Avatar of CrowdedMind
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 8 (0.00 / day)
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    1. CrowdedMind 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
I've tried other brands, but nothing leaves my clothes as springtime fresh as Discord.
4 yrs ago
Shout out to mosquitoes, the original bloodsuckers.
4 yrs ago
Why do we say 'one smart cookie?' Are all the other desserts failing algebra or something? Surely pie isn't...
4 yrs ago
Clocks fall back tonight - anyone else nervous about giving 2020 an extra hour? Feels a bit like giving a shark an extra row of teeth.
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4 yrs ago
As if it weren't already official, I now have proof: I am a genuine Internet idiot hahaha
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Ideas for pairings at the bottom. Let's hit the highlights before we hit the prompts:

--I am an advanced writer, have been doing the RP thing off and on for 10 years or so now. I strive to make my posts enjoyable, grammatically correct, and fit with the flow of the story. I generally post multiple paragraphs. Just depends. I can mirror-post, and give what I get, and I have done in the past. But I didn't stick with those for the long haul, they just don't capture my interest.

-- I use face claims. I find it's helpful in a lot of good ways.

-- I have a life; some days I can respond a lot, others, just a little. I won't leave you hanging...much. We all have an oops now and then. I will always do my best to drop by to say hello and let you know why I'm late responding. I understand these things come up for you, too.

-- I use RP for fun, relaxing, relief from the everyday world. I explore adult, mature themes and NSFW when appropriate for the story. As such, I need my partners to be adult, mature partners. 21+ only. Older than that? Me too. So that is not only preferred, but encouraged!

-- Romance is my bread and butter. I gotta have it. I prefer SoL 1x1 and Male 4 Female, with me playing the female and a male over the age of 21 bare minimum playing the male. No disrespect intended!

-- I prefer modern settings, but I could be convinced to throw a little magic or supernatural into the mix for the right partner and the right story line.

-- OOC chat is encouraged! But not required. If you just want to stick to the story and the plot, cool. I'm down. I just think it's more fun if you get to know a little about the person you're writing with. No gory details, please.

-- I will not ghost you. I expect the same courtesy from you. If it's not working, cool. You need a break? Cool. Wanna take the day off and just watch tv, I get it. Keep writing full steam ahead, I'm on board.

-- I might not be that into your writing style. I'll be upfront and just tell you, although I can usually get a good feel for this sort of thing when we start discussing possible plots and pairings. But not always. The same goes for you - if you aren't feeling it, I'll still respect you in the morning if you just say so.

-- I use discord. I can try here, but I prefer discord. User Name at the bottom!

-- Third person, past tense. Anything else is a deal-breaker for me, sorry.

-- One last thing: I don't want to see it. Don't show me lol.

Possible pairings that interest me at the moment are below. These are not fleshed out as of this posting, but I might come back and update them if time permits and I feel froggy:

Invented Celeb (not a real person) and Regular Joe. Or Josephine. I don't care which one of us is the celeb. Unless the guy wants to be a bodyguard or something for a little murder mystery feel or for some added drama.

Southern girl in the big city. Maybe you're a CEO, or a producer. Either way, we come from different worlds and we meet by accident (of course) when you visit my little coffee shop and think I'm a waitress instead of the owner. We've both had bad days, and end up hating each other. Or do we?

Aspiring singer almost out of time to make it before she has to pack it up and go home. Are you a talent agent who hears her perform and tries to help her navigate a fledgling career? Are you a musician she meets when she gets her first break and headlines for a big name? What will happen to our little fledgling romance as my oc's career takes off in that type of seductive world?

Sweet Home Carolina - a bit of a take on that older move with Reese Witherspoon, Sweet Home Alabama. My character has been off to the big city to make it big, and she comes home for a visit. Two ways to go, we can play it just like the plotline of the aforementioned movie, and my character wants to marry the Mayor's son, but has to divorce you first, and you don't want to sign. OR We can just go with a fresh approach. Our characters might have been high school sweethearts back in the day - or maybe I didn't even know you existed until I come home, burned out and in need of rest because making it big wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Third option on this one: You're the OC who made it big, in business, in music, in film, whatever, and I'm the OC you never knew existed/just met at the right time for the first time on your sojourn home/refuses to divorce you. Pick a card, any card. I think I like this general premise the best, though :)

Random details: Female; USA; EST; 33

CrowdedMind #3933

Most Recent Posts

Little bump in the night
Possible pairings that interest me at the moment are below. These are not fully fleshed out as of this posting, but I might come back and update them if time permits and I feel froggy:

Sweet Home Carolina STILL OPEN - a bit of a take on that older move with Reese Witherspoon, Sweet Home Alabama. My character has been off to the big city to make it big, and she comes home for a visit. Two ways to go, we can play it just like the plotline of the aforementioned movie, and my character wants to marry the Mayor's son, but has to divorce you first, and you don't want to sign. OR We can just go with a fresh approach. Our characters might have been high school sweethearts back in the day - or maybe I didn't even know you existed until I come home, burned out and in need of rest because making it big wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Third option on Sweet Home one: You're the OC who made it big, in business, in music, in film, whatever, and I'm the OC you never knew existed/just met at the right time for the first time on your sojourn home/refuses to divorce you. Pick a card, any card. I think I like this general premise the best, though :)

Southern girl in the big city. Currently filled BUT As there are several variations to go with on this, I'd be open to hearing your ideas to make it unique.Maybe you're a CEO, or a producer. Either way, we come from different worlds and we meet by accident (of course) when you visit my little coffee shop and think I'm a waitress instead of the owner. We've both had bad days, and end up hating each other. Or do we? Weird how we keep running into each other. Buying Christmas trees (I saw this one first!), randomly seated next to one another at a sporting event or charity auction. And then it's so weird how you keep stopping in for coffee after that. When clearly we hate each other. Don't we?

Invented Celeb I am doing a version of this right now, but I'm open to unique versions of it.(not a real person) and Regular Joe. Or Josephine. I don't care which one of us is the celeb. Unless the guy wants to be a bodyguard or something for a little murder mystery feel or for some added drama. Could be fun if we hated each other at the onset, the reason would depend on the relationship/how we meet. I figure both characters would make assumptions about the other based on appearance and any number of things.

Aspiring singer Extremely CLOSED.almost out of time to make it before she has to pack it up and go home. Are you a talent agent who hears her perform and tries to help her navigate a fledgling career? Are you a musician she meets when she gets her first break and headlines for a big name? What will happen to our little fledgling romance as my oc's career takes off in that type of seductive world?

Read these first, please, to save us time later :)

--I am an advanced writer, have been doing the RP thing off and on for 10 years or so now. I strive to make my posts enjoyable, grammatically correct, and fit with the flow of the story. I generally post multiple paragraphs. Just depends. I can mirror-post, and give what I get, and I have done in the past. But I didn't stick with those for the long haul, they just don't capture my interest.

-- I use face claims. I find it's helpful in a lot of good ways.

-- I have a life; some days I can respond a lot, others, just a little. I won't leave you hanging...much. We all have an oops now and then. I will always do my best to drop by to say hello and let you know why I'm late responding. I understand these things come up for you, too.

-- I use RP for fun, relaxing, relief from the everyday world. I explore adult, mature themes and NSFW when appropriate for the story. As such, I need my partners to be adult, mature partners. 21+ only. Older than that? Me too. So that is not only preferred, but encouraged!

-- Romance is my bread and butter. I gotta have it. I prefer SoL 1x1 and Male 4 Female, with me playing the female and a male over the age of 21 bare minimum playing the male. No disrespect intended!

-- I prefer modern settings, but I could be convinced to throw a little magic or supernatural into the mix for the right partner and the right story line.

-- OOC chat is encouraged! But not required. If you just want to stick to the story and the plot, cool. I'm down. I just think it's more fun if you get to know a little about the person you're writing with. No gory details, please.

-- I will not ghost you. I expect the same courtesy from you. If it's not working, cool. You need a break? Cool. Wanna take the day off and just watch tv, I get it. Keep writing full steam ahead, I'm on board.

-- I might not be that into your writing style. I'll be upfront and just tell you, although I can usually get a good feel for this sort of thing when we start discussing possible plots and pairings. But not always. The same goes for you - if you aren't feeling it, I'll still respect you in the morning if you just say so.

-- I use discord. I can try here, but I prefer discord. User Name at the bottom!

-- Third person, past tense. Anything else is a deal-breaker for me, sorry.

-- One last thing: I don't want to see it. Don't show me lol.

Random details: Female; USA; EST; 33

CrowdedMind #3933

Pssst...over here. Right this way for you guys who are down with the slow burn vibe! These are just the most recent I've come up with. I'm open to your ideas or prompts, too. Plus, none of these are set in stone.

Idea one: Country girl, city guy
Congratulations! You’re some fancy pants corporate guy trying to make your mark in the hustle and bustle, and your great aunt you haven’t seen since you were a child left you her horse ranch. You’re thinking you can fix it up over a two or three week leave of absence (or maybe you got canned?). The place needs a ton of work and you’re in over your head. I’m the girl next door who has been tending to what horses are left and helping your dear, departed great aunt. We couldn’t be more different, and yet, we’ve both been badly burned in the love department. I’m suspicious of your big city ways, (you’re kind of a dick) you’re convinced I’m a one-horse town kind of girl and nothing more (I’m more than a little frosty) Will we let our guards down long enough to let the real people shine through and take a chance?

Idea 2: Hallmark Christmas Special
Just in time for the upcoming holidays! I am a small town girl who opened a bakery in the big city, and you’re a rich CEO or something along those lines. This could go a couple of ways. First, maybe I run into you (quite literally) while rushing a cake from my van into your office building for my first big order - it happens to be your promotion party. Frosting flies all over your Armani suit. But sparks seem to fly, too. OR maybe your stuck up as hell fiancee hires me to make the cake for your upcoming wedding, but it’s not just my confections that leave you craving more. Set it against the backdrop of all the magic of the holiday season and voila!

Idea 3
The kids made me do It
Yep, you guessed it! We are both single parents with different backgrounds and are scarred by what happened to or with our exes. We could go dark here, or keep it simple. Either way, we have trust issues. You’re a bit of a playboy, when you can find a sitter, but when my kid joins your kid’s preschool, we start moving in the same birthday party/school/play date circles. I’ve been warned off you by the other moms you hit on, but I can’t help but see a softer side to you despite my fears. And you keep coming back no matter how many times I shoot ya down, etc. we can iron that out later. But, juice boxes by the sandbox can only get us so far. Will we finally get together?

Idea 4 Blame it on the alcohol
Not going to even hedge, I am ripping off Grey's Anatomy just a bit here
The premise is that we meet in a bar. We drink too much, and I end up taking you home with me or going home with you. It is amazing, mind bending, best sex ever. But oh, snap, it’s a one night stand. We wake up the next day and I either run before you wake up (at your place) or basically push you out the door of mine. Here’s the kicker, if you don’t already know: We are both starting new jobs, and one of us turns out to be the others new boss. We can hammer out the details of what jobs, where, who the boss is, etc. Bottom line? We aren’t going to be able to keep it strictly business...or are we?

Disclaimers and other boring but necessary tidbits:
I’m a more mature RP player, and I like my partners to be the same. (Read: over 21, the more over that the better). While I have no trouble responding at least one time per day most of the time, I do have to get through this thing we call life. I will always give you a courtesy heads up, won't give you BS, and I will NEVER ghost you. (Because I'm an adult)

Third person only, Discord preferred. You'll get faster responses from me there. And first person is creeptastic to me. I’m an actual female looking to write with an actual male. No disrespect intended, but here be NSFW scenes, and for me, sex matters. As in gender. If this excludes you, I’m sorry, but we all have our own thing.

Alright, if you’re descriptive and like the longer post format, hit me up! I’m dying to forget the real world and lose myself in one or all of these beauties! Hope you are, too. I'm also open to any of your ideas. Please be literate and an advanced writer, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Are you tired of one response per week RPs? Have substandard writers got you down? Are you looking for longer posts and a story you can get lost in? Well, my friend, have we got an RP for you! But supplies are limited, so don’t wait! Read on and order your perfect RP Partner today! (Must be 18 or older, in fact, the older the better. Some restrictions apply. Batteries not included.)

Alright, here we go! I’m a more mature RP player, and I like my partners to be the same. While I have no trouble responding multiple times per day most of the time, I do have to get through this thing we call life. I will always give you a courtesy heads up, and I will NEVER ghost you. It’s cowardly, juvenile, and, quite frankly, RUDE! I have an intense aversion to rudeness.

Third person only, and yes, discord is a must. I don’t enjoy email or pm RPs. And first person is creeptastic to me. I’m an actual female looking to write with an actual male. No disrespect intended, but here be NSFW scenes, and for me, sex matters. As in gender. If this excludes you, I’m sorry, but we all have our own thing. Myself included.

If you’re still on board, only one more rule before the good stuff: in my humble opinion, you can’t write convincingly about romance if you’ve never had an adult relationship. So, if you’re still hung up on your college ex, we probably aren’t going to work well together lol

Moving right along...it’s PLOT TIME!
Pssst...over here. Right this way for you guys who are down with the slow burn vibe!

Idea one: Country girl, city guy
Congratulations! You’re some fancy pants corporate guy trying to make your mark in the hustle and bustle, and your great aunt you haven’t seen since you were a child left you her horse ranch. You’re thinking you can fix it up over a two or three week leave of absence (or maybe you got canned?). The place needs a ton of work and you’re in over your head. I’m the girl next door who has been tending to what horses are left and helping your dear, departed great aunt. We couldn’t be more different, and yet, we’ve both been badly burned in the love department. I’m suspicious of your big city ways, (you’re kind of a dick) you’re convinced I’m a one-horse town kind of girl and nothing more (I’m more than a little frosty) Will we let our guards down long enough to let the real people shine through and take a chance?

Idea 2: Hallmark Christmas Special (currently filled)
Just in time for the upcoming holidays! I am a small town girl who opened a bakery in the big city, and you’re a rich CEO or something along those lines. This could go a couple of ways. First, maybe I run into you (quite literally) while rushing a cake from my van into your office building for my first big order - it happens to be your promotion party. Frosting flies all over your Armani suit. But sparks seem to fly, too. OR maybe your stuck up as hell fiancee hires me to make the cake for your upcoming wedding, but it’s not just my confections that leave you craving more. Set it against the backdrop of all the magic of the holiday season and voila!

Idea 3
The kids made me do It
Yep, you guessed it! We are both single parents with different backgrounds and are scarred by what happened to or with our exes. We could go dark here, or keep it simple. Either way, we have trust issues. You’re a bit of a playboy, when you can find a sitter, but when my kid joins your kid’s preschool, we start moving in the same birthday party/school/play date circles. I’ve been warned off you by the other moms you hit on, but I can’t help but see a softer side to you despite my fears. And you keep coming back no matter how many times I shoot ya down, etc. we can iron that out later. But, juice boxes by the sandbox can only get us so far. Will we finally get together?

Idea 4 Blame it on the alcohol!
Not going to even hedge, I am ripping off Greys Anatomy just a bit here
The premise is that we meet in a bar. We drink too much, and I end up taking you home with me or going home with you. It is amazing, mind bending, best sex ever. But oh, snap, it’s a one night stand. We wake up the next day and I either run before you wake up (at your place) or basically push you out the door of mine. Here’s the kicker, if you don’t already know: We are both starting new jobs, and one of us turns out to be the others new boss. We can hammer out the details of what jobs, where, who the boss is, etc. Bottom line? We aren’t going to be able to keep it strictly business...or are we?

Alright, if you’re descriptive and like the longer post format, hit me up! I’m dying to forget the real world and lose myself in one or all of these beauties! Hope you are, too. Please be literate and an advanced writer!
Tell me you’re still seeking a partner in cheese! I am nacho average role play partner, and there are more eye-rolling puns where that came from. Seriously, I am pretty late to the game here but would love to head to the kitchen and see what we could cook up if you’re still craving some cheese.
Just kidding. I'm all sunshine and daisies and light. Half the time. New to your guild, not new to RP, wanted to say hello as it's the first stop on the welcome tour haha Nice place you have here. Looking forward to getting to know some of you
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