I hath returned, feel free to say hello
3 mos ago
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3 mos ago
I hath returned, feel free to say hello
Welcome, Welcome one and all it is I the forbidden one, I shan't bite hard, or much, or at all, provided you don't like the bites, feel free to message me, I am open to all types of RP though do prefer fantasy, though the era of that is up for debate, I generally play females, but have no real issues of playing males as well
[color=pink][center]Welcome, Welcome one and all it is I the forbidden one, I shan't bite hard, or much, or at all, provided you don't like the bites, feel free to message me, I am open to all types of RP though do prefer fantasy, though the era of that is up for debate, I generally play females, but have no real issues of playing males as well
Hope to see you all soon[/center][/color]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="pink"><div class="bb-center">Welcome, Welcome one and all it is I the forbidden one, I shan't bite hard, or much, or at all, provided you don't like the bites, feel free to message me, I am open to all types of RP though do prefer fantasy, though the era of that is up for debate, I generally play females, but have no real issues of playing males as well<br><br>Hope to see you all soon</div></font></div>