Avatar of Cyrania


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I'm an Interdiscplinary BA, searching for a job in the current market, and this site has been my introduction to role-play. I prefer medieval and/or sci-fi roleplays and am a fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, RWBY, Fire Emblem Awakening, Superheroes, and Fairy Tail.

Most Recent Posts

...Bancroft is actually still alive, right?
<Snipped quote by Cyrania>

Bancroft is already dead.

Made my post. Fortunately, her arrow shouldn't be too well aimed. :)
The chill was what she first noticed as she gathered her fill, hugging her tattered, threadbare dress closer. Only then did it strike her that the birds had stopped singing...

Marigold cursed. Were vermin near? She dropped her harvest then picked up and notched her bow, aiming it this way and that. No signs of vermin though...Maybe they were sneaking up on her! She scrambled up higher in the tree, still looking around as she went. They weren't going to get her. Never again! Only then did she spy the black shape overhead.

She paused, then got up on a branch and nocked her bow again. Was that a raptor, here? She'd always been warned about them, but never saw one before. Especially not in Mossflower...If it was on it's way to attack, where would she even-?

"Stop! Stay in the trees!"

At the sound, she jolted, loosening her arrow down towards where it'd come.
Sounds good to me too.
If it would help things, I could take on an Abby beast while Marigold's still off in the forest.
@Fading Memory Either way could work. Marigold would likely hide from Ellis though, but she could be convinced to follow with some coaxing or could instead be there able to see when more vermin come.
Away from the Abby, the sounds of the celebration wafted in the breeze, dibbuns laughing and cheering about. As the young squirell maid started to wake from her pine needle bed, she couldn't but help be reminded of simpler times, happier days. The way would gather together to feast and...

She shook her head, then stood up. No time for such musings now. She stroked a hand down her golden fur. Vermin could be here any moment now. She strode to her larder, grabbed out some fresh berries to munch on, then checked it over. "Should last at least a week, if I ration well." She said to herself. "I still could gather more..." Then she gave a quick herself a quick scrub from some of her water, put on her bow and quiver, looked through her glade to see if it was clear, then when it was to her satisfaction, she started climbing down to the berry patch.

It truly was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining as the birds sang their songs above. For most creatures, this might be a day to enjoy. Marigold Yew though couldn't though, watching her shoulder constantly as she searched for what was ripe of the wild crop. The laughter over yonder caused her to pause for a moment, but she only shook herself and went back to work. She was doing quite well on her on.

There was no need to have anyone else.

True, but the situation seems to be that the conch shell is an old tradition for how to announce the games and Name Day. So unless that hasn't been set up in the past yet, there should be something similar going on. Hence, that would be something she might hear.
Was thinking of doing a post where she hears the conch shell then we see an average day in her life.
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