Flying was quite the experience. Dozens of people taking off in a giant hunk of metal, flying thousands and thousands of feet in the air. So many things could go wrong; like a bird flying into the jet turbine, or the emergency doors could bust open suddenly, or the pilots could suffer simultaneous heart attacks. All of these factors and people still paid hundreds of dollars to get on one. Gwen had only flown once before as a child, an experience she could hardly remember now, but as she sat in her seat the blonde was frozen in shock.
Eyes wide in amazement her face clung to the window as she stared at the scenery below. This was better than she could have ever imagined, and this was all for free. Squishing her nose against the glass as the plane drifted over the ocean, Gwendolyn stared in awe as her breath caused the glass to grow foggy, "
Wow.." It wasn't her intention to block the view, but with her bulky jacket and wild hair, her body almost seemed to swallow the window.
"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that it's your first time flying..." An amused voice said sardonically next to her.
It had taken Gwen a moment to realize who was talking to her at first, and once she turned to throw a glance at the person beside her, her eyes widened in surprised. It was a boy. He looked a few years younger then her, but nowadays it was hard to tell apart the toddlers from the middle schoolers, so Gwen wasn't quick to assume. His clothes were plain, and simple, a feature that separated him from some of the more extravagant looking passengers in first class. Not judging him, considering her appearance probably resembled that of a homeless person, her focus quickly turned to his features. The kid had a nice smile, which was always a plus in her book, but his pale skin color and the dark bag under his eyes told her he could really use some sleep.
After taking a second to examine him, the corner of her lip tugged into a playful smirk as she finally responded. "
Yes, and no! I flew with my dad a long time ago to visit my grandparents in Virginia, but I was really little back then so--" Plopping back in her seat before finishing her sentence, Gwendolyn found herself swallowed whole and cut off by her massive blue coat. The top of her hair bunched out at the collar of the jacket as a muffled groan could be heard within the dense fabric.
Great first impression, Gwen.'
Flailing in frustration, she clawed at the coat before pulling it over her head and throwing it on her lap. Just about smothered, she gasped for air almost comically as she clawed the arm rest in support, "
Christ! I couldn't breath for a minute."
Adjusting her disheveled plain white tee after wrestling with her jacket, Gwen continued where she left off. Cheeks flustered and a large smile pulling at her lips, she placed her full attention on the boy beside her, "
As I was saying; I was a baby when I flew with my dad, so I don't remember much. So, I guess you could say this is my first time."
"Keran." he introduced himself with a grin, extending his hand.
Keran was a nice name, and despite its femininity and Keran's androgynous appearance, the blonde didn't feel the need to ask any questions. Acknowledging his name with a nod, she took his hand into hers before introducing herself, "
Name's Gwen, Gwendolyn Smith." Not taking any chances by saying her full name, the lie slipped out without a problem.
I'm guessing this isn't your first time on a plane then." She said jokingly. "
So what brings you to Haiti?"
"Calm down, it could just have been a coincidence." Smith was one of the most common family names in America, after all, hence why it was so often used as a generic pseudonym in spy movies. However, instinct told Keran that there was probably more to it than met the eye. Much like himself, Gwendolyn stuck out like a sore thumb in the upper crust environment of first class. Her hair was wild and disheveled, her clothing plain and tattered, and her general disposition was guarded. All of which seemed to suggest that it might have been possible that she was in the same kind of trouble as he was. It wasn't exactly tourist season as of yet, and he had seen very few people under the age of thirty onboard. It could have been nothing, of course, but if it wasn't...
"Oh, you know, just visiting family..." Keran responded nonchalantly with a wry grin.
"As you can clearly see from my skin tone, I'm obviously native..."He took another sip of his now almost empty cup of coffee before declaring confidently in painfully bad French:
"Je entendu Haiti bien de naturel, mais trouble ne avec pas devant!" He grinned self effacingly.
"How about you? What brings you to this beautiful country? Apart from the poverty, bad sanitation and socio-economic chaos, I mean...""
I'm visiting some family too. My cousin Wally, actually." Gwens smile had become strained, and her words straight forward. "
He does missionary work, and asked me if I wanted to volunteer."
Here's where it gets embarrassing if I'm wrong..."Wally? I think I might know him." he gambled.
"Nice suits, late thirties, works for W&V incorporated? Does a great Men in Black impression, watches too many spy movies?"Eyes widening slightly, her features relaxed as a grin stretched across her face, "
That's the one!" She said with a wink. Holding her hand out this time, Gwen continued to flash a cheeky grin, "
Keran did his best not to let the massive internal sigh of relief show on his features, simply responding with what was hopefully a nonchalant smile.
"Valkesh." he responded, giving Gwendolyn's hand a polite shake.
"He convinced me about volunteering as well, actually. I wasn't really sure about taking the offer, to be perfectly honest, but I really didn't think I had many options. Still not quite sure I did the right choice, really. How about you?"The cheerful features on Gwens face had left, leaving a worried frown in its place, "
Same." She replied somberly. "
I didn't really have a choice either, but what the government is doing to people like us is terrifying, and wrong on so many levels. It would have almost felt wrong if I didn't come, honestly."
Eyes narrowed, and foot tapping rapidly, it was becoming clear the conversation was making her uncomfortable, "
I just hope good ol' Waldo is the real deal, you know?"
He held back a cynical comment and just nodded. No point in adding anxiety now. Besides, he'd need all the allies he could get. Although he was normally a fairly cheerful sort of person, these were hardly normal circumstances, and his sense of humour had a tendency to get considerably more morbid than usual when he was tired. Then again, Haiti was a great place to make someone disappear. And even if the letter had been sincere, there was no telling what sort of mess they had just gotten themselves into.
'No such thing as a free meal, after all...' Hopefully it wouldn't be a metahuman trafficking ring or a convenient way to dispose of them. Those could be terribly inconvenient.
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worse, I guess..." he simply said instead.
He nervously gulped down the remainder of his cup.
"So, what can you do anyways?" he asked in hushed tone, trying to change the subject.
Silent at first, she finally responded to Kerans question after a few seconds of tense silence. "
Well," Raising a hand to cover her mouth, she leaned in and whispered, "
I'm a Fairy"
Wiggling her eyebrows playfully, Gwendolyn sat back in her chair and smiled, "
Really though, I can make, and move these little lights that I call, Wisps. You know, like Will-o'-the-Wisps," She added, her fingers fluttering for dramatic effect. "
They're fast little shits that never seem to shut up, but they can be a bit shy in public so I can show you once we we're somewhere more private. What about you?" She finally asked.
"Apart from my wonderful personality and amazing good looks? Well... According to my old kindergarten teacher, I'm apparently the anti-Christ, and the evidence has been pretty compelling so far..." he said jokingly.
Technically speaking, actually, it wasn't entirely inaccurate, from a certain perspective. Shortly after he first discovered his powers, he may or may not have scared off a group of drunk college students trying to pick a fight with him at night by inferring he was Lucifer the Morning Star, once most favoured child of the Almighty, their new lord and master. In his defence, he
had only been 14 at the time. Who
wouldn't have wanted to show off with their power a bit?
"Seriously though, I can basically control shadows."Laughing softly, Gwen shifted in her seat so she faced Keran completely, "
Oh nice! Coincidentally, my parents believed I was a prophet of God when I was little. In fact, a lot of people did for a while. Those were crazy times man, crazy times." A nostalgic look had come to her eyes as she shook her head softly.
So when did your abilities start showing? Or have you have always been the spawn of the devil?" She asked coyly smirking.
"A bit after I turned fourteen, I think. It was really anticlimactic too, really disappointing." He pouted melodramatically.
"No statues weeping tears of blood, no talking in weird tongues, no nothing. You'd expect that they'd take that sort of things more seriously, really. At least make all church bells in the city suddenly go off at once or something..."He gave an weary, exaggerated sigh.
"Biblical signs of the apocalypse really aren't what they used to be. Oh well... I guess I should just be thankful that they didn't make the walls start bleeding, though, it would have been a terrible mess to clean up. My parents would have been pretty mad at me if that happened too.""
I don't know, man. It's starting to feel like the apocalypse--for people like us at least." Features settling into a weary smile, Gwen gave a forced laugh and shrugged, "
Who knows, maybe us meeting is the sign of the end. You know, like the whole light and dark joining as one thing?" Her nose suddenly scrunched in distaste at her own words, "
Wow.. that was cheesy. Forget I said that!"
He cracked up a little.
After laughing at herself, Gwen shook her head as the same tired smile returned to her face, "
Still, if Haiti isn't the place we think it is there might be a chance we'll have to team up. So," Hand raised, and pinky extended out, she continued, "
If you've got my back, I got yours?"
"Right." He grinned, entwining his finger with her own.
A sharp pang of melancholy stabbed his heart as he did so, remembering how he would always seal promises to his little brothers the same way.
God, I miss the little hellions already...He rubbed his eyes exhaustedly and laid his head back into the seat.
"I think I'll try to catch a little rest before we land, if you don't mind." He mumbled.
"Had a busy day..."= = =It was dark in Haiti by the time the plane arrived, though the bright lights of the airport made it easy to see. Humidity and heat struck them like an almost physical blow. It was
hot. After the traditional announcements and delays had been dealt with, the passengers were ushered out towards the Arrivals Lounge, all off-white and listless metal. They stayed together as they went towards the baggage collection area, keeping a wary eye on their surroundings. After they had both collected their luggage, they began scanning the area for the person sent by their mysterious benefactor.