the Sinister 5 and Osborn. She needed to check on his daughter once this was all over.

Nathan hovered in front of the group as they pushed the Gibborim back. With Pride on their side they could actually overpower them. “Everyone with energy based powers and weapons release them at me. Everything you got! I'll absorb and release it in one attack.”

They all did as he said. Liz started with her bioelectric energy shooting him with a blast that recharged his suit and then some. Karolina and her parents fired off blasts as well, her parents having augmented energy from the Gibborims and boosting it even more.

Geoffrey used everything in his energy rifle to shoot him where the others had. The Stein family released their energy beams along with Chase’s initially reluctant flames, but his parents assured him that fire was still energy. “You guys still kinda suck, but this is amazing and I'm glad we got to do it together.” Chase said having the best time since they began this Runaway adventure.

The Minoru clan blasted Nathan's suit with energy spells and Tandy finished it with a summoned sword of light that she threw into his back stabilizing all of the energy inside of his suit. Nathan felt overwhelmed with power. He never felt anything like this before. If his suit wasn't containing all of this he was sure he'd be dead by now. But he felt after this his suit might not be able to do anything like this again.

The Gibborim stepped forward preparing to counter. They looked towards their Pride. “You have truly disappointed and failed us.”

“You failed yourselves.” Iron Knight said before releasing a massive beam of energy at the Gibborim sending them all crashing to the floor and dying.

With the energy they had left they put their hands together forming a counterspell to blast them all away.

Alex's body moved on instinct and jumped in front of the group. He formed a giant barrier from his wrist that took on the force of the blast. The tech that Nathan gave him allowed him to form shields and barriers like the future Invisible Woman. Unfortunately or rather fortunately Alex was a human and wasn't able to naturally absorb these energies like her or Nathan's suit. The barrier protected everyone, but Alex absorbed energy that leaked through his barrier altering his DNA in the process. He was human, but also part Gibborim.

Alex dropped the barrier once the Gibborim and the spell faded. They had won. They really won. They saved the world. Alex fell backwards, but his father caught him. “You did good, son.”

As the dust settled and the Gibborim were finally vanquished, the atmosphere was a mix of relief and exhaustion. The Young Avengers and the Pride stood together, breathing heavily but victorious.

Chase looked around at the team, a proud smile on his face. “We did it. We actually did it.”

Danny, still catching his breath, nodded. “Yeah, we did. Together.”

Nico, her Staff of One glowing faintly, stepped forward. “This isn’t over. We still have a lot to figure out, but at least for now, we’ve won.”

Alex turned to his parents. “We need to make sure this never happens again.”

Just then, the sound of sirens pierced the air, growing louder as several police cars and S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles approached the scene. Agents and officers quickly surrounded the area, their weapons at the ready.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Maria Hill stepped forward. “We received reports of a massive energy disturbance and unauthorized gatherings. What’s going on here?”

Nathan stepped forward. “We’ve stopped a catastrophic event, but these people—” he gestured towards the Pride—“are responsible for endangering countless lives. They need to be held accountable.”

Tina Minoru stepped forward, her staff lowered. “We’ll go quietly. Our children don’t deserve to pay for our mistakes.”

One by one, the members of the Pride allowed themselves to be handcuffed and led away. Geoffrey Wilder glanced back at Alex. “You did good, son. I’m proud of you.”

Alex, his emotions conflicted, simply nodded. “We’ll make sure the world is safe.”

Victor Stein looked at Chase, a hint of pride in his eyes. “Keep using your talents for good, Chase. Make something of yourself.”

Chase nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. “I will, Dad.”

As the Pride members were escorted into police vehicles, the Young Avengers gathered together, their faces a mix of relief and exhaustion. Danny looked at his friends and allies, feeling a sense of unity stronger than ever before.

The victory was bittersweet. Caty was glad that this was all over, but she felt bad for her friends. They were losing their parents. She understood what that was like with her dad. She walked over to Karolina and held her hand.

Nathan looked around at all of them. He did it. He saved the future. He wasn't disappearing though. He figured that his timeline branched off once things changed here. He wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. They were alive, but the world still had faced so much. He was just glad that they came up with the virus when they did. Even if things looked bleak in the end he trusted his family to win in the end. He'll return home to them one day, but for now his home was here. Protecting this timeline and helping his family here. “Alright everyone. Let's go home. The Quinjet awaits.”

Cloak was relieved he didn't have to transport everyone back to New York.

Caty was glad to finally be going back home and catching a break. “Finally. I love the beach, but I miss New York already.”
The ritual was already in motion, and the members of the Pride stood around an ancient stone altar, chanting in unison. The sky above them crackled with dark energy.

Alex motioned for the team to spread out, each member taking their position. Danny adjusted his new Webshooters.

Nico's eyes narrowed as she spotted her mother, Tina Minoru, leading the ritual. With a nod to the others, she stepped forward, her Staff of One glowing brightly. "Mom!" she shouted.

Tina turned, her expression a mix of surprise and disdain. "Nico. I see you haven't learned your place."

The two women began to circle each other, their magical auras clashing in the air. Nico was the first to strike, casting a spell that sent a wave of force toward her mother. Tina deflected it effortlessly, countering with a blast of dark energy that Nico barely dodged.

Meanwhile, Chase had his own confrontation. His parents, Victor and Janet Stein, were waiting for him, their expressions unreadable. "Son," Victor said, his voice cold. "You've chosen the wrong side."

Chase didn't hesitate. He activated his Fistigons and charged at them, firing off blasts of energy. Victor responded with a shield of light, protecting both himself and Janet. “You think you have a chnce against me with a mere prototype?” Victor taunted. The fight was fierce, with neither side willing to give an inch.

Molly, Alex, and Cloak were engaged with other members of the Pride, each of them holding their own in the chaotic battle. But despite their efforts, the ritual continued, the energy in the air growing more intense by the second.

Danny swung through the chaos, helping out where he could. He spotted Nico struggling against her mother and fired a web at Tina, pulling her off her feet. Nico took the opportunity to launch a powerful spell, but Tina recovered quickly, countering with a spell of her own.

As the battle raged on, Danny kept a close eye on Chase, who was in a fierce fight with his parents. He could see the strain on Chase's face as he tried to keep up with their attacks using technology of their own. Danny knew he had to do something to help.

Swinging through the battlefield, Danny landed behind Victor Stein, who was about to launch a blast at Chase. Without hesitation, Danny shot a web at Victor's hand, yanking it away and causing the blast to go wide.

"Thanks, Spidey!" Chase shouted, seizing the opportunity to fire back.

"No problem," Danny replied. "Let's take them down together."

Victor and Janet regrouped. "Two against two," Janet said, her voice dripping with contempt. "Let's see if you can handle it."

Chase and Danny fought off the Steins together. Danny used his Spider-Sense and agility to dodge, while shooting webs at their devices to keep Chase safe. Meanwhile threw everything the Fistigons had at them.

Then they heard it. A low, ominous rumble that seemed to come from the earth itself. The ground began to shake, and the sky darkened further as a massive portal began to open above the altar. The Gibborim, ancient and malevolent, were coming through.

Alex shouted, "We need to stop the portal!"

But it was too late. The Gibborim's began to emerge from the portal. The team was filled with dread. Despite their best efforts, the ritual had succeeded.

Chase looked at Danny. "This isn't over. We'll find a way to stop them."

Danny nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "Let's go save the world."

With the Gibborim now fully present, the real battle was just beginning.
I had to fight with ChatGPT to get something I was happy with, but we got there.
As the others voiced their thoughts, Ryan held the pink crystal up, its glow reflecting in his green eyes. “Eddie, you always think with your stomach.” He teased, before turning to the rest. “But Tommy has a point. That earthquake might have dislodged something. Still, these crystals are far too beautiful to be ordinary debris.”

At the idea of being drawn to the crystals, Ryan’s interest was piqued further. “Well, of course I was drawn to mine. Pink is my signature color. And I’ll be damned if someone else took this fabulous pink trinket from me.” Ryan responded. “I could make this into a beautiful pair of earrings. Just look how it sparkles!”

As Eddie suggested taking the crystals to Professor Cranston, Ryan sighed but didn’t protest. “If it helps us figure out what these are, then I suppose it’s worth it. Besides, maybe he’ll have some insight into their… fashion potential.” He smirked, giving his crystal a playful twirl in his fingers.
I’m still here, I’m just not sure how Ryan would respond. ^^
Dani knew this whole stopping Ultron thing was serious business, but she was excited to be doing some superheroing on a big stage like this. She had already gotten suited up, and was now anxiously waiting for their cue. In the meantime, she talked her sister’s and Liz’s ears off. “You know, I’m not going to be 12 forever. Maybe I should use a different codename besides Spider-Girl. Maybe Spiderette? Spinderella? Hmm… I’ll work on that. You know while were at we could also use a Team name. Ooh, what about The Spider-Sisters!” And then she looked at Liz, and remembered she did not share DNA with them, nor was she a Spider. “Uh… it’s a work in progress.”

Just then, the Ultron Bots sprung forth. That was obviously their cue. “Let’s gooooo!” Dani did some springing forth herself, and kicked an Ultron Bot in the face. Then spun a pink web to grab two more bots, and smashed their heads together.


Chase was determined to do something special for Danny's birthday, especially after everything they had been through. With the help of the team, he planned a small surprise celebration in one of the less-used rooms of the Hostel.

As night fell, Chase gathered everyone together. He led Danny to the room, insisting that he had something important to show him.

Danny followed, a bit confused but curious. When they entered the room, the lights flicked on, revealing a makeshift party setup with a small cake with pink frosting, some decorations, and a few hastily wrapped presents. The team shouted “Surprise!” Danny's eyes went wide.

“Happy birthday, Danny!” Chase exclaimed, a wide grin on his face.

Danny couldn't help but smile. “You guys did all this for me?”

Nico nodded. “It was Chase’s idea. We all figured you deserved a little celebration before things get really serious.”

Molly added, “Yeah, consider it a morale booster.”

Danny chuckled. “Thanks, everyone. This means a lot.”

They spent the next hour enjoying the simple celebration. Danny opened his presents. There were an assortment of items. Chase got him some upgraded Webshooters. They shared cake, and for a brief moment, it felt like they were just normal teenagers having a birthday party.

As the celebration wound down, the mood changed. The weight of what lay ahead returned, and the team knew it was time to focus on their mission.

Chase pulled Danny aside, his expression more serious now. “I wanted to make sure you had a good birthday, especially with everything going on. But we need to be ready for tonight.”

Danny nodded, appreciating the gesture. “Thank you, Chase. I needed that. Let’s go save the world.”

The team gathered, going over their plan one last time. Alex took the lead. “We know the ritual is happening tonight. We need to be in position before it starts. Remember, our goal is to stop The Pride and prevent the Gibborim from coming through.”

Cloak added, “I’ll use my powers to get us there undetected. Once we’re in position, we stick to the plan. No improvising unless absolutely necessary.”

Nico nodded, her staff glowing faintly. “We’re ready. Let’s do this.”

With that, Cloak enveloped them in darkness, transporting them to the location of the ritual. They arrived silently, their presence hidden by Cloak’s abilities. Tensions were high as they waited for the right moment.

I might be interested.
I’m still here. Just been distracted
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