The Earth humanity had known was long gone a few thousand years ago, humanity's greed and supernatural breeding gave way to one of the most dangerous nuclear wars that the earth had ever seen. Counties and half of the plate were completely obliterated, barely any life could be sustained on the planet. All those wealthy enough would be allowed to live in the highest city,Tavki .
Tavki was the biggest city that floated above the planet, water and pleasure and all resources often gathered there. You had the most content and easy life, no worries no pain no fighting nothing, pure peace. This place saw no wars, no anger or even emotions of discomfort. But those that wished to leave were free to, the only catch? You CAN NEVER COME BACK. the security system of the city was so tight that man people that learned the horrors of leaving wanted back in and even one goddess Athena tried to go back only to be destroyed by the security system of the city a gruesome reminder of you truly never could come back no matter who you were or what you where.
The Next City a little more for hard-working people and those that want to feel like a purpose in life was the city of Borta, Borta was a large city that seemed to hover a little closer to the ground but still far enough people and creatures never saw the earth below them and how much of it was truly unable to be inhabited anymore. Borta was a fair city if you worked and worked hard you could make a living, feed your family and have a job. But even they had strict guidelines if you left, you too could never return to the city. It was a form that both cities had of population control.
The ONLY place left on earth that was even remotely left that could be housed to have anything live was the Poka Santuary town, The place where all the scum of each city where banished to. This place had thieves, murderers, necromancers anything that cities didn't want was dumped here. While you might think that's horrible it could be but only if you don't know where to look. Plenty of these people you should never trust, but there was a code amongst thieves and murderers, that those that seek fortune can't be harmed, Lucky for treasure hunters but bad as well as they still could be robbed of their findings.
The Tavern Located in the northern part of the town was the place where you could keep up on tabs and news on the world around them. From raiders to murders in the outlands to places of danger and stories of seasoned veterans that have seen first hand how bad the earth had become. The place was the only place where peace was maintained amongst the town the bartender was a man named Frank Wilder, he was a harsh man and even harsher if you caused his place any trouble.
The Danger of being here was great but because of Frank and his deeds, the tavern stayed very safe for most outsiders. The tavern was busy as always, people yelling and shouting, even someone was already drunk on the floor. There was two that walked into the tavern and the entire place went dead silent, The tall man wore dark clothing a blade strapped to his back, a hat that covered his face and a woman beside him her white dress elegent and looked like it could be set on fire at any moment.
"AH Richard! Rose Welcome back" Frank Wilder yelled happily as a few grumbles could be heard from some men as Ricard the tall man merely nodded his head walking past everyone as Rose walked beside him elegantly. She could have sworn was a noble but she was far beyond a noble could ever be.
"What would you guys like?"
"I require the back room for today Frank Rose and I have things to speak about in the Mountains of Eras," he said lowly as Rose nodded and grinned.
"Yes, we might have a clue where the Casket of Macquael is located" she beamed happily as Richard glared at her to hush down and be quiet as they didn't need other prying eyes or ears to hear them. Frank nodded and gave them the key and allowed them to pass through.
Richard stalked down the long dark stairs to the lower back room that was large, dark, and damp, often very cold in the summer and very hot in the winter since everyone wanted to be down there. it was just about to become winter which on earth lasted 180 days and could become brutal.
"Oh Richard looks like we have new ones" Rose spoke as Richard raised an eyebrow and saw that indeed they were not alone, two others sat there and he could smell them already, they were brand new they had not acquired the smell of those that lived down here for even a few days or months really. Richard frowned and walked past them and sat down at a different table and looking back facepalmed as Rose was going right up to the strangers.
Rose looked at the two strangers her eyes hidden by sunglasses "Oh you two new here? I'm Rose and Thats Richard!" she beamed happily the aura around her was burning hot. She could see this was not making the man with the woman very comfortable and stopped her aura from graduating heat.
"Sorry I normally don't have those that are bothered by it" she giggled as Richard stalked over "Rose leave the nice people alone, I am sure they don't want to have your giggles haunting in their minds forever," he said sternly as Rose pouted.
"Your too serious all the time Richard treasure hunting can wait for a moment," she said as she blinked and as Richard frowned not pleased with her "anyone ever tells you to keep your mouth shut sometimes Rose?" he growled lowly as rose looked downs lightly knowing she messed up.
Treasure hunters were prized because they knew where all available things lost to earth could be located and seasoned ones were so prized that the upper cities even hired spies or assassins to find them and take treasures that they find. Treasure hunting was too dangerous so many quit and stopped, except these two. They managed to do it for over 400 years of their lives. Those that hunted for treasure had to be so careful because many died because the cities knew.