7/11-slash-KK aren't full-stop bad, they're just the mcdonalds of donuts--except unlike hamburgers you can get good donuts from a local place for the same price
7 hrs ago
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7 hrs ago
7/11-slash-KK aren't full-stop bad, they're just the mcdonalds of donuts--except unlike hamburgers you can get good donuts from a local place for the same price
7 hrs ago
i'm sorry but krispy kreme is a 7/11 ass donut. if i'm getting donuts it's from a place called "Donut Heaven" that looks like the 1980s and is staffed by old ladies.
3 days ago
was confused for a bit--started writing some posts in present tense, which i've never really done. just realizing it's because my "GM voice" is in present tense, and i've never GM'd over text til now
3 days ago
now that it's been a few months here i feel like i've settled into a good rhythm and gotten into some interesting games; that said, I wish there were more tabletop games looking for players =O
5 days ago
IRL D&D got cancelled today because my GM's car broke down =( not that I don't have other games going on, but I'm bummed to miss the only tabletop game I'm not GMing (and also not getting to hang out)
us pacific time
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[url=]Eidolon: Conspiracy Theory[/url] as [b]The GM[/b]
[url=]Scum and Villainy: Plentiful Bounty[/url] as [b]The GM[/b]
[url=]Noble Arms: The ASEAN War[/url] as [color=#7b8973]Warrant Officer Michaela "Mikey" Rangel[/color]
[url=]2100: Badland Republic[/url] as [color=#0a9b00]Rory Arcadia[/color]
[url=]Nerves in Carbonox[/url] as [color=#fc4b6c]Sanro[/color] & [color=#4b6cfc]Nero[/color] Marques
[url=]I Am Thou: A Persona/SMT Inspired Story[/url] as [color=c92c65]Amaranthe Foreste[/color]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">he/him<br>30s<br>us pacific time<br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">Active Threads</span></span><br><br><a href="">Eidolon: Conspiracy Theory</a> as <span class="bb-b">The GM</span><br><a href="">Scum and Villainy: Plentiful Bounty</a> as <span class="bb-b">The GM</span><br><a href="">Noble Arms: The ASEAN War</a> as <font color="#7b8973">Warrant Officer Michaela "Mikey" Rangel</font><br><a href="">2100: Badland Republic</a> as <font color="#0a9b00">Rory Arcadia</font><br><a href="">Nerves in Carbonox</a> as <font color="#fc4b6c">Sanro</font> & <font color="#4b6cfc">Nero</font> Marques<br><a href="">I Am Thou: A Persona/SMT Inspired Story</a> as <font color="#c92c65">Amaranthe Foreste</font><br></div>