Name: Maylow
Gender: Male

Personality: Maylow is a stern god of the Night, Well he always acts stern nonetheless. But deep down there is a bitter-sweet loneliness the night brings to him when all vanish and huddle to keep safe. Maylow is often found alone and wandering as the night follows his path as his shadows curl across the lands as he walks. Maylow seems to almost be mute to many as he speaks very little but his eyes could tell you a whole eons worth of stories if you sat by him and talked. Maylow is aware that many rush home during the night and many fear what the darkness can bring but he promises no harm under his hands. While he commands the change of night and day, he also controls the aspects of the stars and the shimmer they give to the planet to light the way for anyone seeking shelter. He is a very merciful god rarely causing anyone harm but the night can also hold the dangers of those that manage to touch him the wrong way.
Domain: The Lord of The Night
Night Indeucment - Where ever he walks or travels the night follows him, casting over the lands the darkness that many fear. Though too with the darkness and shadows give way to sparkles of the stars and mysteries of space as well.
Star Light - Can summon a glow around him much like a star to guide travelers to a safe place in the darkness
Darkness Control - Summon and control darkness, often used to just teleport or defend himself or attack humans that anger him.
Brief Backstory: Maylow watched the earth spin for many generations, his shadows traveling with him when the night had to be placed in any country or city. His shadows and his myths often cast fear to many that the nighttime can only bring problems for those that seek shelter from the man that brings in the darkness. Maylow has often never harmed many humans or gods or goddesses as many seem to understand his place in the world and often leave him to his own devices. But that doesn't mean that Maylow by any means is a safe person all the time. There was one human that pissed him off so badly that they found the man's carcass the next day shredded by shadows and only thing that was left was a small black feather with starlight on it, a symbol of Maylows anger. Maylow is often just alone and wandering wherever the night is needed or traveling with himself in daylight and hiding who he is and the shadows stay away. regardless respect is needed for the man, who may or may not allow you to shelter safely during the night.