You're doing it alright. Welcome to the website!
@Crowe I haven’t the slightest clue lol but they are doing something right for it to last this long.
@Crowe13 it just started not to long ago actually.
@Crowe Yep. :) I just started on season 10 myself.
@Crowe Nice. :) Aside from writing up my update for my RP tonight probably going to watch more Supernatural.
@Crowe So you doing anything for Halloween this evening? :)
@Crowe It's from a film called "disaster movie", hilarious.
@Crowe like it or not, one day you're going to be a mother.
I may go out for a walk in 30 degree weather, for exercise sake and maybe just to buy a candy bar and the convenience store. :P It's Halloween after all.
That or maybe crack open one of my alcoholic beverages to celebrate a month I stopped properally celebrating before I even became an adult. :D
Happy Halloween!
@CroweI just don't like children. The ritual sacrifice is just a convenient way to get rid of them without leaving a trace :-P
Oh c'mon don't hate children, they are cute.
Also me:
@CroweSee, I thought we were on the same wavelength when I saw your signature :-P