Mir'aziel'thraw/ Raziel Thrawn
"That may be true, Scout Vivrynn." Raziel replied back. "However, we cannot play our roles right if we do not take more time to practice them for when the time comes. Nor find ways to better prepare..." She sighed heavily. "I realize that all of us have to keep our civilian identities intact in order to, as Corporal Frydar pointed out, not reveal our true alien natures to people that are going to mostly be hostile to aliens." Then she looked at Vivrynn and Micheala. "Unless they happen to look very human adjacent, but that's besides the point." She focused back to the group as a whole. "However, that doesn't mean we couldn't do more. Captain Far and I have been keeping track diligently of our spheres of information. I recall I gave suggestions to the rest of you for how you could be of assistance..."
Now Raziel was often pushy with her suggestions, and overly detailed. And since she was never truly the leader Ven Far has been, it would have been no fault of anyone's if they'd deigned not to follow what she'd said. In essence though, she'd suggested that Vivrynn could focus on at least daily patrols around the Power Ranger base to keep an eye out for intruders and to be among first to respond if the Power Rangers were called upon. Her ideal would be hourly patrols or half-hourly patrols, but she understands that that's asking too much. So she instead suggested coming up with a randomized pattern of patrols that worked with her work schedule.
For Grydon, she suggested that he come as often as possible to the hideout to train and keep an ear out for potential intruders as well as Imperial attacks and so be the first to get ready to become a Power Ranger and get out there. Also to keep track of any suspiciously-related incidents at the library.
For Michela, she suggested training with Grydon in order to have options if the wand should be taken from her as well as practice with her wand to make sure she's prepared for combat. Also to see if she could use her magic to find clues to the Rangers' whereabouts or to give an estimate of when the Empire will attack.
The characters though are free to have accepted all or part of the advice, ignored it entirely, or been unable to follow through due to life happening.