Feel free to ignore this if you are full. ^_^
Name: Rose Taylor.
Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Female.

Experiment Type: A variant of an old Sumerian curse known as "The Scholar's Torment", which was meant to punish mortals for their hubris.
Memory theft: As a result of the spell cast upon her during the experiment, Rose now has the ability to slowly steal skills, memories and experiences from a target through direct skin-to-skin contact, in an act that Talia Veiss referred to as "feeding". While she does so, her victim will quickly becomes increasingly dazed, lethargic and confused. They will be left with very fuzzy memories of the event.
As part of the curse, her intellectual capabilities and memory were also dramatically increased, and she no longer requires sleep. Although she isn't aware of it yet, she is technically capable of a few other short ranged telepathic effects.
Complete creative sterility: Before her changes, Rose used to be a vibrant, energetic young woman, with formidable creativity and a passion for the arts. While her appreciation for art remains, she is now completely and utterly incapable of coming up with a single new idea. Although she is perfectly capable of repeating old behaviour or mechanically following pre-established guidelines to reach a logical conclusion, she literally cannot create anything anymore. Her speech patterns, her mannerisms, her emotions... Everything she says or does must be either derived from her old memories or stolen from someone else (figuratively or literally). She can mix and match old, existing processes to an extent, but is no longer capable of creating any new ones. She would, for example, be able make a perfect replica an old painting of hers from memory, but will never be able to make a another one on her own. In addition to being tremendously painful for her, this makes her fairly predictable as a whole, and unable to adapt to new situations spontaneously.
Unquenchable thirst for knowledge: Ever since the experiment, Rosa has been consumed with an almost overwhelming thirst for knowledge. No matter how much she reads, how many memories she steals, she always needs more. Like a drug addict on withdrawal, she becomes nervous and agitated in between feedings, and gets an almost constant urge steal other people's memories. While reading books or browsing the internet might help quench her thirst momentarily, it always feels dull and unsatisfying compared to the thrill of experiencing life through someone else's mind.
Fog of the ages: Perhaps the most sadistic part of the curse. Every time she absorbs a new memory from someone, an old one is overwritten. It could be anything, really. The smile on her mother's face, her first time riding a bike... Her little brother's name, her grandfather's address, what her dead dog used to look like. She can still remember with a little effort, the human brain if not redundant after all; but each time this happens, it becomes just a little harder for her to conjure the memory. Eventually, it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of who she is. The more information she assimilates at once, the harder it is to maintain her identity.
Physically human: Apart from her lack of sleep, her physical abilities are still pretty much those of a perfectly ordinary eighteen year old, 115 lbs female human. She can be shot, dismembered, eviscerated, decapitated, and so forth, and is very unlikely to recover from it. While her inability to grow tired does give her a certain advantage, it isn't really a significant one in most situations.
Hasn't fed much yet: Since being cursed in the experiment, she still hasn't been allowed to steal many memories beyond what was necessary for testing. This means that not only will she probably not be particularly useful in the beginning of the roleplay, but that becoming so will necessarily involve stripping other sentient beings of significant parts of their identity. Books and random trivia from the internet will take her surprisingly far, but they are no real substitutes for actual experience.
Her super power is basically mind rape: Her power is literally the ability steal memories, skills and experiences from other people. The human mind is a complex, wonderful and carefully balanced mechanism, and she essentially tears large gaping holes into it every time she uses it. The longer she feeds, the worse it becomes for her victims, and the harder it is for her to pull away. Quite often, the less fortunate of her victims will be left with either temporary or permanent side effects, ranging from loss of confidence or paranoia to early Alzheimer's or severe loss of motor skills and intellectual capabilities. If she completely drains someone of their memories, they will be left as a hollow, mindless husk, technically alive, but for all intents and purposes catatonic. Some might be able to relearn how to function with time, children forever locked inside of adult bodies, but others will simply remain unmoving for the remainder of their lives, empty vessels of their former selves. It is a matter of debate which would be the lucky ones.
Psychic vulnerability: The fragmented nature of her mind will also leave her slightly vulnerable to certain types of psychic attacks.
Bio: To be written.
Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Female.

Experiment Type: A variant of an old Sumerian curse known as "The Scholar's Torment", which was meant to punish mortals for their hubris.
Memory theft: As a result of the spell cast upon her during the experiment, Rose now has the ability to slowly steal skills, memories and experiences from a target through direct skin-to-skin contact, in an act that Talia Veiss referred to as "feeding". While she does so, her victim will quickly becomes increasingly dazed, lethargic and confused. They will be left with very fuzzy memories of the event.
As part of the curse, her intellectual capabilities and memory were also dramatically increased, and she no longer requires sleep. Although she isn't aware of it yet, she is technically capable of a few other short ranged telepathic effects.
Complete creative sterility: Before her changes, Rose used to be a vibrant, energetic young woman, with formidable creativity and a passion for the arts. While her appreciation for art remains, she is now completely and utterly incapable of coming up with a single new idea. Although she is perfectly capable of repeating old behaviour or mechanically following pre-established guidelines to reach a logical conclusion, she literally cannot create anything anymore. Her speech patterns, her mannerisms, her emotions... Everything she says or does must be either derived from her old memories or stolen from someone else (figuratively or literally). She can mix and match old, existing processes to an extent, but is no longer capable of creating any new ones. She would, for example, be able make a perfect replica an old painting of hers from memory, but will never be able to make a another one on her own. In addition to being tremendously painful for her, this makes her fairly predictable as a whole, and unable to adapt to new situations spontaneously.
Unquenchable thirst for knowledge: Ever since the experiment, Rosa has been consumed with an almost overwhelming thirst for knowledge. No matter how much she reads, how many memories she steals, she always needs more. Like a drug addict on withdrawal, she becomes nervous and agitated in between feedings, and gets an almost constant urge steal other people's memories. While reading books or browsing the internet might help quench her thirst momentarily, it always feels dull and unsatisfying compared to the thrill of experiencing life through someone else's mind.
Fog of the ages: Perhaps the most sadistic part of the curse. Every time she absorbs a new memory from someone, an old one is overwritten. It could be anything, really. The smile on her mother's face, her first time riding a bike... Her little brother's name, her grandfather's address, what her dead dog used to look like. She can still remember with a little effort, the human brain if not redundant after all; but each time this happens, it becomes just a little harder for her to conjure the memory. Eventually, it becomes more and more difficult to keep track of who she is. The more information she assimilates at once, the harder it is to maintain her identity.
Physically human: Apart from her lack of sleep, her physical abilities are still pretty much those of a perfectly ordinary eighteen year old, 115 lbs female human. She can be shot, dismembered, eviscerated, decapitated, and so forth, and is very unlikely to recover from it. While her inability to grow tired does give her a certain advantage, it isn't really a significant one in most situations.
Hasn't fed much yet: Since being cursed in the experiment, she still hasn't been allowed to steal many memories beyond what was necessary for testing. This means that not only will she probably not be particularly useful in the beginning of the roleplay, but that becoming so will necessarily involve stripping other sentient beings of significant parts of their identity. Books and random trivia from the internet will take her surprisingly far, but they are no real substitutes for actual experience.
Her super power is basically mind rape: Her power is literally the ability steal memories, skills and experiences from other people. The human mind is a complex, wonderful and carefully balanced mechanism, and she essentially tears large gaping holes into it every time she uses it. The longer she feeds, the worse it becomes for her victims, and the harder it is for her to pull away. Quite often, the less fortunate of her victims will be left with either temporary or permanent side effects, ranging from loss of confidence or paranoia to early Alzheimer's or severe loss of motor skills and intellectual capabilities. If she completely drains someone of their memories, they will be left as a hollow, mindless husk, technically alive, but for all intents and purposes catatonic. Some might be able to relearn how to function with time, children forever locked inside of adult bodies, but others will simply remain unmoving for the remainder of their lives, empty vessels of their former selves. It is a matter of debate which would be the lucky ones.
Psychic vulnerability: The fragmented nature of her mind will also leave her slightly vulnerable to certain types of psychic attacks.
Bio: To be written.